Lets save Tim Sheens the Great coach....The guy turned us around its funny that people forget about all the money wasted when the club first started than the Terry Lamb time we had ..Tim came over saved the club turned it around and his style is great would you want to be like any other team the way we play is amazing and its because of Tim Sheens ...I remember when he sign Keith Galloway and many people said no good but he is going to play for Australia one day shaw we have some lemons like Dene Halatau ..Plays ok but he is on huge money and i mean huge and i know that for a fact huge money but thats life ....I hope the team can settle down and just play the football we know it can we can finish strong and go better next year .......And Daine Laurie is fun to watch at times but if he wants to play some where else than let him go