Whats score
Katoa looked slow then
Who’s doing the washup for this?
Great try in the last minute with Katoa heavily involved & Flanno cool to finish it off with a pass to Gray to go into the corner untouched.
Watching replay Katoa would of been gassed. He caught the bomb, made yards on the carry and got smashed. Then Kennedy cut through nicely for 15-16 metres and then Katia was in the next play already for the break.
I thought he should if scored TBH but as I said, probably out of breath
I really liked how he put himself in there to make a difference.
He got through the gap at speed but fast ran out of gas.
Was also heavily involved on the 2nd last try by being off his wing & almost scoring 10m in.
Opened up the wing for the Brailey grubber with no bulldog out there.
Damien who?
Damien autocorrect I think
1) I'd be lookin pretty slow in the 79th minute too...did great to keep the ball alive when he was swamped
2) I missed the first half so I saw the best of the Jets, but there's some promise in there...still, 17 reserve graders, no one's really screaming to go up a grade. Katoa maybe?
3) The fullback attacks well, made a few runs that were eerily like what it was like watching Holmes down at Henson Park.
Newman’s commentary has improved.