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League headed to foot of class


eelandia said:
Unfortunately the NRL is toothless when it comes to News Ltd inspired mud slinging.

The Tigers headline was disgraceful - yet no defence from the NRL.

I don't expect them to defend our great game from this trash either, yet Annesley makes an absolute fool of himself by coming out and accusing the AFL of being 'scared of League' when he was having a whinge about the scheduling of games the other week.

The game may be doing well, but I believe it is being run by a bunch of gutless, New Ltd stooges who will never say a bad word about their ultimate boss.


100 percent correct


THe same guy


Ignorant of society's rules - especially when drunkBy David Rowe -


As the perpetrators stood before the cameras, heads bowed and hands defensively clamped over groins, their captain for the day and fellow miscreant stumbled over yet another unconvincing prepared statement of regret and resolve. Fines and a sacking followed, and criminal investigations of alleged sexual assault. Business as usual for a rugby league February.


legend said:
Did anyone hear me on 2UE getting stuck into this bloke?

I listened from about 6.30 to 7.30 and I must say I was happy to hear the amount of callers sticking up for league. You were obviously one of them. Well done!

Obviously a weight of emails and calls to Sports Today made sure this fella's dickhead views were the subject of the night.


I was about third caller from memory and no the professor wasn't on the show but Brandy and Gibbsy were in agreeance with my views.

I raised the issue of the Wizard Cup outrating the AFL in Qld, AFL players misbehaving and the pay tv stats for RL and how we have 78 out of the top 100 shows on pay tv a then said pay tv would be dead without League.


Great work lads.

Drag this moron's name through the mud just as he is done to Rugby League.

You reap what you sow, Rowey.


I have just sent this to him and will also send a similar version to the Australian. Maybe we can get the poster known as Albert Rosenfeld to write a rebuke in the Australian, as they've previously published his work before.

Hi David,

I have just read an article by Peter Lalor in the Australian discussing your speech for the Tom Brock lecture. Let me just say, the only part of it I agreed with was this,

"league journalists have "aided and abetted" the code in its shortcomings"

This is true. Not only are they willing to publish truths in the name of selling papers, but they will not defend the game when it comes under attack from supporters of other sports. For example, I doubt there will be a rebuke in the Australian tomorrow destroying all the mistruths in this article. Journos like Steve Mascord and Andrew Voss who are well informed about RL at all levels and willing to stand up for the game are few are far between.

I follow Australian sport closely, and have a different opinion to you. There is doubt AFL is going from strength to strength. Union was doing well in the early parts of this century, but I believe they have lost momentum in the last couple of years. Crowds and TV ratings are massively down this season. There is no doubt soccer is riding a wave from the World Cup and has a great looking future due to our move into Asia and the competitive games it brings.

However your view on Rugby League reeks of long held prejudices. We have just finished a season where the NRL recorded it's second highest ever crowd average, ok down slightly on last year. The English Super League just broke their all time crowd average, for the 5th consecutive season.

But the one thing the article conveniently ignores is TV ratings. Rugby League is one of the most successful TV sports in Australia. Annually the State of Origin games and NRL Grand Final are always up the top of ratings lists, and on Foxtel, usually something like 80 of the top 100 shows watched in a year are Rugby League games. Unfortunately the southern networks have been unwilling to give the game an extended run at a decent hour like the northern networks did with AFL 10 or so years back. Though Rugby League rates well at all levels, with the recent Queensland Cup Rugby League grand final comfortably out rating an AFL semi final through Queensland.

Lastly I would like to give you a few links that may open your eyes to a few things. They are all to various threads on a Rugby League forum, but the forums are reasonably balanced with supporters of other codes regularly getting involved.

Firstly, this is a thread showing TV ratings. If you look at the recent pages you will see how well Rugby League is going, especially in comparison to the deteriorating ratings for Wallaby Test Matches.

Secondly, you've said the 2000 Rugby League World Cup was a failure and I agree it wasn't successful. The terrible weather and a vicious slightly Rugby Union biased British media weren't helpful. In fact some of the views reflected in the British media proclaiming the death of Rugby League weren’t too dissimilar to those displayed in Peter Lalor’s article. Since 2000, Rugby League has kicked on to become one of Britain’s fastest growing sports. Critics around World Cup time such as Frank Keating have now come out and admitted they were wrong.


