a soccer fan, not a Yawnion fan. How foolish of me to think Union had any fans.
A soccer fans shitting on RL's World Cup. too easy.
Unknown23 March 2018 at 23:57
Notice how Rugby 7s is popular around the World and Rugby League isnt? Remember your attempt of "World" Cup last year and nobody went to the games? Remember when 9 of the 14 teams competing were full of Aussies, South Aucklanders and Northern Englishmen who have never been to the countries they played for?
By the way Andrew im no Rah Rah. Im a soccer fan that respects proper international sport and have an absolute hate for whinging deadshit Rugby League people blaming everything and everone as to why Rugby League is a niche minority sport everywhere in the world while every other sport take off.. now did your "World" Cup final sell out last year in one of the only cities in the World that knows what Rugby League is??
Thanks Andrew
AndrewRLP24 March 2018 at 00:26
So much ignorant bullshit in one comment, full of misguided rubbish and ignorance of facts.
I'm fine with how the RL World Cup went. It didn't require any bribes to determine where it was played, no one died building stadiums, all the venues are still in use and no local economies were decimated to stage the event.
Thanks for your time