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The Teams for SEASON 1:
St Clair Comets
Mudgee Dragons
Kincumber Colts
Erina Eagles
The Catbox Bulldogs
NAMBLA Boylovers
Forbes Magpies
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
The Rebels
The Crusaders
Western Wombats
Penrith Panthers
The Sharkies
Manly Sonics
Tregear Foxes
Wyangle Wheelbarrows
(Home Teams First)
St. Clair Comets .v. Mudgee Dragons
Kincumber Colts .v. Erina Eagles
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Forbes Magpies .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
The Rebels .v. The Crusaders
Western Wombats .v. Penrith Panthers
The Sharkies .v. Manly Sonics
Tregear Foxes .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Kincumber Colts .v. St. Clair Comets
Mudgee Dragons .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Erina Eagles .v. Forbes Magpies
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. The Rebels
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Western Wombats
The Crusaders .v. The Sharkies
Penrith Panthers .v. Tregear Foxes
Manly Sonics .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
St. Clair Comets .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Forbes Magpies .v. Kincumber Colts
The Rebels .v. Mudgee Dragons
Western Wombats .v. Erina Eagles
The Sharkies .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Tregear Foxes .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. The Crusaders
Manly Sonics .v. Penrith Panthers
Forbes Magpies .v. St. Clair Comets
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. The Rebels
Kincumber Colts .v. Western Wombats
Mudgee Dragons .v. The Sharkies
Erina Eagles .v. Tregear Foxes
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Manly Sonics
The Crusaders .v. Penrith Panthers
St. Clair Comets .v. The Rebels
Western Wombats .v. Forbes Magpies
The Sharkies .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Tregear Foxes .v. Kincumber Colts
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Mudgee Dragons
Manly Sonics .v. Erina Eagles
Penrith Panthers .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Crusaders .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Western Wombats .v. St. Clair Comets
The Rebels .v. The Sharkies
Forbes Magpies .v. Tregear Foxes
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Kincumber Colts .v. Manly Sonics
Mudgee Dragons .v. Penrith Panthers
Erina Eagles .v. The Crusaders
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
St. Clair Comets .v. The Sharkies
Tregear Foxes .v. Western Wombats
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. The Rebels
Manly Sonics .v. Forbes Magpies
Penrith Panthers .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
The Crusaders .v. Kincumber Colts
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Mudgee Dragons
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Erina Eagles
Tregear Foxes .v. St. Clair Comets
The Sharkies .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Western Wombats .v. Manly Sonics
The Rebels .v. Penrith Panthers
Forbes Magpies .v. The Crusaders
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Kincumber Colts .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Mudgee Dragons .v. Erina Eagles
St. Clair Comets .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Manly Sonics .v. Tregear Foxes
Penrith Panthers .v. The Sharkies
The Crusaders .v. Western Wombats
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. The Rebels
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Forbes Magpies
Erina Eagles .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Mudgee Dragons .v. Kincumber Colts
Manly Sonics .v. St. Clair Comets
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Penrith Panthers
Tregear Foxes .v. The Crusaders
The Sharkies .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Western Wombats .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Rebels .v. Erina Eagles
Forbes Magpies .v. Mudgee Dragons
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Kincumber Colts
St. Clair Comets .v. Penrith Panthers
The Crusaders .v. Manly Sonics
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Tregear Foxes
Erina Eagles .v. The Sharkies
Mudgee Dragons .v. Western Wombats
Kincumber Colts .v. The Rebels
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Forbes Magpies
The Crusaders .v. St. Clair Comets
Penrith Panthers .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Manly Sonics .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Erina Eagles
Tregear Foxes .v. Mudgee Dragons
The Sharkies .v. Kincumber Colts
Western Wombats .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
The Rebels .v. Forbes Magpies
St. Clair Comets .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. The Crusaders
Erina Eagles .v. Penrith Panthers
Mudgee Dragons .v. Manly Sonics
Kincumber Colts .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Tregear Foxes
Forbes Magpies .v. The Sharkies
The Rebels .v. Western Wombats
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. St. Clair Comets
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Erina Eagles
The Crusaders .v. Mudgee Dragons
Penrith Panthers .v. Kincumber Colts
Manly Sonics .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Forbes Magpies
Tregear Foxes .v. The Rebels
The Sharkies .v. Western Wombats
St. Clair Comets .v. Erina Eagles
Mudgee Dragons .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Kincumber Colts .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. The Crusaders
Forbes Magpies .v. Penrith Panthers
The Rebels .v. Manly Sonics
Western Wombats .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
The Sharkies .v. Tregear Foxes
Mudgee Dragons .v. St. Clair Comets
Erina Eagles .v. Kincumber Colts
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Forbes Magpies
The Crusaders .v. The Rebels
