There’s a meeting with ciraldo this week.
He’s the best choice because he’s up to speed with everything working at the panthers at the moment and he understands how they’ve built everything up.
We are pretty much paying for his knowledge as much as anything else.
So far as I know we’ve been in discussions with him at least since last year.
A lot of coaches have managers these days as well. If his manager has players as well, we’ve got to start a campaign of misinformation about signing them and get his manager to think he will be further personally enriched by ciraldos tenure with us.
Id go so far as a honey trap if we can. Is he single? Can we send a nice lady out to fill his mind full of the benefits of wt?
Im pretty confident Brett would have learned a lot from today, it’s not his roster, his role is to blood new players and he needed a baseline. The AD issue hangs over us. As you know, he’s a favourite of mine. If the doctors clear him, I’d play him.
I was arguing with brother in law over Nado. It was a mess of a tackle, but I’m prepared to give him the benefit. I don’t think he’s a dirty player. He’d been creamed earlier.
Any insights welcome.
Hey I’m giving a driving lesson to the niece tomorrow. The engine is pretty big. I might trick her and take her over the harbour bridge. Good for her confidence. The merge bits at the ends are fun.