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Its time for a crusade....


What you guys are doing is so Pathetic, Ive said this in another post, but for all your good intentions about "Spreading the Word" and "opening there eyes to see the light of our glorious game" your probably doing more harm than good. I really dont see how you telling them to "see the light of our glorious game" is going to make them say, "Oh shit I better do what that Tigger told me". Its there personal preference to follow rugbyunion,(god only knows why), but just let them follow it, You really dont know how stupid and immature you guys are making yourself out to be and being made to look.



Legend, anyone with Girdler in their name (who is not actually called Girdler) is not someone we need here. If we are to make this a "Girdler Free Zone" action must be taken now! You know what action to take.



Wait, Girdler's Girl makes a good point here. I'm not defending her, but it is their choice to support Union. If they're deaf, dumb and blind let them be. Would you take kindly to AFL and Union supporters coming and telling you to support their sport? No. Let the girl speak - then ban her



I have to agree with dog on this occasion. As long as the post is RL related it will stand and I think she actually made quite a good point. It's just the constant drooling over Girdler and an obsession to let all and sundry know how cute he really is that make wanna hurl. Anyone is free to talk sports and Girdlers GIRL is just like any of us and she has that right. I also think it's quite good she took the time out to tell us how she felt. It was an opinion backed up with fact and that is pretty hard to argue against and definitely not worthy of being deleted..



yea, but what about the pretty purple writing ?
gotta be a rule about that somewhere......


Assistant Moderator
Hmmm, it may be my monitor, but I thought it was a nice shade of pink.


The point made is a good one, but constant monitoring of Girdlerites is essential. When the talk strays off the footy- the axe must be weilded.

Dog is right: let her speak- "Let the girl speak - then ban her"

P.S. The reason these crusades were started in the first place was because an individual came on to the old forum condemning the game of Legue. I think we have 6.3 million reasons to go and stick up for our game on other forums who only choose to take notice of the Hopoates in League.



I think I can live with that if that is the worst we have to put up with.


Hass, i'm not sitting on the fence on this one and I have been over to other sites to preach the word but you have to realise some will not listen no matter what you say and I think that's the point Girdlers GIRL was trying to make and it's a fair point IMHO.


It's O.K. I'm just agitated today. I had the Footy Tab pick the margins up until Canberra decided to come back from nowhere. I had the Tigs 13+ and was laughing all the way to the TAB.

So, I might have been a bit rash, now that I've calmed down I believe that "crusades" are not a good thing. However we should still go on other sites, not to bag off other codes or say "we're the best", but just to inform people on the game. If one person takes notice- then it's worth it.



I agree with you 100% Hass and I also agree with Girds GIRL as well. If you don't bag off the other codes people are more receptive to discussion on the merits of RL but usually some arsewipe comes in with a stupid uneducated remark that leads to hostilities and insults being traded. I would love to see both AFL and RU supporters come onto this page and try and have a sensible debate with all the great posters we have on here.


By far and away the most sensible andbest post on this thread, is reply 21 by Girdler's_GIRL.
Well said sweet cheeks.
What a childish andstupid idea to invade other sports disccussion boards and senselessly cause unneccessary conflict. I'm sure the other sports fans are gonna think incredibly highly of us and our sport for doing so.
I can't figure out who's more stupid in this case........ the person who made the idioticsuggestion, or the morons who obliged.

Hold on a second....I was not the one to start these 'invasions' but i will take the rap for the latest forays into rugby.com.au and the allblacks website....
I think a few people have got the wrong idea here. The initial idea behind these 'invasions' was to inform people of the game and to correct some of the misconceptions that people had about our game. I have never had the sole objective of going onto a board and saying "Union sucks" or "AFL is gay" or crap like that. If people could care to look through what i have said, i have had constructive criticisms for both of those codes without being downright childish and stupid...
Some people have responded well to what has been said, while others have flown off the handle and attacked the 'mungoes'. Let us remember that rugby league is widely being the game attacked here. The game is being attacked from all angles by groups of people who obviously want to kill off the game. Its on the websites, its on the radio, its on the tv and its in the paper. I think it would be remarkably naive of people not to realise the true intentions of some involved in union and AFL...Im not being paranoid, sorry, but i just won't cop that...there are people out there who genuinely want to rub rugby league off the map for their own personal agendas..
I can take the point of girdlers girl, studebaker and whoever else said those comments. Going in there and attacking the game senselessly is stupid. But i will stand up for rugby league, and if going into other boards and spreading the word is what needs to be done then i sure as F..K will do it...
The Fan.


