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If they move Lockyer to fullback...


Lockyer plays his best footy at fullback, and his move to 5/8 for the Broncos and Qld was due to a lack of other candidates. Now there are options. I also think Steven Bell is wasted on the wing, he is far better in the centres. Slater will return for game 2... If Lockyer stays at 5/8, Inglis could possibly be a good option at fullback.

My side:

1. Lockyer
2. Inglis
3. Bell
4. Hodges
5. Slater
6. Thurston
7. Prince
8. Civinoceva
9. Smith
10. Price
11. Stagg
12. Carroll
13. Harrison

14. Webb
15. Myles
16. Thaiday
17. Bowen

Tonie Carroll might be crap, but QLD are short of 2nd rowers and I think he can do the job.


I think people have come to expect too much from Bowen, he's a victim of his own brilliance. Sure he doesn't have the best all-round game, but what he has shown he is capable of in attack should mean he isn't left out of the qld team. He is a match-winner, he can turn a game with one piece of play. That's the x-factor QLD needs imo. The only reason i would drop him to the bench is to accomodate Lockyer moving to fullback, but i cant see that happening. I would also consider Inglis at fb, but then we dont have any other wingers so that wont happen either. Apart from failing to tackle Mason, I dont think Bowen was too bad in game 1, certainly not worthy of the criticism some people are giving him.


  1. Lockyer
  2. Inglis
  3. Hodges
  4. Tonga
  5. Tate
  6. Thurston
  7. Prince
  8. Civoniceva
  9. Smith
  10. Webb
  11. Myles
  12. Johnson
  13. Carroll
  14. Parker
  15. Thaiday
  16. Flannery/Harrison
  17. Bowen
Thats the team I hope they pick for origin 2. I really dont think it will happen though. Can't see them making wholesale changes after losing by only one point.

Master Vippo

Big Mick © said:
Bowen to five-eight....will be the position he cements himself in origin.

Bahahaha! Bowen defending in the front line?? In origin? The NSW forwards (and backs when u look at our centres and wingers) would just rubn over the top of him. He would be more of a liability than lockyer!


Post Whore
Until Bowen can attempt to catch every kick and run the ball back at the defence most times I do not want him in QLD's side EVER AGAIN, especially not starting no1! Here are some stats for Bowen-lovers...Bowen has started 2 games at fullback and you know what QLD has lost both of them! Coincidence I think not...Bowen can't defend any situation!


Bowen has started 2 games at fullback and you know what QLD has lost both of them! Coincidence I think not...
Lamest argument ever. There are plenty of valid reasons not to start Bowen, but that isn't one of them.


Post Whore
Ghoulies said:
Lamest argument ever. There are plenty of valid reasons not to start Bowen, but that isn't one of them.

Mate those are the facts. We dropped slater for some stupid reason last year, and got smashed becuase among other things our fullback had a barry crocker! This year bowen was not much better! Time to realise that at Origin level he just doesn't cut it! We need a fullback that catches bombs, attempts tackles, and actually runs the ball back instead of passing to his wingers every single time!


lockyno1 said:
Mate those are the facts. We dropped slater for some stupid reason last year, and got smashed becuase among other things our fullback had a barry crocker! This year bowen was not much better! Time to realise that at Origin level he just doesn't cut it! We need a fullback that catches bombs, attempts tackles, and actually runs the ball back instead of passing to his wingers every single time!
We could have had Changa Langlands at the back in game 3 last year and we'd have still been thrashed. Also, if you'll remember correctly, Slater was far from safe in the first 2 games.

I agree that Bowen must go, but to blame him for our abysmal performances of the past is very harsh.


Post Whore
Ghoulies said:
We could have had Changa Langlands at the back in game 3 last year and we'd have still been thrashed. Also, if you'll remember correctly, Slater was far from safe in the first 2 games.

I agree that Bowen must go, but to blame him for our abysmal performances of the past is very harsh.

You telling me if we had ....SCHIFOSKE at the no1 jersey last year we would have let in as many points? Then you have guys who are just as good in attack and they actually make a tackle or two- Hunt, Ingliss, Slater, etc. Bowen was always a massive liability and has been shown up big time. He has poor positioning not just at rep level. He tries to make up for it by speed but it does not work at rep level! It is time to move on.


First Grade
If a string of great performances this year and being the current Australian fullback wasn't enough, last night surely must've tipped the Qld selectors towards Hunt. His combination with Lockyer alone is too much to pass up.

Personally my Game 2 squad would now be:
1. Karmichael Hunt
2. Brent Tate
3. Justin Hodges (obviously in doubt)
4. Steve Bell
5. Greg Inglis
6. Darren Lockyer (c)
7. Johnathan Thurston
8. Steve Price
9. Cameron Smith
10. Petero Civoniceva
11. Carl Webb
12. Corey Parker
13. Tonie Carroll

14. Sam Thaiday
15. Nate Myles
16. Chris Flannery
17. Shaun Berrigan/Aaron Payne

Personally I'm a believer that mobility beats size but the mobile players that Qld have don't have the impact that's also needed. The one I'd select is big and probably a bit prop heavy but it certainly won't have the same problem that the game 1 pack had in getting go forward.

AsPiRiNg YoUtH

hehehe i remember not that long ago i was asked if i had only watched league for 2 weeks, after saying Bowen had a bad game in game 3 last year and should NOT be fullback hahaha. How things change.

