magpiemax said:
tigger said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: If only you knew.........
knew what.....?that you live in rent just to be part of the caffe latte brigade. sure so you pay top dollar in rent to have a little mouldy hovel that is damp and never see's daylight just like every other house in balmain or birchgrove,rozelle.
it must be fun enjoy having coffee's on darling street with neighbours comparing who has the most rising damp. and discussing who did that smelly fart last sunday(as da neighbours are so close)literaly.
and boasting about having a backyard that a hills clothes hoist is'nt able to turn in. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
im sorry magpiemax...
you were saying something about balmain???
saying the houses are close together and so forth???
ok, and the small backyards???
in all seriousness, what do u do in your backyard, apart from hang washing? and mowe the lawn??? have a bbq? i need a huge bare back yard 4 that!!!
so the kids can play??? they like the pard down the street better, where all da kids go 2 play... but out west you dont have nice and well maintained parks, so i guess you cant use them, and even if there were, it would probably be full of needles, bongs, and maybe the latest drive bye shooting victims... not what id want my kids round either...
and you talk about overpriced or something???
do you know why rent or houses are so expensive in balmain??? because there is a demand to live there, people would rather live there than out west, and as a result are willing to pay alot more to do so, because it is a much NICER area...
and you talk about the houses being close together??? who cares? so what? at least they are all brick, not that stylish whetherboard that is so prominent out west... and it looks soooo good!!!!
and rising dampness... i live in the area, as do alot of my friends, and i dont know of any, but i know u dont get that out west, u just hav 2 worry about the wet season, living in reclaimed swampland and all...
and late's on darling st... its much nicer than the breakfast beer at the catholic club or the workers... we get how many sugars would u like, and u get, would u like burbone or rum in ur cereal this morning???
dont knock inner city people... as most of the people that live here are the more affluent sector of society... we dont like houses that are about 2 fall down, we dont like houses that u can punch through, and we dont like livin in the drug lord, gang hill billy society, that u call western sydney...
why are prices so much higher in the innercity and balmain, than ur beloved west????
there is a reason... because people want to live there, so there is a higher market...remember that, because it will never change!!!