He had a open Morris where he could have thrown the pass he decided to go himself what a selfish player...Hayne trying too hard to win it on his own.
Pearce showing touches of his "former self" in that second half.
Graham kicking great but some stupid penalties and defensive mistakes.
They all just looked tired out there, what the f**k were they doing all week then?
Its about time to get rid of Daley he is shit...Cant beat a side with that lineup.
Nsw wouldve shit themselves when slater and thurston came back.
All mental.
Hugely surprised to be up by 10 at the break...no idea how to close it out.
Thaiday back for suncorp and the and 5 others all announce its their last games.
NSW a million to one.
You can see it in his game. He is only there for one person and that is himself.He had a open Morris where he could have thrown the pass he decided to go himself what a selfish player...
He had a open Morris where he could have thrown the pass he decided to go himself what a selfish player...
Totally agree.All the Sharks were poor. I thought they played the way the Sharks have been.
If he passes to Morris we score and lead either 20 -6 or 22 -6 at ht. and no way they come back.
Hayne is a show pony.
The tackle graham missed cost us the game.
Not mnore so than Hayne and Mitchell Pearce...Totally agree.
Maloney was poor in the second half.
Graham was dumb
Fifita just got wrestled out of the game. He tried but couldn't do much.
Bird had zero opportunity by the time he got on. Add to the very skinny 10m, he may as well stayed on the bench
Holmes scored but was pretty shit
Sharks thread.Not mnore so than Hayne and Mitchell Pearce...
Bit rough. He saved about three.I also thought Dugan was hit and miss at fullback.
That last qld try I watched Dugan slowly jog across, no urgency what so ever. You would NEVER see slater do that.
He should have been there to tackle gagai.
Nah There were 4 more after that in that one play.The tackle graham missed cost us the game.
GlasbyThe last tackle option from Maloney right at the tail end with the game in balance summed up NSW's game.
Fifita was well down after game 1, they should have played him either super close to the ruck so they can't rush him or well wide running at halves and centres.
Holmes was average I thought, if you were going to make 1 change to the winning side it would be him.