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Little depressed please help!!!!!


Spike said:
I have the opposite problem. I'm trying to bulk up but because I do too much cardio work and don't or can't eat enough to keep the weight on.
Great you really know how to rub some one the wrong way! ;-)


First Grade
Actually I have good side effects of being a prick. A girl that I work with asked me to help her lose some weight by working out with me. She lost 3 dress sizes in less than six weeks.

The biggest issue is mental rather than physical. You have to really want to lose the weight and not go at it half-arsed if you want to sucessfully lose the weight. It is also beneficial to have someone motivate you when you feel like your hitting a wall. I guarentee I could get you from 140kgs to less than 100kgs


Spike said:
Actually I have good side effects of being a prick. A girl that I work with asked me to help her lose some weight by working out with me. She lost 3 dress sizes in less than six weeks.

The biggest issue is mental rather than physical. You have to really want to lose the weight and not go at it half-arsed if you want to sucessfully lose the weight. It is also beneficial to have someone motivate you when you feel like your hitting a wall. I guarentee I could get you from 140kgs to less than 100kgs
What's your suggestion Guru??????


First Grade
magpiemax said:
What's your suggestion Guru??????

Go to your fridge and pantry and throw out everything that is bad for you, replace it with plenty of fruit and vegetables, lean meat and other healthy food. Start exercising on a regular basis, only a small amount to begin with and build up gradually.


Spike said:
magpiemax said:
What's your suggestion Guru??????

Go to your fridge and pantry and throw out everything that is bad for you, replace it with plenty of fruit and vegetables, lean meat and other healthy food. Start exercising on a regular basis, only a small amount to begin with and build up gradually.
You see, the other prob is that I drive a cab all day so it's not what you would call an active life style, and im always exposed to junk food.If I bring food from home by lunch time, do you know what it looks like after sitting in the boot all day!! :shock: And I have tried walking(boring),jogging(painful shin's),pushups can only manage about 4,sitt ups about 6. Mate let's face it Im a f*ckin bur'nt out shell at 37. :oops:


First Grade
bullsh*t they're just excuses and a f*cked up attitude. I'm a police officer and drive around all day too but I either take a small cool-bag with sandwiches and fruit or I buy something healthy.

walking maybe boring, but cardio work is best way to lose weight. You've just got to decide whether you want to lose the weight enough to put up with a little boredom. Either that or buy a walkman or Mp3 player and take it with you while you walk. Your shins are sore because they're not use to the exercise. The only way they'll stop getting sore is if you exercise on a regular basis.


Fair enough Spike,
But don't you get the urge to eat ice cream or sweet's or Big Mac's and other Diabetic & heart disease related foods.
I mean i just don't find it exciting eating a f*CKING alfa-alfa sandwich. And other rabbit affiliated food. And be starving waiting for lunch time to come around and in the interim feel like smashing someone in my cab due to my tummy grumbling. #-o


First Grade
Of course I get the urge to eat sweets and I've got an extreme weakness for magnum ice-cream and alcohol (not together), but I don't always act on my impulses. Next time you want to eat an ice-cream, shove an apple into your mouth instead or eat the healthy stuff they serve at maccas now instead of a fat burger. It's hard, no one saying that it isn't but it all comes down to your attitiude towards losing the weight.


Spike said:
Of course I get the urge to eat sweets and I've got an extreme weakness for magnum ice-cream and alcohol (not together), but I don't always act on my impulses. Next time you want to eat an ice-cream, shove an apple into your mouth instead or eat the healthy stuff they serve at maccas now instead of a fat burger. It's hard, no one saying that it isn't but it all comes down to your attitiude towards losing the weight.
Yeah.....Fair enough and thank's for all the advice.Funny how you mentioned the healthy stuff and salads that they have at Macca's now,I heard on the radio the other day that of all item's sold at Macca's there new healthy menu sell's under 1% as opposed to all the other food's on there menu which is 99.15% of all item's sold. :p


First Grade
They only sell the stuff to avoid those idiotic law suits where people were trying to get cash out of them for making them overweight because they didn't sell healthy alternatives.

Personally I don't touch anything made by maccas, but that's because I worked their for about a week when I was a kid, got fired for being late although I was fooling around with the manager's girlfriend and took out revenge by deflouring the large container of mayo.


My cousin is the CEO his name is Guy Russo! Hope it was'nt his girlfriend because his wife would be pretty angry!

Dirty Hoe

try and aim to do something physical for at least 30 minutes a day..that can be anything from a casual stroll, moving ya legs while you are sitting waiting in ya cab or at the computer. doesnt have to be 30 minutes all at once you can spread it out through out the day. leave little messages around the house or near the computer as a reminder and keep a diary of what you have eaten, this is a biggie cause you can look back and see what you are eating and maybe how you can change your eating habits and exercises. dont go all out at the start, maybe start by cutting out one bad thing you eat at a time, otherwise ya body will fall wont have time to adapt and you will feel shithouse. make some goals each week, such as i will make some sandwiches before i go to work instead of going to that takeaway shop just down the road, little things like that will help...keep you motivated.
maddogmason lost 18 kilos in 2 months...basically that would have been fat and muscle, what you dont want to do is lose muscle. eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day...ya plan is to try and lose a kilo of fat a week, anymore than that could be classed as unhealthy. and dont believe the hype that you can spot reduce your fat deposits...if you do 100 sit ups you arent just going to lose fat from your gut, your body is an individual, everyone stores their body fat in certain places more than others, hence why some have a beer gut, love handles, big butt etc.

number one thing you should know to lose fat is that you have to burn more calories or kilojoules than you take in, its simple really, but its a long road and it wont happen instantly...basically its a life long thing, once you get the hang of it, its becomes natural.