As you know MFC, I have been on the rugby site replying to the ignorant remarks made by the toffball weirdos. Some said they saw the merits in both games and some are so stupid they come back with petty insults which usually starts the mud slinging and at times it is hard to avoid. I find the union crowd much more arrogant and condescending than the AFL types who are just plain ignorant. Union people simply don't want to hear why we have the superior game and will recycle any excuse to defend their poor sport. The bloke that sits next to me is a Kiwi and is admant that RL is on it's last legs and will fall over within five years but when I asked why did RU sign both Sailor and Rogers his reply was " the ARU wanted to give them a go". He was basically saying RU didn't need blokes like Sailor and Rogers but was merely accomodating them so they could fulfil some lifelong ambition in another sport. Can you see the plain ignorance of these people?


studebaker. do you remember the mormon missionaries who used to ride their pushbikes around the place, knocking on doors and spreading the word?... well, some of us are like-minded and feel the urge at times to inform the ignorant of the virtues of rugby league "the greatest game in the world"
we have found that most times our pilgramidges (i know thats not how you spell it ) into enemy territory are sucessful. friends are made, and the heathens learn about our great game.
the only "failure" (if i can call it that) was the afl site. we were on the verge of converting these people when lo and behold, we were ordered to withdraw by the webmaster.
so near but yet so far.
moffet fan club can rightly be labelled a true ambassador to league........


OK, it's pathetic! But then wasting our time debating sporting issues would be viewed by many as a pathetic excercise, a waste of the human intellect.

Purposefully invading any website with the intention of raising the temperature could be construed as moronic; sheeeet, we're all a bunch of morons from time to time. The difference between some of us is we don't take it all too seriously, do we????

Maybe we all need to get a life before we assume the higher ground.


Assistant Moderator
Perhaps 'crusade' is a poor choice of word.
I've gone on the odd 'mission' and haven't felt at all immature or childish. As a matter of fact, it's kind of fun. Of that meansI need to 'grow up' then so be it.
Goids Gal makes some good points but I'm not about to take things that seriously.

But she's right, people do make gooses of themselves and we can but wonder what 674 gets up to in his personal time...perish the thought....,,,,....,,,,

These forays do have some positive results as well.
In the AFL Sportsbar, we ruffled quite a few feathers but I have to say that I've also had somefine debates there.
Mydiscussion topic, 'Rugby League - The Greatest Game Of All" is up near 150 responses and is ironically, my most successful post on any forum (not in your league Legend, I know :))
The last time I checked, we were talking about the best places to buy pies and other such childish things. :eek:)

Thanks Ozbash, such great words.....you to should consider yourself a fine and upstanding contributor to the rugby league world, im shall all your frunds in nuw zealand think the same :)....na, seriously you do a fine job...
Gav, id like to think i don't take it to seriously. After all, its only a discussion board....that seems to take up a lot of some peoples time! But its hard not to get into it at times, especially when it involves so called 'real life' issues such as rugby league. It probably is pathetic, but in my view it is somewhat necessary...League is in a 3way battle with union and AFL at the moment, the phrase "survival of the fittest" (Darwin) comes to mind here....if we don't attack and defend ourselves then who knows what will happen 10 years down the proverbial track
Legend, yes i can see your point of view. Ignorance is bliss....but i can't stand it. These people are so sheltered and off with the fairies that they have no idea about the past of RU/RL.....it may be futile, but at least some more people may take a more 'liberal' view when it comes to league....
The Fan.

Tutt Army

The point is not whether you go into these forums with the right intentions or anything like that, the point is what you create when you get in there, and that is a 'us V them' mentality which is somewhat inevitable.
Believe it or not people go into Rugby.Com and the all blacks site to talk about the game they play in hell, not to listen to a Mungo from the Greatest game of all, and fair enough tooafter all it is called RUGBY.com hence they talk about Rugby I dont think they appreciate or care about what you've got to say about a sport that they've got no interest in, and thats fair enough too, they made the choice to follow there sport.
If you want to debate, finding a general Sports forummight be the best option, and by all means if you see anything in the paper that someones written thats anti league propanganda write back, but I just dont see the point of shoving League into the faces of people who dont want to talk about it.

" Truly and honestly, this place (Saints) is the best club Ive played for, there's just somethingabout it" Jamie 'the REAL legend' Ainscough


Assistant Moderator
Welcome to the forum, Ainsy.
I look forward to more of your views...especially in the Dragons section. :)