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It didn't take Schif long to start speaking crap

Misty Bee

First Grade
He's talking about Campbelltown, NSW, and Penrith, Lancashire.

In Yawnion one thing he certainly WON'T see is a football.

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
Barrie Unsworth was premier at the beggining of this month?

1st grade comp smartasssssssss
Putting value into reserve grade comps...yeah great....its a bit like your useless CEO at Parra talking up club championships.
No one cares


I'm just wondering what was stopping Clinton from visiting Japan properly (not while playing and having your hand held by minders) in the past ten years? If it's such a drawcard for you, just go whenever you want.


Brutus said:
Where were the APC union games played this year?

I'm sure Schifcofske would be happy with those towns and venues.

Not to mention the 1.5K crowds that 'packed out' the said venues and towns for the matches. Ahhh poor bugger.


If Schif was good enough he would have played RL in Auckland, Wellington, Port Moresby, New York, Toluouse, Perpingnan, London, Brigend, Manchester and Leeds over the last few years alone.

He wasn't.

For a player of his ability "see the world" = play RL and pay your own way during the offseason OR play RU and let the ARU shout.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
Misty Bee said:
In Yawnion one thing he certainly WON'T see is a football.

He'll see it plenty. He'll be putting it on a tee and kicking it between the posts.

Green Machine

First Grade
Brutus said:
Why do these dickheads who go to union always bring out the campbelltown and penrith line? Try telling Jamie Lyon that his Old Trafford experience in front over 72,000 was waste of time.

Mentioning suburban Sydney is a lot better than talking about being bored sh*tless in a hotel room in Hamilton NZ or being scared sh*tless to venture outside your hotel room in Johannesburg. Interesting to see the South Africans are becoming bored of travelling endlessly to Oz and NZ as well:


Australian officials know that their South African counterparts are gradually losing interest in the Super 14, and for some time have been keen to align with European competitions - especially as it is in virtually the same time zone and involves less travel.

South African officials have complained their Super 14 teams are severely disadvantaged as they must spend extensive time on road tours, while their players struggle to stay motivated during a lengthy tournament.
South Africa's appalling record in the Super 12/14, which has seen their teams among the also-rans year in year out, has not helped local interest in the competition, prompting Australian officials to repeatedly hear their SANZAR partners are looking for provincial competition alternatives.


Good on him I am a big fan of both games and happen to agree with Clinton, in the last few years Aus Rugby Players have been to UK, France, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Japan and plenty more along with NZ and SA. Who wouldnt want to work somehwere that ave you the opportunity to see the world play fotball and get paid for it of course they all mention it because it is fantastic

Parra Guru

just like when Brad Thorn said winning the RU world cup means more than any achievement in RL.... too bad he never found out :lol:


Assistant Moderator
Clinton Schifcofske said:
"in rugby league it's only Campbelltown and Penrith".
A credit to to the good suburban folk of Sydney... Schif, the sultan of snoot. Or maybe its just your way of saying that few rate Canberra and as a preferred destination.

Perhaps what Schif really meant to say was: "for Clinton Schifcofske it's only Campbelltown and Penrith". Given the fella's extensive rep credentials.
Raider_69 said:
what do you blokes expect?
he's not going to come out and rubbish the sport that is now paying his way is he?
You mean as opposed to rubbishing the sport that paid his way throughout his career?

I have no doubt that prior to joining union, Schif's bank account was buoyed sufficiently, and enough to allow him to travel to anywhere he pleased.


boonboon said:
Good on him I am a big fan of both games and happen to agree with Clinton, in the last few years Aus Rugby Players have been to UK, France, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Japan and plenty more along with NZ and SA. Who wouldnt want to work somehwere that ave you the opportunity to see the world play fotball and get paid for it of course they all mention it because it is fantastic
over the last few years the kangaroos have played in France, United States, UK, New ZEaland and PNG (PMs Xiii)... I know of other teams over the last few years that have gone to South Africa, many places in Europe, Argentina (yes Argentina) and countires throughout the Pacific.

gunnamatta bay

I heard him interviewed not so long ago and he was talking about being at home with the wife and kids as his favourite relaxation. Now he's going to be living in an airport terminal most of his time.


Post Whore
Willow said:
You mean as opposed to rubbishing the sport that paid his way throughout his career?

I have no doubt that prior to joining union, Schif's bank account was buoyed sufficiently, and enough to allow him to travel to anywhere he pleased.

I fail to see how he rubbish league at all, its a silly comment, but one i highly doubt he said with much conviction, i have very little doubt that Clinton was instructed to say that by some high up ARU offical. With regards to league converts comments, that was tame in comparison to things said by del, lote and rogers after their defection.

The same way you'll have herd Del giving it to union now about how league is a much better sport, his future (if he has one) is in league so thats where his allegiances will come from. Im sure we'll hear Matty Rogers give union a serve once he's in titan colours aswell.

I cant believe anyone here is remotely surprised by this line of comments from League convert, id be more surprised if comments like this wernt made. And its likely he will see more of the world playing union, he was always a top class fullback in league but in a code such as ours, sometimes thats not good enough to make rep team (though i think at times he was unfairly dudded)

In union, he'll probably be the Wallibies captain and WC great white hope


The wasy I see it is that is the only thing they can bag in League. The travel factor.

They have a mickey mouse competion where the seth Effricans have travel across 3 timezones so are too tired to play and they play for a mere 14 weeks. Boo hoo.

Clinton is just retiring and wanted to move home. I dont deny him that. He wont crack any of the 3 Qld league teams and everyone knows that. I still think it is pretty sad how the Rah rahs try the same grass is always greener sh*t every time. Does anyone remember The NRL getting Union Converts doing that?

I like to think we have a little more class. More class than Schiff who has spat on his last 11 years of history for a free holiday.

Mal Meninga

What's wrong with Campbelltown and Penrith? That's the equivalent to most of the sh*tholes he's surrounded by in QLD.
Brutus said:
I was listening to 2SM this afternoon and Clinton Schifcofske came up with the predictable in union you get to see the world comment when talking about an upcoming trip by the Reds to Japan. He then went on to say "in rugby league it's only Campbelltown and Penrith".

Well done Clint, it didn't take you long.:crazy:
Pretty true though...

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