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Yeah, he disinterestedly ran for 236m. He accidentally anticipated that intercept and ran 85 metres in the middle of his mid-afternoon snooze.

He didnt seem interested in keeping the ball in field when he ran the ball over the side line with 30 seconds to go ...

He seemed disinterested 10m out from the line after the intercept when he started walking towards the try line ( perhaps he was having his mid afternooon snooze then?)...

He wasnt all that interested in running 20cm in from the side line in that last minute from half time before he regathered the ball ( good wingers have to know exactly where the side line is at all times)...

Wasnt interested in hanging onto the ball in the first half a metre out from the line....

Seriously, if the Warriors had of lost the game following him running over the sideline in the last minute, he should have been banished to the Vulcans for life...

He is going to lose the Warriors a game eventually - hope its not an important one!


Man, Inu gets some undeserved shit handed his way. A couple of weeks ago Lewis Brown went over the side a couple of times but as he's a media and fan favourite nothing was said about it.

In the Cleary era we need players who can do something special, Inu is one of those guys - especially since last years pass it to Manu isn't working to well this year.

We should have won by a lot more - I don't see how Locke's try was ruled out when the defenders weren't impeded, in fact it actually made their job easier. 16 years in and we still can't get a trick with the TMO.

Ps: I don't know why anyone would listen to that braindead imbecile Vietch.

Fast Eddie

First Grade
Haha can't believe he is copping it for trying something 30 seconds out from halftime and all the result was that they got the ball on halfway with one tackle, big f**king deal.


Man, if he had have scored those two extra tries, which he was centimeters (millimeters even!) from doing, douchebags like Veitch would be wanking on about Warriors recruitment and how much of a freak Inu is. Yeah, maybe he should have run harder in his intercept, but at the very least he f**kin saved a certain Rabbits try by doing that.

Perhaps we should drop Berrigan to the Vulcans for having the ball slapped out of his hand. I mean, if he wasn't so lazy he would have held on to the ball, right?


Staff member
We ought to be more concerned with Hohaia's place in the team, or Manu


We ought to be more concerned with Hohaia's place in the team, or Manu
Agreed. I love the midget but he's currently only useful as a support and occasionally dummy half runner. Hohaia's ruck service is pretty average. Heremaia plays well behind a dominant pack - perhaps Mara is overall more useful than Hohaia atm. And being a youngster I'd like to see retained, more gametime would seem logical.

Manu needs to be there. I expect he will look more like his old self after the bye. You can see we are focusing our attack away from his wing - perhaps partially because he is not fully up to it yet.
We ought to be more concerned with Hohaia's place in the team, or Manu

I agree these 2 better pull finger esp them being our "Seniors" show some direction and get on with the job

If they dont fire after bye week we should get Fish Back on one wing and Brown in the centres, no doubt Manu and Hohaia can come back once they show some form - Mara can take Hohaias spot


Staff member
re the Fish taking a wing spot, with growing evidence to suggest that playing Locke, a natural fullback, on the wing was a bad move, would we be risking making the same mistake with Fisiiahi?
re the Fish taking a wing spot, with growing evidence to suggest that playing Locke, a natural fullback, on the wing was a bad move, would we be risking making the same mistake with Fisiiahi?

Fair call I strongly believe and has witnessed his ablility on the wing. Given he is also a Natural Fullback he seems to be able to adapt moreso than Locke in the wing spot. Fish is a natural back up player always roams around and creates or waits for the time to take an offload. Mind you anything can happen it goes down to results/form/injuries etc

Man this is great having these headaches we got options left, right centre and we still got players out injured. I'm lovin' being a Warriors fan at this point in time hopefully i can say the same at the seasons end


It was a terrible game. But I think Vietch thinks it was a terrible game because 50 points weren't scored.

far out, that game was anybodys till the final whistle. I thought it would go to xtra time most of the 2nd half and Inu nearly let it happen 30 seconds out.

Thought the bunnies were looking at a flogging but they played very well.

I want to see more terrible games like that :cool:


Yeah, I'm not digging the Inu bashing.

He was obviously trying to create something special each time, and I ain't gonna fault him for that, considering how well he's been going all year, and how infintissimally close he was away from pulling the miracle plays off.

Sure being bundled into touch made for a tense finish, but he backed himself to break away and I certainly don't think it's drop-worthy.

Here's hoping that next week Roosters pummel Cowboys by 30 points & one or the other of Brisbane/Manly do the same so we find ourselves sitting pretty in fourth and hunting for second on the ladder when we play the Roosters the following round!!!
I would have agreed with the Inu bashing when we first signed him but with him Maloney and Locke firing they are our 3 best players so far


I would have agreed with the Inu bashing when we first signed him but with him Maloney and Locke firing they are our 3 best players so far

Agree. I didn't want him signed, but he was here, and totally proved me wrong...which I'm stoked about.
That intercept chase down was bloody funny though:lol:
I can't believe the shit that's been thrown his way this week though, pretty harsh after the good year he's having. Yeah he did some things that were casual in the weekend, but also some good stuff as well. I'm not gonna knock the guy for a couple of average moments in one game (which we won) when his season has been good and he did good as well as bad in the weekends game anyway. The question mark if over anyone should be Manu- Obviously a gamebreaker but clearly not there atm.
I was amazed at Hughie's spray on Radio Sport about Inu, way over the top. And as for Veitch- bagging the Warriors off for a dull game on Monday, and laughing at the flack he was copping for it. Jesus...one game of League that isn't stunning non stop action and he's swearing his mates will never go back etc...Christ, has he not watched Union at any stage? Someone in my lounge on Sunday watching the Warriors-a good union man, was quite happily saying the Warriors game was a gazillion times better than the Crusaders one (which I'll take his word on, didn't see it).

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
I reckon the Manu bashing (if you can call it that, probably not that harsh) is off the mark too - especially if he did have blistering on the weekend. He's a notorious slow starter after an injury, he'll be back to his best soon enough.

I wouldn't let the bleating of someone like Veitch even appear on the radar, although it is strange that someone with the knowledge of McGahan would pipe up and say what he did after one bad performance. It's no surprise a drop-kick (pun intended for that scummy piece of work) like Veitch is a knee-jerker (intended again) given his lack of sporting knowledge but I thought better of McGahan.

Which is why I love the league hour and Allen Mc's considered views - he said Inu obviously made a couple of glaring errors but he's been a good pick-up, leads us in the try count and did other good things in the game (including making that intercept initially).


Staff member
Campion had a go at Inu too for not scoring the intercept try.


I remember when Ropati was playing good last year around the time he was covering fullback, he had a couple drop balls the week after and they were calling for his head. They're starting to sound like Sydney journos.


I remember when Ropati was playing good last year around the time he was covering fullback, he had a couple drop balls the week after and they were calling for his head. They're starting to sound like Sydney journos.

...Or AB supporters/NZ Media following Rugger:lol:

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