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Just got out of this tonight, I gotta say it was just a whole lotta big dumb fun.
My perfect ending would've been that scene with the Rex & Raptor facing each other, then both jumping up for a high 5 with their little arms.... aaaaand FREEZE FRAME!!! with power pop anthem "You're the best around, nothings ever gonna get you down!" to roll credits.
Also I saw that Terminator spoilery trailer, just like the last movie, a potentially awesome reveal moment gone begging, such a shame these instant gratification times we live in.
That was my biggest disappointment from seeing Jurassic World really. Completely ruined the new Terminator movie for me.
The massive spoiler in the trailer would have been a freaking awesome if it was sprung on you while actually watching the movie. now the first however many minutes they waste with Sarah and John being a team are going to be completely pointless.
They did the same thing with Terminator Salvation. I avoid movie trailers like the plague these days because they invariably give away the entire movie.