Night 5 Result
The boring prophet was starting to feel the heat. The oppressors were coming down hard on the Judean's and he felt he was in the firing line. He decided a fake beard would help so the authorities wouldn't recognize him.
Prophet: How much? Quick.:
Bazzi: What?
Prophet: It's for the wife.
Bazzi: Oh. Uhhh, twenty shekels.
Prophet: Right.
Bazzi: Well, we're-- we're supposed to haggle.
Prophet: No, no. I've got to get--
Bazzi: What do you mean, 'no, no, no'?
Prophet: I haven't time. I've got--
Bazzi: Well, give it back, then.
Prophet: No, no, no. I just paid you.
Bazzi: Burt!
Burt: Yeah!
Bazzi: This bloke won't haggle.
Burt: Won't haggle?!
Prophet: All right. Do we have to?
Bazzi: Now, look. I want twenty for that.
Prophet: I-- I just gave you twenty.
Bazzi: Now, are you telling me that's not worth twenty shekels?
Prophet: No.
Bazzi: Look at it. Feel the quality. That's none of your goat.
Prophet: All right. I'll give you nineteen then.
Bazzi:No, no, no. Come on. Do it properly.
BRIAN: What?
Bazzi: Haggle properly. This isn't worth nineteen.
Prophet: Well, you just said it was worth twenty.
Bazzi: Ohh, dear. Ohh, dear. Come on. Haggle.
Prophet: Huh. All right. I'll give you ten.
Bazzi: That's more like it. Ten?! Are you trying to insult me?! Me, with a poor dying grandmother?! Ten?!
Prophet: All right. I'll give you eleven.
Bazzi: Now you're gettin' it. Eleven?! Did I hear you right?! Eleven?! This cost me twelve. You want to ruin me?!
Prophet: Seventeen?
Bazzi: No, no, no, no. Seventeen.
Prophet: Eighteen?
Bazzi: No, no. You go to fourteen now.
Prophet: All right. I'll give you fourteen.
Bazzi: Fourteen?! Are you joking?!
Prophet: That's what you told me to say.
Bazzi: Ohh, dear.
The prophet had had enough of this game, he choked Bazzi with the fake beard & ran.
Bazzi is dead.
He was Harry the Haggler, Jerusalem aligned Dodgy Salesman
Pontius Pilate was still troubled that the woman he had wanted dead the past few nights was alive. He called in Centuwion once more. "I wiww make myself vewy cwear" he said. "kiww Judiff Isscawiott!"
Centurion Understood........
Misanthrope is dead.
He was Judith Iscariott, Jerusalem aligned Hornbag.
Stan was on the prowl again, kicking stones & feeling sorry for himself. His mind was clearly not functioning properly as he tried to scale the walls of the palace to kill Biggus Dickus. Pontius & Incontinentia spotted him and chased him away.
Ozzy is still not dead.
He is still Biggus Dickus.
The Jailer ducked out of the dungeons to have a quick durrie in the fresh night air. He spotted 3 wise men wandering along carrying Gold, Mir & frankencence. he didnt care too much for Mir or Frankencence, but he did like gold.
Wise man 1 is dead.
He was wise man number one.
It is now day 6. With 18 alive, it is 9 to lynch.