Ozbash and Te Kaha.
If you want to get insulting, fine. Get stuffed the pair of you. Is that ok?? I've played far more union than league, by the way.
I know, and you know, that league is far more physical than union. You see, it's not even a matter of opinion. The points I listed, and which you sectacularly failed to address, point to league being, by way of THE LAWS OF THE GAME, more physical than union.
This is what kills me about rah rah tits like you: 'rugby' has got this internationial reputation for being a tough sport to play. But RU fans all know that league is by far the more physical, taxing game to play and you're all insecure about that fact.
Te Kaha. No one's asking you to choose your preference. But both sports can't be identical in terms of physicality, though, can they? One's got to be tougher than the other, surely?
I don't know one dual code int'l who has EVER said union is tougher than league but I know several who have said that league is by far tougher than union. Again, you know this and all rah rah fans know this but you're too insecure to admit it publicly. Most of my chums freely admit that union isn't as hard as league, even though they're union fans. They prefer it for other reasons, wich is their prerogative.
Te Kaha, you mention NZ club rugby being not as clean as the televised rah rah. So, what you're actually saying is that it's violent? What's that got to do with sport?
I asked you which was the more physical sport, I didn't ask if NZ club rugby refs allow its players to stretch the rules and introduce otherwise unacceptable levels of violence into the matches.
If a Lancashire RL competition had refs who allowed mass violence does that make league officially tougher than union? Of course not. Citing a regional comp as the reason why union is supposedly harder than league is risible.
I was talking about the laws of the game and you brought up some regional variation of rah rah as an example of just how tough you rugger boys are!
Typical rah rahs: when faced with an entirely matter-of-fact, point by point argument of why league is tougher than union (i.e. because of its laws and therefore its intrinsic nature) you are unable to meet this rationale head on and instead cite irrelevant examples - in your case of pseudo illegal rah rah behaviour in NZ club rugby.
"Ever been on the wrong side of a ruck?" Is that the best union can do? Pathetic, fellas, truly pathetic.
And leet me say that for a moderator you're quite rude and unpleasant.