Anyway QLD's back SHOULD and probably will be this:

1. Hunt
2. Slater
3. Bell
4. Inglis
5. Tate
6. Lockyer
7. Thurston

If its not than there is serious problems here. Hodges is out, as is Tonga. Tate WILL be better with more game time, and will play wing. Although there may be a few changes most notably maybe have Inglis at fullback with Hunt on the wing with Tate moving to Centre.
Slater will be back and will need that spot. He was playing great until his outburst and is dynamite in attack.

Also Bowen is a great player, and fantastic to watch, but his size and unwillingness to attack the high ball lets him down. Game 1 05 was THE perfect example of why he should come from the bench and be explosive around the rucks. So he MUST be there but from the bench.
salivor said:
If a string of great performances this year and being the current Australian fullback wasn't enough, last night surely must've tipped the Qld selectors towards Hunt. His combination with Lockyer alone is too much to pass up.

Personally my Game 2 squad would now be:
1. Karmichael Hunt
2. Brent Tate
3. Justin Hodges (obviously in doubt)
4. Steve Bell
5. Greg Inglis
6. Darren Lockyer (c)
7. Johnathan Thurston
8. Steve Price
9. Cameron Smith
10. Petero Civoniceva
11. Carl Webb
12. Corey Parker
13. Tonie Carroll

14. Sam Thaiday
15. Nate Myles
16. Chris Flannery
17. Shaun Berrigan/Aaron Payne

Personally I'm a believer that mobility beats size but the mobile players that Qld have don't have the impact that's also needed. The one I'd select is big and probably a bit prop heavy but it certainly won't have the same problem that the game 1 pack had in getting go forward.

Got enough Broncos there mate? How about Darius Boyd on the wing with Tate in centres if Hodges is out?


Anybody that comes out and says that Matt Bowen is not made for Origin, automatically has Zero Credibility.

He wasn't even that bad the other night, yes, he missed a tackle on Willie Mason, he did all he could do, there was no point trying to get him around the legs, the only fullback that may have possibly stopped Willie there would've been Anthony Minichiello, it wouldn't have mattered if Lockyer, Hunt, Slater, whoever else was at fullback for QLD, Mason would've trampled them too.

The rest of NSWs tries didn't really have much to do with Bowen.

He's copped heaps of unneccessary critism, after game 1 last year, everyone loved the bloke, now a year later, everyone hates him, even though he did nothing wrong.

If they're not going to pick Lockyer at Fullback (which im all for), Bowen should get another go at fullback imo.

For the record, I'd go:

1. Lockyer
2. Slater (if he's available)
3. Inglis, with Tonga and Hodges out, he's the next best option imo.
4. Bell/Berrigan
5. Bell/ Williams (when is he back from injury? I dont even know if its this year lol)
6. Thurston
7. Prince
13. Harrison
17. Bowen
And the rest.


First Grade
Bobby DIGital said:
Got enough Broncos there mate? How about Darius Boyd on the wing with Tate in centres if Hodges is out?

Wow thats some riviting debate there. Don't actually state which Broncos I've picked you feel don't deserve to be there, just continue to dribble.

And you do realise I've only picked one more Broncos player than the selectors picked in game 1? Rightio, tail between your legs and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Lego_Man said:
Once again Clinton Schifcofske is the forgotten man...

yeah he's always forgotten. not sure why exactly. perhaps he looks a little 'unorthodox' in the way he plays? one of the most consistent performers, though I wonder whetehr the selectors dont rate his attack? he's one of the best fullbacks defensively....

in saying that Hunt should be FB. Lockyer has shown against the bulldogs and the knights that when he gets space he can be as good a 5/8 as anyone else in the game. teh reality of SOO game 1 was that the forwards were awful, had no penetration and had no go forward.

I also believe qld's tactics as decided by that genius chicken george were horrendous and didn thelp the cause

Mr. Fahrenheit

my side...

9.Cam Smith

14. Bowen
15. Thaiday
16. Myles
17. Parker

The options here are numerous... picking Prince is a risk yes, but with bowen on the bench offers us flexibility... if prince is having a shcoker... the options are.

Locky to 5/8 >> bowen to FB, thurs to half

or Bowen to hooker and cam smith to half (he can do a decent job there IMO)

or Bowen straight to 5/8 with thurs to half.
salivor said:
Wow thats some riviting debate there. Don't actually state which Broncos I've picked you feel don't deserve to be there, just continue to dribble.

And you do realise I've only picked one more Broncos player than the selectors picked in game 1? Rightio, tail between your legs and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

LOL @ your sensitivity.

I know there were 7 Broncos in origin 1....I also know QLD lost.

Broncos who should be left out:

Hunt - Laughable suggestion. Will probably get knocked out in origin too. Inglis is 5 times the player Hunt will ever be...and he's only played about 15 games.

Tate - Has never really showed anything at oirign level before.

Lockyer - Average 5/8th at best. I highly doubt QLD will ever win a series with him in the halves.

Berrigan - He's also never done anything special at origin level. provides a bit of utility but that's about it.

Caroll - Bah...borderline I guess. Can pull off the odd big hit, but I still wouldn't choose him. Obviously Lockyer needs Tonie to protect him though LOL

I'm all for Thaiday, Civonicieva & Parker...but i'd have Parker on the bench.

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