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Jamie Lyon is a legend!


wittyfan said:
I don't know who is more mentally defective, tbone10 or effie.

And Lyon is a tool of the highest order.

this is rich coming from someone who worships Michael Witt


half the guys in this forum could proberbly pull on a jersey and carve up in england, jamie lyon looked fat and tired in his test appearance and i wouldnt be expecting any miracles


A whole bunch of people that live on a computer forum is calling a rugby league player a good one at that fat and tired ahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaaaaaaahahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahaahhaha. Guys please close this window and open up the world of warcraft one and continue.


First Grade
effnic said:
A whole bunch of people that live on a computer forum is calling a rugby league player a good one at that fat and tired ahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaaaaaaahahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahaahhaha. Guys please close this window and open up the world of warcraft one and continue.

So what does that make you?


First Grade
brett128 said:
Do Mason and the NFL ring any bells.

nqboy said:

not really, Mason has openly expressed his interest in NFL and IF he pursued that interest it wouldnt be until after his current contract is up, not 1 game into a new one without any notice. VERY big difference. If he was to leave the bulldogs at the end of 2008 (contract up) the bulldogs will have had plenty of time to prepare and plan for his replacement.


Why is everyone saying his contract runs out in 2008. Mason comes off contract at the end of the 2009 season. Source is the Bulldogs Official Website. He signed a 4 year deal last year which begun at the start of the 2006 season. Therefore 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 he remains under contract.


First Grade
if thats true, my bad.

all that means is the bulldogs would have an additional year to prepare for Masons departure. Hardly the same situation as Lyon


Charlie124 said:
not really, Mason has openly expressed his interest in NFL and IF he pursued that interest it wouldnt be until after his current contract is up, not 1 game into a new one without any notice. VERY big difference. If he was to leave the bulldogs at the end of 2008 (contract up) the bulldogs will have had plenty of time to prepare and plan for his replacement.

Walking out on a contract is the same deal. Mason currently has been trialling with the Giants, and has expressed more than just interest. You can't say that he will wait till his contract finishes because that is just a blantant prediction.

Parra Glory

1999 said:
half the guys in this forum could proberbly pull on a jersey and carve up in england, jamie lyon looked fat and tired in his test appearance and i wouldnt be expecting any miracles

yep, like Phil Gould said, 'a discraseful selection' :D


First Grade
brett128 said:
Walking out on a contract is the same deal.

So walking out on a contract 1 game old (while still getting paid for it) and finishing a contract/moving on from your club when it runs out are "the same deal"???? LOL gimme a break!

brett128 said:
You can't say that he will wait till his contract finishes because that is just a blantant prediction.

Saying someone will honour their contract is a much safer prediction than your prediction that he will walk out before its finished.


Charlie124 said:
So walking out on a contract 1 game old (while still getting paid for it) and finishing a contract/moving on from your club when it runs out are "the same deal"???? LOL gimme a break!

Saying someone will honour their contract is a much safer prediction than your prediction that he will walk out before its finished.

Your argument is based on a prediction. Mason trialling now with Jets suggest to me if he is offered a spot he will take up that spot immediately. And in today's rugby league world, how much is a contract worth charlie, not much. Ask Chris Walker, Steve Turner, Matt Rogers etc.


First Grade
Your agument is based on prediction also, but my prediction (that he will see out his contract) is a lot more likely than your prediction (that he will walk out on his contract).

As for Walker, Turner and Rogers, wasnt Walker released? Turner is finding out right now what a contract is all about, and Rogers is seeking a Release. Getting a release is a lot different to just walking out and leaving your club in the dark about it. walker is unwanted by the storm and he wants to move on (mutual decision). Turner is basicly trying to walk out on the Titans (and copping all the due criticism for it), Rogers wants to leave Union and the ARU seem happy to accomodate that (mutual decision).

The bottom line is that Lyon walking out 1 game into a new contract is a lot different to Mason who hasnt walked out on anything and there is no reason to believe he will, its not that simple.


I was talking about Walker at Souths. I am not defending Lyon for his actions at parramatta. Yes he was in the wrong, but he probably handled the situation in the best way he could. He was only about 21 when the situation came along. Why doesn't everybody just give him a break. Oh wait I know, because he ain't coming to your club.

Huh, I think both our predictions are on a level playing field. You don't know mason personally, well I presume.

Stewie Griffin

brett128 said:
I was talking about Walker at Souths. I am not defending Lyon for his actions at parramatta. Yes he was in the wrong, but he probably handled the situation in the best way he could. He was only about 21 when the situation came along. Why doesn't everybody just give him a break. Oh wait I know, because he ain't coming to your club.

Huh, I think both our predictions are on a level playing field. You don't know mason personally, well I presume.

of course he doesnt know mason personally. Do You know Lyon personally? or Mason for that matter? No. I doubt it.

Tell me one thing. You are a employer at a workplace. 2 people come in for interviews. One with a perfect record at not quitting the job given at hand, and the other quitting the job whilst under a contract. Who would you employ?

Why do people give benefit of the doubt? Its to say that you are innocent until proven guilty. Lyon has already once been proven guilty. Mason hasn't. So I think I know what predictions I will be making.

also I would definately not want Lyon at my club. You've risked bringing back hodges, which worked out pefectly, but would not risk 2 in a row.

And no, Lyon did not handle the situation the best way he could. There are things called consulting and talking to the people that concern.

Agent Mulder

effnic said:
Yep Lyon is a legend he just got Sterlo off the footy show so now that should eliminate all parra talk on the show woot woot.

So what? Parramatta always beat Manly anyway, so whats he gonna talk about Manly? :lol:


Stewie Griffin said:
of course he doesnt know mason personally. Do You know Lyon personally? or Mason for that matter? No. I doubt it.

Tell me one thing. You are a employer at a workplace. 2 people come in for interviews. One with a perfect record at not quitting the job given at hand, and the other quitting the job whilst under a contract. Who would you employ?

Why do people give benefit of the doubt? Its to say that you are innocent until proven guilty. Lyon has already once been proven guilty. Mason hasn't. So I think I know what predictions I will be making.

also I would definately not want Lyon at my club. You've risked bringing back hodges, which worked out pefectly, but would not risk 2 in a row.

And no, Lyon did not handle the situation the best way he could. There are things called consulting and talking to the people that concern.

Okay an extra to add to that interview. Mason goes into that job interview. Do you plan to stay long-term. No as I will be seeing myself in an entire new career in about 6 months (NFL). I would rather hire the person who is willing to stick it out with the same sport. People make mistakes. Unfortunately some people aren't willing to give breaks nowadays.


First Grade
brett128 said:
Okay an extra to add to that interview. Mason goes into that job interview. Do you plan to stay long-term. No as I will be seeing myself in an entire new career in about 6 months (NFL). I would rather hire the person who is willing to stick it out with the same sport. People make mistakes. Unfortunately some people aren't willing to give breaks nowadays.

2 things.

1. your question "Do you plan to stay long term?" would be answered by mason "I plan to stay until my contract runs out, at which time i would review wheather or not i want to stay or pursue other interests".

2. Six months is better than 1 game.

The Dodger

First Grade
i think you will find most players are like that(nice guys).

except for king TUT (aka andrew hillbilly johns)