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Losing Your 'Best Mate'


How's it?

I'm breaking my summer sabbatical from the forum for a post on losing Kiwi, my beloved cat. He had to be put down on December 30, after nearly 12 years. He had a great life; a comfortable top story flat, looking out over the world, and three vacant houses down below, with gardens and lawns for his, largely, exclusive use.

I've found it hits the mark with most people, losing a beloved pet. You good folk would have similar stories, no?

It's a rugby league forum so let me try to make it a bit 'on topic'. Kiwi was both gentle and tough, a bit like Kevin Tamati really. I laughed once when an ugly-looking dog came bounding up to him and announced his intentions to cause trouble. He got a cold, sickening thud around the chops, which stopped him dead in his tracks. But Kiwi was basically a sweet, good-natured thing.

Kiwi, despite being black and white, was actually named after the famous 1983 Melbourne Cup winner, although, at home with the Mrs, only I really got that link. He was with me for all those Warriors games I watched or listened to at home*. He was never kicked! Quite the opposite, a comfort after a loss, a thing to celebrate with after a great win. You could actually hold him by the front paws and he'd have a jig with you. Although, he might be pleased the Warriors didn't win much. And he got beer spilt on him once.

I always remember the date I got him from the SPCA (with another cat we still have, nice pretty girl but without his charisma and unselfish nature) because my brother and I went to a Tri-Nations Final at the SFS, November 25th 2006, Kiwis v Kangaroos. I remember the long ride home, after a loss, thinking how cool it was that these new additions to our home were there waiting for me when I got back.

I've been told that losing a pet is a 'process', which quietly made me laugh, as you'll know. This 'process' is hard! And long.

He was a bloody ripper of an animal and will be missed. Gee, it's painful when they know they're dying. On his last few days he was very clingy, went to all his favourite spots around the house and outside, including staggering down to his bush in the neighbouring property (gutsy little bastard) where he'd laze on sunny days.

In hindsight, I think that's where he wanted to die, but at the time I went down and got him, which I regret now, cause he died at the cold, vet's surgery, the same one where he was handed in as a six month old kitten all those years ago (no doubt lost on some adventure).

It's best I get this post done and dusted now, during the silly season, rather than rock up in the first week of March when we're all pumped for the new season.

Cheers all, please feel free to share both your departed and undeparted pet stories. They don't need any rugby league themes!

I look forward to the week-to-week footy talk coming up. My first season in 13 years without little Kiwi around. He kept my spirits up, so I hope I'm still the same calm, yet slightly cranky (being a Warriors fan, who isn't?), poster I've been over the years. R & S, I'll be at the Reserve Grade games, if the vibe's right with Iro running the team.

*Four I remember vividly were:
- Johnson's unexpected penalty goal to win over the Chooks last year.
- Hoffman's charge down and Johnson's winning try, when it was supposed to be all over, at Cronulla.
- Bodene Thompson scoring an extra-time winner at Parra.
- Witt's thriller in the Storm final.




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Got two cats myself and it's not a nice thought to think I'll be saying goodbye to both of them at some point, one of which I found under my wife's car when it was no more than a week old and had to hand raise it.

Cat's are a very personal animal, and you rarely get to see a cats true nature if you're a stranger. So while it doesn't make the loss any easier, I'm sure it's comforting to know that the time you did have him he was well looked after and had a loving life. Not all pets get to be so lucky unfortunately.
Commiserations Blair

When I met my now wife, she already had a dog. Known him for nearly 4 years now and couldn't imagine life without him, I'll be a wreck when he departs the scene !!


Staff member
Yeah, I have 3 elderly dogs. All rescue or SPCA.
Funnily enough when you posted this I was facing taking the youngest to the vet as she couldn't stand without yelping, a journey I thought only one of us would survive. But with a good vet and the wonders of modern medicine she is now on her feet again.
So sympathies for your loss.
The photos are remarkably similar.


We had three elderly rescued cats - lost one of them last year, she was about 18 - lovely thing - got her from the SPCA when nobody else wanted her - some bastard's bull terrier killed her on our driveway where she loved to lie in the sun - terrible end for her -still sad about it so empathise Blair

The second one is about 16, grown up with my son - she's slowed down but fit as a fiddle.

Have a dog too, the cats tolerate him LOL


Cheers all. What a great bunch.

Let me leave this one with you. It was him in his prime, down on the neighbour's roof, looking out over his territory.

We had a little wake for him a couple of Saturday nights ago, a great excuse to get on the beer, wine and cheese. It's rare I can get pissed at home!

I tell you what too, if I'm still kicking, and the Warriors ever go all the way in the NRL, even forty years from now, then Kiwi will be one of the first things I think of. As mentioned, he was often at my side for so many games, good and bad! It may have shortened the poor bugger's life.


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