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Inglis to fork out $113 000 to be released



Jesus, Ron. Aren't you supposed to be bringing some sort of credibility back to Melbourne?

Waldron, that merkin, and all involved with the Storm at the time did everything in their power to make sure their superstar was supported through the court case, even when he was on the club enforced suspension. They forked out for his legal fees to clear his name and get him back on the field. The outcome was reached, Inglis played some of his best footy and Melbourne made the grand final.

Why the f**k should GI have to pay the club back? They took care of a player's welfare which I would imagine one of is the roles of any sporting organisation. Just let him go and move the hell forward. Gauci should be off chasing new sponsors rather than worrying about this sh*t! It's either that or Hartigan and co. are wanting to recoup expenses. Mind you, 113K is a drop in the multi-billion dollar News ocean when you think about it.


Why the f**k should GI have to pay the club back? They took care of a player's welfare which I would imagine one of is the roles of any sporting organisation.

Why the f**k should the club have to pay for a players alleged off field indescretions when it has nothing whatsoever to do with them? It's the same reason Manly didn't pay for Brett Stewart's defence. I'd bet my arse the vast majority of employers in any field wouldn't be paying their employees legal bills that had nothing to do with work. Secondly if they do pay anything towards the bill it'll more than likely have to come off their cap so why should the club have to suffer further for a player that doesn't even play for them any more?

If it wasn't coming off the cap then i wouldn't give a toss about News paying for it, in fact i'd love for the merkins to have to shell out even more money regardless of it being a drop in the ocean for them. But when it becomes detrimental to the club and puts them even further behind in ragards to managing the cap and signing/retaining players then that's a whole other story.

Would you be feeling so charitable toward GI if the club paid up and the money that came off the cap was the difference in them losing say Adam Blair to the Dogs next year because they couldn't fit him under the cap? Or losing a couple of players for the same reason? No need to answer that, it's blatantly obvious.


Greg was at Broncos HQ today meeting the staff and has been given permission from the Storm to start training on November 1 even though he's still contracted to them.


Let's see what he looks like after a pre-season in a Brisbane summer.

Bet my life on him not running out fat in R1 next season.

Greg has the potential to be best player in the comp, it's his weight that has held him back.

2011 will be a different story imo

He has been a fat f**k the for round 1 the last 3 years in a row. Why would 2011 be any different?

He'll undoubtedly be less of a slob by origin time like the 08 and 09 seasons, but I can't see him turning it around that quickly.

Its a shame because in 2007 he was easily the most athletic and fastest player in the league. Since then he's just got obsessed with putting on bulk, and then turning that into fat, over the last few seasons.

Will finish his career in the front row for sure


GI was injured last off season.. and didnt train much.. came into the season underdone.. a offseason at the broncs and playing off Lockyer.. i can see next season being the best of his career yet..

He did coem good this season, and played some cracker games..


He did coem good this season, and played some cracker games..

and so he should've had some cracker games, the problem being he should've had a helluva lot more than just some cracker games given he was on $450k a season. For that kind of money he was doing nowhere near enough to justify it. There's no doubt he can and probably will live up to his true potential and show it on a more regular basis but that facts are for the most part of the last few years he's massively underachieved save for the odd game when he showed his brilliance.

1 Eyed TEZZA

I feel for the team that buys Cronk and realise how over rated he is without smith and co around him.

A team makes the player, a player doesnt make the team. Of course Cronk is being made to look better with those players around him, but he's still pretty good and better then any of our options right now.


Cronk is all class.. and he is one of the players that make other players look better.. not the other way around..


and so he should've had some cracker games, the problem being he should've had a helluva lot more than just some cracker games given he was on $450k a season. For that kind of money he was doing nowhere near enough to justify it. There's no doubt he can and probably will live up to his true potential and show it on a more regular basis but that facts are for the most part of the last few years he's massively underachieved save for the odd game when he showed his brilliance.

disagree.. under his circumstances i think he did the best he could and peaked when needed, and that peak was sensational..

his circumstances will be different next season.. i can see him fireing right form the start.. and being consistent.


Probably already been said in earlier pages but...

I hope poor Inglis doesn't have to sell his (salary-cap busting) boat!!! :cool:


Fire or no I still say he'll be in the front row by the time he is 28, Wiki-style (although not as good)


GI was injured last off season.. and didnt train much.. came into the season underdone.. a offseason at the broncs and playing off Lockyer.. i can see next season being the best of his career yet..
If that was the case how come Justin Hodges never quite became the world beater he threatened to be outside Fittler? Heather and Wallace will not give him any better opportunities than Cronk, Finch and Slater gave him. Besides, the Bronco forwards are not as ruthless as the Storms have been. Heather is ageing too. Inglis will have to get off his fat arse this year, simple as that.


disagree.. under his circumstances i think he did the best he could and peaked when needed, and that peak was sensational..

Under what circumstances? Being clearly overweight? You said it all in your line "he peaked when he needed" Like we saw not only this year but also the last few, he only put in when the team needed him to and the rest of the time he was going through the motions, anyone who couldn't see that is either blind or just plain deluded.

That's the difference between a truly great player and just a good footballer, great players try their guts out week in week out and not just when it suits them or their team needs them to peak. Of course even the truly great players have a bad game every now and then but they still give it all they have and have a consistantly good season for the most part, not 1 good game in every 5.


Under what circumstances? Being clearly overweight? You said it all in your line "he peaked when he needed" Like we saw not only this year but also the last few, he only put in when the team needed him to and the rest of the time he was going through the motions, anyone who couldn't see that is either blind or just plain deluded.

That's the difference between a truly great player and just a good footballer, great players try their guts out week in week out and not just when it suits them or their team needs them to peak. Of course even the truly great players have a bad game every now and then but they still give it all they have and have a consistantly good season for the most part, not 1 good game in every 5.

No, i think under the circumstances he did the best he could when he was able to.


I can see Inglis having a big year in 2011. He more than any other storm player seemed to go through the motions once their cheating was exposed. I think a new club environment will fire him up.


First Grade
He has been a fat f**k the for round 1 the last 3 years in a row. Why would 2011 be any different?

A QLD summer is a completely different beast to a Melbourne summer.

Its a shame because in 2007 he was easily the most athletic and fastest player in the league. Since then he's just got obsessed with putting on bulk, and then turning that into fat, over the last few seasons.

Will finish his career in the front row for sure

In fairness to him, "obsessed with putting on bulk"

We don't know if this was a personal decision, or club instructed. Melbourne could have been asking him to pile on the weight, which of course has been hurting him after lacklustre pre seasons.


A QLD summer is a completely different beast to a Melbourne summer.

So are you saying the reason Inglis has come back fat the last few pre-seasons was because of the climate? Makes you wonder why it didn't/hasn't affected any of the other players weights then. Or any of the Melbourne AFL club players for that matter. If that's what you're implying of course.........


First Grade
On another note, didn't inglis only sign a 1 year deal with broncos? there were lots of talk of him going back to melbourne in 2012 after the new tv negotiations had been done and the expected salary cap had been increased, surely after the rubbish melbourne are pulling now he wouldn't go back to them??

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