Call Of Duty is better than Medal Of Honour
Not even worth mentioning in the same breath.
I'll finish the hard run through this weekend, not going to bother with rank 15 on MP (An 11 atm) and certainly won't bother with tier 1 unless I have time. It's going back as a trade in when I pick up BO.
just beacuse you're no good at COD ralphie doesnt make it a scam....
I outright suck at this one too (As I do Halo), being a Gears fan, I love that style of multiplayer, not the camp/snipe style of COD
Wouldn't knock the game because of that though. Though I do enjoy the objective based playlists, just free for all types I get bitch slapped
I'll certainly have Black Ops on day of release and enjoy the Veteran run through, assuming Treyarch don't give the enemies infinite grenades again :x
The only thing that ever really annoyed me about COD was on WaW - Had a quick look through the achievement list the other night for BOps, WaW had a 0 point (360) achievement for reaching 10th prestige, VERY pleased they haven't done anything like that this time around, as it does nothing but encourage boosting for those of us not very good at the MP (I am getting better but geez some guys out there are amazing). You obviously want a challenge, but like with the Gears 100 achievement (Took me 10 months to go from 50-100), it's simply not achieveable for those who get constantly smashed by far better players.
Outside of that, I don't get the hate for COD. Hell, COD 2 remains one of the most enjoyable games I've played. Of course, there are alot of annoyingly fan boi'ish types out there which may not help.