The flaws in the system, putting aside the "what if a false claim/charge is made" ones that I can see:
1. The club pays the stood down player or players (who says we won't wind up with there being more than one at the same club). Where do they magically find the money to employ the replacement players from? When you consider many NRL clubs run at the ragged edge financially, this is worth thinking about;
2. Why should the club have to apply for salary cap dispensation if it is the NRL who stood the player down? This is just stupid, and even then the dispensation provision say "up to the value of" so they could win up with getting less salary cap dispensation than the salary of the stood down player.
Final thoughts, I laughed when I heard Peter Beattie and co call it a "No Fault" stand own policy and then say "we will not tolerate violence in our game". This guy has done more harm to the game by constantly talking about the De Bellin situation in public than anyone.
On a side note, fi a NSW Public servant is charged with a serious offence, they may be stood down. It is not mandatory at all, it is discretionary (see sections 69 and 70 of the
Government Sector Employment Act 2013).