However despite making a loss and having no money to fund international developments in the 6 years since, the game is continuing to spread. The World Cup qualifiers currently underway here and in Europe suggest the game has developed globally since 2000. Unfortunately the Rugby League International Federation has no media department to spread the good news. Nobody is arguing Rugby League is close to the size of Union, but it has its place and more and more nations are getting involving with little to no funding. I see you've written a book to do with globalisation and sport; I may have to give it a read. But if Rugby League can have around 30 countries involved at some level, with around 20 domestic competitions, with minimal funding available from the Rugby League International Federation, then I'd be interested to hear your theories on how this growth is occurring? So check out this forum for news on International Rugby League.


Another good reference is the Rugby League European Federation. www.rlef.eu.com

Furthermore, when comparing the indiscretions of Rugby League and AFL players, this thread may be a good reference. I have little doubt that the Sydney media sensationalises player misconduct to sell papers. I believe the Victorian media still feels some obligation to protect the reputation of “their game”. The link below is a reference for all player indiscretions concerning AFL players.


In conclusion, I really hope the article in the Australian was sensationalised and they are not your true views on the situation facing the 4 football codes. I think you need to take a look at TV ratings and open your eyes to the various biases displayed by the Australian media. When you look at the figures, Rugby League is in fact doing quite well.



First Grade
While people keep pumping out all sorts of garbage about the 2000 WC they seem to miss that it was succesful in France. Also the 1995 WC was also a great success, I believe it suits the agenda of those against our game to ensure that it doesn't be seen as international/global which would lead to major sponsors.


First Grade
Quotes like "the enduring appeal of Australian rules football" are so baseless, I want to power chuck at my computer screen.


Did anyone else attend the lecture?

He did mention that he was bombarded with emails today and that he was misquoted in The Australian in regards to the sport forever "being girt by sea." That was directed at AFL.
c_eagle said:
Did anyone else attend the lecture?

He did mention that he was bombarded with emails today and that he was misquoted in The Australian in regards to the sport forever "being girt by sea." That was directed at AFL.

Well that would make sense.

I wonder if he has an excuse for the rest of the bollocks he wrote.

Ali, great email and the type to get an airing or at least an answer.

My emails usually have something along the lines of "Are you geniused?" in them somewhere...


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Well that would make sense.

I wonder if he has an excuse for the rest of the bollocks he wrote.

Ali, great email and the type to get an airing or at least an answer.

My emails usually have something along the lines of "Are you geniused?" in them somewhere...

Cheers mate. Unfortunately I left off an "un" and a "no" that reversed the meaning of what I meant to say. But I knocked it up in 20 minutes due to knowing I wouldn't have a chance to go near a computer for 2 days. Hopefully I'll get a reply.

Interesting to hear that Lalor did slightly sensationalise things.


I think the worst thing about that article is the way it looks at history, rather than at potential.

Considering league is only now recovering from the Superleague war it's no wonder he thinks it looks bleak. The last ten years have been a shocker, run off the smell of an empty wallet, and when compared to the other codes it makes it look even worse. But if he looked at potential he'd see another story...

Of all the football codes in Australia I think that only soccer has better potential than league. Sure the AFL can expand into west Sydney and the Gold Coast, but then what? You can only have so many teams in a domestic comp and they dont have an international scene they can promote. And it will be years before they do have anything international because it's not the sort of thing that is solved by throwing money at it. It will take at least a decade to get international competition up to scratch and a large amount of that war chest they've now got.

And union will be up against it as well. Forming a new domestic comp is never easy and there are already questions about its viability. Not only will it be competing with the AFL and NRL it will also be competing with the 'other new comp', the A league, and the soccer boys have a lot more steam at the moment.

When you look at the codes rugby league is the only one that has a solid foundation across every strata of development- from grass roots, through the domestic, domestic-representative and up to international-representative. Sure, we only lead in one of those areas (domestic representative with City/Country and Origin), and it's not the most important area either, but league has room to grow in all other areas without the glass ceilings that the other codes have. Across the board there are areas that league has yet to take full advantage of, where league can expand and grow rather than hit walls that limit that growth. We have potential and with potential comes future momentum.

The problem with this guys article is that he looked at it from an historians point of view. If you look at it that way it's no wonder things look bleak. But if you look at the future, I reckon we have the most exciting prospects of any of the codes, and I dont think that comes from bias. Bring on the tri nations, bring on the Titans, bring on an expanded Superleague competition and all the new regular international fixtures and the World Cup with its celebrations of our first century of footy. It's in the future that league lies, not the turbulent past.

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