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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game


And yet the game has been ruined by some idotic fans that should be locked up. Limp Wristed security continue to let these guys run wild

Its an absolute disgrace

I'm so sick of it. I sit near these twats and I see what they do week after week. They don't give a sh*t about anyone around them, they'll call police merkins, they'll punch girls in the face and call them tarts

It is bigger then a rugby league problem, its a massive social issue

Ari Gold

Moffo said:
And yet the game has been ruined by some idotic fans that should be locked up. Limp Wristed security continue to let these guys run wild

Its an absolute disgrace

I'm so sick of it. I sit near these twats and I see what they do week after week. They don't give a sh*t about anyone around them, they'll call police merkins, they'll punch girls in the face and call them tarts

It is bigger then a rugby league problem, its a massive social issue

Most of what you said was true, but don't try to over-exaggerate next time to get your point across, we already know that there are serious issues concerning Arabic young men atm... no need to tell us


did you go last night moffo?
i have been to a lot of games, and seen my team get hammered before, but some of the dogs supporters yesterday was disgracful.

i usually don't mind the dogs, and wasn't too upset about the loss.
i was furious after leaving my seat and making my way back to the bus to go home.
with all the loudmouthed, abusive twats.
yelling at pensioners and hanicapped tiger supporters was disgraceful.

i know a few of the guys in the tiger supporters group video taped some of the trouble makers that were haing around bay 142, and police did come over and they scattered pretty quickly

now most of the dogs supporters were pretty cool, i'm sure you and a few other doggies fans on these forums are the same.

but bulldogs do seem to attract a pretty horrible sub element to the club.
and it really reflects poorly on the club, as i'm sure you've seen

also, we noticed a lot of cop cars and wagons speeding into the area after the game, were there many fights after the game?


Bulldogs should be banned from night games. Simple as that.

Some of the treatment I saw last night, especially to young girls, was disgraceful.


And its also a massive Bulldogs issue.

The fact is that there are a large number of Lebanese (and presumably other) Bulldogs fans who are absolute arseholes.

Not ten, or fifty, or a hundred. Hundreds. Poorly behaved morons, all of them. Its a shame - for every good natured Doggies fan I talked to after the match last night there were four yelling obscenities from their cars.

The Dogs have to sort it out, f**k knows how though.


aids said:
did you go last night moffo?
i have been to a lot of games, and seen my team get hammered before, but some of the dogs supporters yesterday was disgracful.

i usually don't mind the dogs, and wasn't too upset about the loss.
i was furious after leaving my seat and making my way back to the bus to go home.
with all the loudmouthed, abusive twats.
yelling at pensioners and hanicapped tiger supporters was disgraceful.

i know a few of the guys in the tiger supporters group video taped some of the trouble makers that were haing around bay 142, and police did come over and they scattered pretty quickly

now most of the dogs supporters were pretty cool, i'm sure you and a few other doggies fans on these forums are the same.

but bulldogs do seem to attract a pretty horrible sub element to the club.
and it really reflects poorly on the club, as i'm sure you've seen

also, we noticed a lot of cop cars and wagons speeding into the area after the game, were there many fights after the game?

i saw a scuffle whilst leaving the ground, i don't know if the police picked up many of them though

Good post mate and you are right. I've grown up in an incredibly multicultural area and I've got time for every different type of person. But these people sit outside the bounds of normality. They are a violent and dangerous subculture, and they sure as hell do not fit in with the generally accepted way of life.

gunnamatta bay

Moffo said:
And yet the game has been ruined by some idotic fans that should be locked up. Limp Wristed security continue to let these guys run wild

Its an absolute disgrace

I'm so sick of it. I sit near these twats and I see what they do week after week. They don't give a sh*t about anyone around them, they'll call police merkins, they'll punch girls in the face and call them tarts

It is bigger then a rugby league problem, its a massive social issue

What was the police prescence like last night moffo. Was it fair dinkum?


robyalvaro said:
Most of what you said was true, but don't try to over-exaggerate next time to get your point across, we already know that there are serious issues concerning Arabic young men atm... no need to tell us

I'm not exaggerating mate, i saw it happen. It was also reported on by 2UE, with people calling up after the game and reporting the same thing


gunnamatta bay said:
What was the police prescence like last night moffo. Was it fair dinkum?

As was said before, a lot of police headed to the ground at the end of the game. There were a substantial number of security guards but at the end of the day, you almost need to match these idiots 1:1 to arrest them all


robyalvaro said:
even punching girls in the face? if so, that is f**king low...

its terrible, but it happened. makes me sick

the police are scared. i don't blame them. they have limited powers to deal with people who simply don't care. As I said before, they don't play by any rules.

Police are fighting a battle with one arm behind their back. And if the police are scared, imagine how the everyday Joe feels?


First Grade
A great win by the Dogs and these "fans" have to take the spotlight away from that..FFS when are the dogs managment/security/police going to show some balls and act, instead of the standard slap them with a feather routine.


The goose who came up with harmony day/Bulldogs game needs to have a long hard look at himself....no, not really.... the intention was correct, just a certain element show they have no intention at all of living in harmony, the opposite in fact.


harrasing the eldery and the handicaped.
young boys, between 10-15 caring on like brats running into the female toilets and hurling abuse.
shirtless drunkards banging on bus and car windows.
a punch up in the middle on the road coming out of birnie ave.

it was the worst i have seen at a game post match ever.

Ari Gold

Glenn said:
A great win by the Dogs and these "fans" have to take the spotlight away from that..FFS when are the dogs managment/security/police going to show some balls and act, instead of the standard slap them with a feather routine.

How would you act upon this if you were the bulldogs management? I have NFI...

gunnamatta bay

Glenn said:
A great win by the Dogs and these "fans" have to take the spotlight away from that..FFS when are the dogs managment/security/police going to show some balls and act, instead of the standard slap them with a feather routine.

They will study the video Glenn. Standard procedure for our incompetent police.


these dicks dont give a sh*t about the club or game and one problem is telstra stadium security in particular seem to have a lot of gaurds who know these idiots and dont do anything.

I bought this up with noad last week and telstra last week... I even heard one gaurd tellings his mates that he would "sort them out" once his boss left... no idea in regards to what but clearly shows they arent there doing a proper job...

I am an australian born arab and I am sick to death of these idiots coming to our games and starting trouble. Bored, stupid teenages with nothing else to do... It was posted on another dogs site that these guys were harrassig people on trains after the game lastweek, when told they were disgracing the club with their vile action they responded that they didnt care cos they didnt follow the game...


this isn't an issue of the dogs and their managment.
but these low life POS's actually exist in our society.

how do these people function in day to day life?

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