Are you trying to funny? Because I can immediately think of two ways you might possibly be joking... and that's before I even look at his position and wonder who would be making way for him.
"Clinton" and "getting the job done" are not phrases I would often place in the same sentence together... But I think the problem is that he's been given the wrong job. Or at least, he's got the wrong profile... Thus, he comes at an inflated price. But if we could get him for a decent price as a second stringer, he'd be well worth it.
I'd be surprised if any team other than Canberra offered him a gig that even remotely resembles his current role at the Nags. (With the possible exception of the Rooters)...
I'm never trying to be funny.
I'm only a fan yet I know exactly what Clinton is going to do every time he takes the ball up. Get smashed. He's a poor man's Martin Lang.
If he was almost free, he would be an acceptable buy for BRET.
Is it just me or is anyone else just pissed off that we'd even think about blokes who have shown they either aren't intersted, have had their time or have shown nothing?
I'd much rather us concentrate on bringing up our own juniors than signing pills like Daniela, Woolnough and Mitch Brown.