The NRL controls the draw. As Sydney clubs move to sharing centralised grounds, you'll have teams playing 15-16 games a season at the SFS. If the NRL wants to play 12 games in Perth and a game at NSO then they can shift the draw from the centralised ground games. It all depends if the NRL sees value in keep 12 Perth games and a NSO game.
The nrl controls the draw but clubs decide where they play. I mean bloody hell the sharks even played finals matches at their dump of a ground and the nrl controls the finals.
I don't see the small suburban clubs taking any games to the sfs now that they are financed so well from the club grant.
If it didn't happen whilst they were cash strapped in the past, after the sfs was rebuilt or in the sharks case when they can only use 60% of their below par ground, then i don't see a reason they suddenly decide to do it now.
If anything it was going in the right direction over 10 years ago, we had 4 clubs utilising homebush and members got reciprocal rights to away games. We don't even have that now (only 2 sths dogs games) and at a time when memberships have grown and could have maximised attendances.
Just a shame that homebush is such a sub par stadium, we could have built an attendance culture there with arguably the 4 biggest sydney clubs.