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Ive had enough of this


Post Whore
at this time i hope we lose the rest of the games in the season
That way management might make the tough choices for elliot

Mal Meninga

Mid-season evaluations:
Fullback(s): Well we've only tried one so far this season being Choc. Too inconsistent and isn't helping the cause. His goalkicking has been abysmal and he can't break the line.

Wingers: Robbo's been most improved back this season -- which isn't much to brag about. He's got good speed, but I still don't think he's stamped his authority on that position. Today I realised he makes the most basic mistake in the game - not running forward. Monas no-where near his best but we could conceed that he's on his way out. Other options include Gafa who hasn't been given much of an oppurtunity but he's been ok, would really prefer him to be goalkicker. Graham has been rubbish in his apperance this season.

Centres: Disgraceful. Attack is useless, and defense isn't much better. Doubt Mogg or Bulgarelli(although I don't mind him in the forwards) would get a run in most NRL teams in the centres. Monas should play here.

Halves: One of the worst halves combinations in the NRL but no other options. Macca has been huge disapointment, Stump man should be leave at the end of the season, not Mick Monas. Oh and, Campo has shown nothing.

Front row: Props are strong, but Germ's distribution in the past few weeks especially from 10 out has been worrying. Strongest area of the team but need to keep healthy.

Backrow: Not too many better than Hodgo at the moment. Hindmarsh makes tackles all day(albeit soft tackles) and the Muss is sorely missed. Martin, Smith, and co have been utter shit.

Youngsters: Rothery's had one good game. Miller's had one good game and one entirely shit game. Campo's had 3 or is it 4? very average games. No-one else seems first grade worthy.

Coach: See Brad Drew. He's done all he can, and for all the good work he did last year, any other coach would've looked to sort out the strengths and weaknesses and tried to focus on the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses. But what Matty's done is try to make our weaknesses larger(expansive passing game) and our strengths smaller(quick dummy half runs, keep games close by running the forwards all day)
I hope you didn't mean that Miller had a shit game today, because I thought he was close to our second best forward behind Hodgo. He continually took it up all day.


agreed about the halves. Time for mr elliot to give carney or campese more of a go at the 6 or 7. I think we underestimated how important the loss of wiki would be. He's our gordon tallis, he's the inspiriational leader of the fowards. Personally, i think once wiki, toots and statute get back (hopefully next week) then the raiders will get over this slump. But, i think even if we make the 8, we don't have enough gamebreakers/match winners and organisation in the halves to do anything this year. Our defence and attack on the fringes has been horrible this year too. How did reggies go?
Just heard on the radio a quote from Matty Elliot.

"I was very happy with their effort, it was just our execution that let us down."

Happy with our effort?

That'll do me. :roll:


Post Whore
that will deadset do me elliot
You need a reality check mate
**shakes head in disgust**


First Grade
To be fair to the coach, he is trying to rebuild some confidence. Unfortunately, he has his head in the sand on some players at the moment..... I think his strategy, though, is to wait for Wiki and Davico and Croker to get back and see what happens then....... Hopefully for all our sakes that turns it around.....


Post Whore
If thats his thinking then he isnt fit for first grade coaching
when a few go missing he needs to be thinking alternate but workable game plans not sit and wait for their returns


We just have absolutely no f**king clue how to put on an attacking play. I feel so sorry for McLinden, he is under so much pressure to produce something and it is affecting his game coz Brad Stinky Numb Nuts I am Poo Drew is awful and can't offer anything to us. He has gotten worse every game. When does his contract expire? Get rid of him, fast.

Schif and O'hara and Hodgo tried hard although Schif is struggling due to low confidence. O'hara I feel sorry for, the ****tiness of the rest of team is taking away from his performance.

Our outside backs are struggling in defence and offer little in attack. Why? Because they are low on confidence, because Mr Elliot supercoach has tried to change their playing style this year, f**ked their confidence in the process and now we are up **** creek without a paddle. We were a wonderful defensive team last year and OK in attack but are absolutely stupendously sh*thouse in both departments this year.

No professional organisation goes backwards like we have since 2003. Either make the hard decisions Elliot or step aside for someone who will.


