Tough guys who haven't met a dog like Bella. 1st Anniversary coming up in a few weeks. Exciting times. Hopefully its a bit more of a low key affair than last year.
Meh thats just an owners choice to make it like that. Plenty of poodles aren't do bad. The reason i hate pugs is because they were designed the way they are. The pug initially had longer legs and a longer snout, but through selective breeding ( killing off pups without the traits they want, and inbreeding) they've created this little monster that can't even breathe properly
'Dogs are a man's best friend'
All dogs owners, go up to your dog, and punch it in the face - hard. Coward punch the merkins.
And watch what happens - it will still come back to you, & love you.
Tell me, if you had a human friend like that; would you respect him? Of course you wouldn't
Dogs are like that friend you have in every social circle. The weakest one, who everyone puts shit on, but they keep hanging out with you anyway, because they have no self respect & think they wont find any other friends - pathetic, basically.
If you own a dog, you're basically a bully, & a coward.
A cat will ditch you if the neighbours put food out.
Cats are like the sluttiest cheating girlfriend you know. The one who's only there to mooch cash off the unlucky bastard she's shacked up with until a bigger paycheck or bigger dick comes along. And she'll still be taking the first bloke for a ride.
That's every cat. If you own a cat, you're a sad whipped bitch who's being cheated on constantly.
and a sex fiendIf you own a dog, you're basically a bully, & a coward.
and a sex fiend
the RSPCA have banned him from owning any petMoffo owns a dog then?
But if it was a man who did that you'd be all like 'whoo, yeah, legend'
Now your true colours come out you sexist piece of shit
The New World was never lost. Native North Americans were looking after it.corn?
Dogs were domisticated Milleniums before corn was grown as an agricultural crop. And even then it was confined to the Americas before Columbus found the new world