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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game

gunnamatta bay

Piss weak magistrates are a problem for sure. The attorney general needs to sack the idiots among them like a certain female who has done nothing for law and order in nsw her entire career. They are too scared to touch her though as she is a sacred cow.


sunny said:
lol...my girlfriend is a sharks fan too, i dunno whether we will go to that game

On a serious note, what actually happened last night that is causing all the fuss? People seem to be paricularly aggrieved, for a Dogs fan to start this thread it must have been bad.
Moffo is making the point that the idiots that are causing the trouble are young lunatics who don't have anything else to do on a friday nite.


swing_low said:
I don't want to even imagine what it will be like when the Bulldogs face Cronulla. Whose home game is it?

there'll be a big bill for the police, thats for sure


can someone please get a source for this? So far i havent read anything on any website anywhere except for this one. Im not denying that its true, id just like to get some basis around it before i go telling my other league mates.

We have a game against the dogs up here next friday night, maybe if its true we should look at moving the bloody thing? The last thing any of us want in Newcastle is trouble, especially with these idiots


First Grade
Last night, security wasnt that great. "The Kennel" area was awsome last night and now our supporter group actually consists of TRUE BULLDOG fans, the atmosphere from our section was awsome. The diks that started that fight behind the goal post whoever they were are a fkin disgrace and im seriously so sick of it and have been for a very long time. The bulldogs are trying but the telstra stadium security should be looked at because as someone mentioned earlier some of them do favours for there mates....pathetic.


First Grade
sunny said:
girls were literally punched in the face?

From reports from a friend of mine that is a Tigers supporters, yes the low life scum did that :evil:


Parki said:
can someone please get a source for this? So far i havent read anything on any website anywhere except for this one. Im not denying that its true, id just like to get some basis around it before i go telling my other league mates.

We have a game against the dogs up here next friday night, maybe if its true we should look at moving the bloody thing? The last thing any of us want in Newcastle is trouble, especially with these idiots

These dickheads wouldn't be bothered going all the way to Newcastle, they're not interested in the game, I wouldn't be too worried.


First Grade
Parki said:
can someone please get a source for this? So far i havent read anything on any website anywhere except for this one. Im not denying that its true, id just like to get some basis around it before i go telling my other league mates.

We have a game against the dogs up here next friday night, maybe if its true we should look at moving the bloody thing? The last thing any of us want in Newcastle is trouble, especially with these idiots

Was reported on Sky news, and apparently in todays Daily Telegraph..also I have reports from some who were at the game to confirm what has been reported in the media


The real Bulldogs fans will travel to Newcastle. There would be no trouble from the Dogs fans there I would't think.


my girlfriend and i will not go to another Dogs game, no matter what the nrl and dogs admin say nothing will change


richie mate that is just want these dickheads want. Don't give 'em what they want.


these idiots wont go to newcastle... they will probably be crusing in the cars down george street cos they are too young to get in anywhere else...

todays DT had three lines in one report about a crowd disturbance


sunny said:
richie mate that is just want these dickheads want. Don't give 'em what they want.

It's hard though. I promised myself not to let them stop me. But sometimes it's a matter of personal safety.

I'll be the first to admit I don't mind a bit of banter and celebration after the game. You win some you lose some.

But last night, I felt for my own safety - especially in the carpark.

It's just not fair to true supporters like you.


If I wasnt a bulldogs fan in a bulldogs jersey I would NEVER take my girlfriend to a bulldogs game.

Why would I want to expose her to the abusive foul mouths of a bunch of disgusting sub-human trouble making Lebanese ? So they can call her a dirty s1ut etc. that not only belittles her but also me because I'm the one whos with her and meant to defend/take care of her.


First Grade
screaming and violence usually occours after most games,

last year at campbelltown some guys began calling my sister an f**kn sl*t, they also called us androtops for liking the raiders, on the way out some moron tried to fight us, but it got broken up..2mins later that same idiot was fighting one of the guys from the raiders army.

it would be good if these thugs were locked up or at least life time banned...we need more police, i wouldnt care if there was 500 cops at a game at least then these cowards can enjoy footy the way its ment to be.

with me being a australian lebanese i wish it wasnt people from my background causing the havoc, i hate being seen as a thug for no reason.


theres 2 things you do

1. The next bulldogs home game isplayed in front of an empty stadium. May seem excessive, but with no support they will get the message. There will be no need for crooked security guards, they will have nothing to guard

2. Take 4 points off the dogs. Yes, its not the players. Yes, its unfair. But how many times are we going to go through this sh*t? NO MORE FFS. Take the points off them that you suspended a year or 2 ago for bad behaviour, and lets get on with making games safe and family accessible. If anything it will spur the real dogs fans into action themselves, to get the bloody troublemakers out. They wont last long if they are costing the real fans points, i can assure you that.


As a Dogs fan I am sick of these a-holes disrespecting our club every bloody game. I am getting sick of turning up to the games myself.

I have even copped a beating from these a-holes once when I tried to help an opposition supporter. I had a Dogs jersey on and that didn't seem to bother them in the slightest, which shows that they don't care about the club one little bit.

What can the club do more though? These young thugs have no respect for anyone so they certainly aren't going to care what the club does about them. If we didn't have such a weak police force then maybe we wouldn't have this issue, but ffs it is just becoming too commonplace at our games for someone not to take notice.

I can understand other clubs supporters not going to Dogs games anymore. After my incident I thought about it as well. While I will never support another team, I have seriously lost the will to turn out week after week and put up with the crap that I see from these idiots masquerading as Dogs fans.


There really is no simple solution to this and it keeps happening time and time again, I know scores of football fans who refuse to go to bulldogs games, its a real shame because I often hang out at canterbury leagues and meet real fair dinkum supporters.

There's 2 radical solutions, make the dogs play in empty stadiums, akin to european soccer's punishment to crowd misbehaviour.

Start deduction points

Segregate large groups of young middle eatern males, these guys are cowards they won't do anything unless its 50 on 1

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