First Grade
The thing is we are in a downward spiral of confidence. The coach has to walk a fine line in criticising the team, otherwise he risks making it worse.

Bottom line though, the coach himself seems to have lost confidence in making the hard calls. Drew dropped to Premier League. Clinton replaced as kicker by Gaffa. Both HAVE to happen next week.
I knew there would be carnage in the forum. I just drove back the 2 hour drive from campbelltown, and initially I was disgusted. But after thinking about it, having a look at the stats and the like, and I am not as disappointed as before. Sure, we played ordinary, but out of the first 10 posessions of the game, we had the ball twice. The tigpies could do no wrong in the first 20, and it was always going to be tough from there. The biggest thing that is holding this team back is the ruck speed. When the raiders are tackled, they always end up on their backs, not fighting for that all-important position to be able to get back on their feet. This slows the play the ball down, the team gets no momentum, allowing the team to begin showing off their amazing attacking techniques (may not actually be amazing). The ruck speed also allows the oppositions defensive line to set, making it even more difficult for the likes of Drew, McLinden and co to cause anyone any problems. There was a period in the match where the play the ball improved, and they made mountains of yardage, but two penalties and an unlucky double movement and it was over.

I am still not happy with the defence. Watching today there is a 20 odd metre gap between the half(either drew or marty, depending on the side of the field) and the centre. Spread the ball wide and the centre has to make a choice to come in, or stay on his man. This causes overlaps, or big gaps and that is killing us.

These two, and the service from dummy half which was atrocious today, will go a long way to making the Raiders a top 8 team again. Confidence is a funny, thing, when it returns you will be praising the team, and the coaching staff again.

Raider Ultra

Mmm I was so absolutely infuriated at that performance. Eliott has to be asking himself some questions, the same thing goes wrong EVERY week. Crap defence on the fringes and absolutely no creativity in attack. Whilst I don't lie the blame entirely at his feet, there are some serious problems that have to be addressed. As for the comment about effort, I could put in a good effort, doesn't f*cking mean we're gunna win anything. Souths put in a good effort every week, look where they are. It's not f*cking u8's, winning is all important, not putting in an effort. Elliott would be better off not making comments, rather than recycling the same garbage we hear every week.


Post Whore
Let me say im not laying all the blame on elliot
but the buck must stop somewhere for mine its at him

- Drew is rubbish yet elliot retains him
- Our fringes cant tackle, yet i see no improvement
- Players not aiming up continue to do so with no fear of being droped
- Gaffa despite being a superior kicker, not getting the duties
- 5th tackle options are getting worse by the week
The positives I got from watching todays game:

Gafa - Give this guy more game time and the kicking duties, I think he did well today and pulled off some decent defence at times

Hodgson - I wouldnt be suprised at all if he gets an origin call up, our best player the last few weeks easily.

Miller - What can I say, he did well again even though he didnt score.


Post Whore
I was a bit disappointed in one thing from gaf

he picked the ball up in open space and seemed to jog with it, i know he isnt that slow and i thought he should of pined the ears back and gone for it :s


I Bleed Green said:
Just heard on the radio a quote from Matty Elliot.

"I was very happy with their effort, it was just our execution that let us down."

Happy with our effort?

That'll do me. :roll:

I'm very happy someone brought up this comment. I mentioned it somewhere else in the forum....

Like you, I found it an astonishing thing to say.

Think of a top grade coach like Stuart. Would the 'effort' be recognised by him if the Roosters put in a performance like that? No way. He'd tear shreds into them.

Rightfully so.

Elliott's a gr8 man and coach and i'll stick by him.


Time for mr elliot to give carney or campese more of a go at the 6 or 7

What really are our options? Sure, Drew was bloody ordinary when he was in 7 this week. But Terry Campese simply isn't ready for 1st grade yet. The two times I've seen him play, he's missed simple tackles and made basic handling errors.

The problem we have goes back to to decisions made in previous seasons, when it was obvious we needed to build, buy, or otherwise obtain a good half-5/8 combination, and didn't.

That being said, I'd rather Terry get the runaround than Drew in for another week. No matter how ordinary Campese might play, at least he's a developing player. Drew is a spent force. He's been given more than enough chances now; time for Elliot to make a tough decision and drop him.