Dirty Hoe said:
try and aim to do something physical for at least 30 minutes a day..that can be anything from a casual stroll, moving ya legs while you are sitting waiting in ya cab or at the computer. doesnt have to be 30 minutes all at once you can spread it out through out the day. leave little messages around the house or near the computer as a reminder and keep a diary of what you have eaten, this is a biggie cause you can look back and see what you are eating and maybe how you can change your eating habits and exercises. dont go all out at the start, maybe start by cutting out one bad thing you eat at a time, otherwise ya body will fall wont have time to adapt and you will feel shithouse. make some goals each week, such as i will make some sandwiches before i go to work instead of going to that takeaway shop just down the road, little things like that will help...keep you motivated.
maddogmason lost 18 kilos in 2 months...basically that would have been fat and muscle, what you dont want to do is lose muscle. eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day...ya plan is to try and lose a kilo of fat a week, anymore than that could be classed as unhealthy. and dont believe the hype that you can spot reduce your fat deposits...if you do 100 sit ups you arent just going to lose fat from your gut, your body is an individual, everyone stores their body fat in certain places more than others, hence why some have a beer gut, love handles, big butt etc.

number one thing you should know to lose fat is that you have to burn more calories or kilojoules than you take in, its simple really, but its a long road and it wont happen instantly...basically its a life long thing, once you get the hang of it, its becomes natural.
I appreciate that Dirty Hoe,although I was told that it is better to do the 30 minute exercise in one hit as it keeps up some form of intensity do get your metabolism burning.As opposed to stopping, once your heart rate starts to rise for a constant amount of time.My problem is not so much during the day as I am kept busy driving an so on,but the evening as it is difficult to resist my wife's lasagne,I have an appetite that is almost difficult to explain as I could eat a horse. Maybe the Atkin's diet?? I don't know!!!!!! :cry:

Dirty Hoe

your correct in a way about the 30 minutes of exercise all in one go...obviously it would be better for you, but you dont seem too keen for it all in one go. doing the 30 mins of exercise in one go is more so for increased lung capacity, or fitness. basically as long as you are doing something that will burn the calories all is good. although i think the way you are thinking at the moment...losing fat isnt your number priorty...even though you maybe telling yourself it is...you are coming up with excuses, not a good sign...maybe if it is a priorty why dont you ask your wife to join you on the diet. good luck anyway mate...hopefully you get motivated to do it.


Dirty Hoe said:
your correct in a way about the 30 minutes of exercise all in one go...obviously it would be better for you, but you dont seem too keen for it all in one go. doing the 30 mins of exercise in one go is more so for increased lung capacity, or fitness. basically as long as you are doing something that will burn the calories all is good. although i think the way you are thinking at the moment...losing fat isnt your number priorty...even though you maybe telling yourself it is...you are coming up with excuses, not a good sign...maybe if it is a priorty why dont you ask your wife to join you on the diet. good luck anyway mate...hopefully you get motivated to do it.
My wife go on the diet,don't think so, she only weigh's 55kg's.


Max...you say you've got a massive appetite so you have to eat junk cause healthy food leaves you starving...the important thing is to change the types of foods you're eating, not eat healthy AND cut back on the amount of food you're eating. Dramatically cutting back on your food intake slows your metabolism anyway.

And walking is cooool :( But anywoo it's probably your best option if you have such a low level of fitness, just find a way to enjoy it or a motivation. Do you have a dog?? Or a friend/relatives dog you could take for regular walks? It might motivate you as you've got some company, you'll be doing someone else a favour if you take their dog for a walk, and you'll be keeping the dog happy and healthy. Walking with someone else would be another idea, you won't really realise you're walking if you've got a conversation going. As already mentioned music's another idea, or just go somewhere scenic and enjoy the walk. If it's really not your thing try swimming, it's good if you're a little on the heavy side as it's non weight bearing. You'll find something...surely there's some kind of sport/exercise that will interest you?!

Basically the important thing is to eat well and be more active.

Ron Jeremy

It's easy!!

The atkins diet without the oil & stuff!!

Just eat meat all they long...or high protein very low carbs and the weight will strip off.

This this in cycles though as isn't very good on the body to do it all the time.

So basically no bread, Pasta, rice, potato's & junk food....that's just the start!!

From now on eat bran for breakfast, use sugar tablets instead of normal sugar like nutra sweets, drink only skim milk have plenty of chicken, salad, tuna, redmeat & pure protein powder without carbs mixed with water ( very tasty some).

Also drink plenty of green teads combined with doing weights at the gym & you will loose weight know doubt.


Thank's for all the help guys and gal's :clap: what Im basically doing for now is eating well early in the morning.And reducing my meal's by day's end with no carbs after 3p.m. #-o I am walking 40 minutes 5 day's a week and once I have reached a reasonable level of fitness I am thinking of joining possibly a 4th grade touch footy side. ;-)
Regard's Max.

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