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Kiwi squad named


Ali Lauitiiti will be available AFTER this Test. Why did they have to select the teams to early?

Vinnie Anderson at standoff? He won't start there. Motu Tony will likely come into the side to play five-eighth, typical tactic of Daniel Anderson. It happened last year as well, when they named Vagana at 6, but he ended up elsewhere. Webb might be an option at standoff as well, could easily move Vagana back and replace him with Lolesi.

Utai being available for this Test is a real bonus, but why is Jamaal Lolesi not selected? Even though he hasn't had much game time for a while, he is twice the player that Meli is on the wing. I'm happy with Louis Anderson at hooker, superb tackler and is a good passer of the ball.

I totally agree with you that Lolesi is twice the better player than Meli hell I would
probably experiment with Tupou rather than start Meli and I also agree with Motu going into 5/8. But as for Lauititi I really hope they dont pick him weve got too much depth to our pack to have him in. Also PLEASE Coach Anderson dont switch Nigel Vagana around look what happened last time you did it!


Well lets hope Daniel Anderson is up to his tricks again...but if Motu is going to start, then we could see him alternate with Webb at fullback...Nigel had a disastrous time there in the last test. I really thought he would have picked Perenara to start at 5/8th and then bring Motu Tony in at a later stage. I just cant understand Vinnie Anderson being there at all.

Lolesi was one of the Bulldogs' attacking guns before his injury, so I dont know how he missed out on the 17.


Lolesi better than Meli, lol. However, I do think he's better than Whatuira. Is Lolesi injured though?


NZ Warrior said:
Why the hell did he pick Vinnie Anderson at 5/8 though!!!! That move goes beyond logic. The guys not even a great centre, he should be in the back row, but he shouldn't even make the kiwis there either.

Yeah good call...hmm two tries in his only test?! Still shouldnt make the Kiwis :roll: :roll:

This side looks built for defence....maybe they will back the natural flair to score the points.....This match will be the making or breaking of a player with loads of talent...yes young Thomas im talking about you ;-)


I'm a bit surprised that Lolesi isn't in for Paul Whatuira actually, especially considering Paul has been mostly a reggie for the past year and a bit.

I can see the logic in Vince Anderson playing five eighth, Louis has a decent kicking game and Brent Webb will join Thomas Leuluai and later in the match Motu Tony in providing the kicking game. I can see the Kiwis playing Anderson like Timmins, as an extra battering ram. I certainly can't complain with either his, or his brothers selection because both deserve it with the amount of ticker they provided to the Warriors. No Anderson brothers=Wooden spoon certainty.

I was somewhat surprised however Iafeta Paleaaesina wasn't included in the test team, let alone the extended squad. His form over the back half of the season was nothing short of sensational. He used to be known as a 5 minute player, his numbers this year are far improved. He played some good minutes for the Warriors. Without Rauhihi to batter them up the middle, I would have Paleaaesina would have been the logical choice off the bench.


ozbash said:
motu is a fullback.
webb is NOT a kiwi !!

Motu is a fullback aye? Well, shame that he isn't good enough.

Webb has complied with the rules, and he is a Kiwi. Just like how Caroll is an Aussie.

Just get over it, before you starting wetting yourself again.


The rules are sh*tt. At least Carroll played more than 3 years in Australia. :roll:

:iwstupid: How come as soon as New Zealand does an Australia on Australia the rules are sh!t. How come when New Zealand has been complaining (and rightfully so) about the roughhouse justice given to New Zealand players judicially prior to test matches, there's very few murmours? How come when it was always one way traffic Kiwis turning out to play Origin and therefore have to play for Australia, that were very few murmours?

I hope Brent Webb scores a hat-trick, to at least create a bit of interest and make the ARL, NZRL, GBRL sit down and realise they need an indepedent, yet even international jurisdiction that governs such things as representative judicial appeals governed by the country NOT affected either way, governs releases of players for international duty, or better yet better scheduled international events that does not create international duty friction with clubs, and most importantly, the disgraceful Australian short armed tactics with Origin in terms of luring potential New Zealand players to their jersey. The sooner this is facilitated, the better. The only way thats going to happen is if this sort of thing turns around and bites Australia fair in the arse to see the effect of it happening to them, something thats been happening to New Zealand for years.


Ray said:
ozbash said:
motu is a fullback.
webb is NOT a kiwi !!

Motu is a fullback aye? Well, shame that he isn't good enough.

Webb has complied with the rules, and he is a Kiwi. Just like how Caroll is an Aussie.

Just get over it, before you starting wetting yourself again.

Agree. A certain someone I won't name names, *cough* Ozbash *cough* , has a paranoia on this. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think Motu will come on and play hooker actually, ala that game against Canterbury in the finals a couple of years back. Could be quite dynamite if he runs straight for a change.

By the way - who's goalkicker? BRENT "FIVE MINUTES" .... here's the punchline, hope you like it Ozbash, WIBB?


Yes Rauhihi is out through injury for this test.

You'd think Lolesi was a near on first pick with Vagana in the centres.


How come as soon as New Zealand does an Australia on Australia the rules are sh!t.

Actually, Iafeta, as a huge Timmins fan, I'm bloody pissed off about Carroll playing at the moment. :) As far as Webb's concerned, he really seems to love New Zealand and the players he's got around him. Sure he'll never play Origin, but good on him for playing for his adopted nation, I reckon :clap:


Whaturia and Vagana in the centres? Would have been more penetrating on attack had Lolesi played instead.

But we may still see more changes, afterall, we are still a week and a half away from the Test.


times like this i hate hunt. you cant tell me 4 years in one country overrules 13 years and ur birth? ah well, should be good anyway


Thierry Henry said:
Motu is a fullback aye? Well, shame that he isn't good enough.

Good enough to make the 17 when you seemed to think he had no show 8)

No, actually I always named Tony on my Kiwis bench in the "Warriors" forum. I said he was hopeless, and shouldn't be recruited back to the Warriors.

Good enough to make the 17? I know that. But I was saying Tony wasn't good enough to start at fullback. Yet Ozbash seems to think he is a world class player in the 1 jersey.

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