Penrith Panthers .v. Western Wombats
Manly Sonics .v. The Sharkies
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Tregear Foxes
St. Clair Comets .v. Kincumber Colts
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Mudgee Dragons
Forbes Magpies .v. Erina Eagles
The Rebels .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Western Wombats .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
The Sharkies .v. The Crusaders
Tregear Foxes .v. Penrith Panthers
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Manly Sonics
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. St. Clair Comets
Kincumber Colts .v. Forbes Magpies
Mudgee Dragons .v. The Rebels
Erina Eagles .v. Western Wombats
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. The Sharkies
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Tregear Foxes
The Crusaders .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Penrith Panthers .v. Manly Sonics
St. Clair Comets .v. Forbes Magpies
The Rebels .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Western Wombats .v. Kincumber Colts
The Sharkies .v. Mudgee Dragons
Tregear Foxes .v. Erina Eagles
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Manly Sonics .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Penrith Panthers .v. The Crusaders
The Rebels .v. St. Clair Comets
Forbes Magpies .v. Western Wombats
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. The Sharkies
Kincumber Colts .v. Tregear Foxes
Mudgee Dragons .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Erina Eagles .v. Manly Sonics
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Penrith Panthers
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. The Crusaders
St. Clair Comets .v. Western Wombats
The Sharkies .v. The Rebels
Tregear Foxes .v. Forbes Magpies
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Manly Sonics .v. Kincumber Colts
Penrith Panthers .v. Mudgee Dragons
The Crusaders .v. Erina Eagles
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Sharkies .v. St. Clair Comets
Western Wombats .v. Tregear Foxes
The Rebels .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Forbes Magpies .v. Manly Sonics
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Penrith Panthers
Kincumber Colts .v. The Crusaders
Mudgee Dragons .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Erina Eagles .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
St. Clair Comets .v. Tregear Foxes
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. The Sharkies
Manly Sonics .v. Western Wombats
Penrith Panthers .v. The Rebels
The Crusaders .v. Forbes Magpies
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Kincumber Colts
Erina Eagles .v. Mudgee Dragons
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. St. Clair Comets
Tregear Foxes .v. Manly Sonics
The Sharkies .v. Penrith Panthers
Western Wombats .v. The Crusaders
The Rebels .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Forbes Magpies .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Erina Eagles
Kincumber Colts .v. Mudgee Dragons
St. Clair Comets .v. Manly Sonics
Penrith Panthers .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
The Crusaders .v. Tregear Foxes
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. The Sharkies
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Western Wombats
Erina Eagles .v. The Rebels
Mudgee Dragons .v. Forbes Magpies
Kincumber Colts .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Penrith Panthers .v. St. Clair Comets
Manly Sonics .v. The Crusaders
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Tregear Foxes .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Sharkies .v. Erina Eagles
Western Wombats.v. Mudgee Dragons
The Rebels .v. Kincumber Colts
Forbes Magpies .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Finals Series:
Week 1, Qualifying Finals.
1st vs 8th.
2nd vs 7th.
3rd vs 6th.
4th vs 5th.
Week 2, Semi-Finals, (Elimination).
A - Winner 4 vs Loser 2.
B - Winner 3 vs Loser 1.
Week 3, Preliminary Finals, (Elimination).
C - Winner 1 vs Winner A.
D - Winner 2 vs Winner B.
Week 4, Grand Final
Winner C v Winner D.
More Info Soon
St Clair Comets
Mudgee Dragons
Kincumber Colts
Erina Eagles
The Catbox Bulldogs
NAMBLA Boylovers
Forbes Magpies
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
The Rebels
The Crusaders
Western Wombats
Penrith Panthers
The Sharkies
Manly Sonics
Tregear Foxes
Wyangle Wheelbarrows
(Home Teams First)
St. Clair Comets .v. Mudgee Dragons
Kincumber Colts .v. Erina Eagles
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Forbes Magpies .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
The Rebels .v. The Crusaders
Western Wombats .v. Penrith Panthers
The Sharkies .v. Manly Sonics
Tregear Foxes .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Kincumber Colts .v. St. Clair Comets
Mudgee Dragons .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Erina Eagles .v. Forbes Magpies
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. The Rebels
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Western Wombats
The Crusaders .v. The Sharkies
Penrith Panthers .v. Tregear Foxes
Manly Sonics .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
St. Clair Comets .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Forbes Magpies .v. Kincumber Colts
The Rebels .v. Mudgee Dragons
Western Wombats .v. Erina Eagles
The Sharkies .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Tregear Foxes .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. The Crusaders
Manly Sonics .v. Penrith Panthers
Forbes Magpies .v. St. Clair Comets
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. The Rebels
Kincumber Colts .v. Western Wombats
Mudgee Dragons .v. The Sharkies
Erina Eagles .v. Tregear Foxes
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Manly Sonics
The Crusaders .v. Penrith Panthers
St. Clair Comets .v. The Rebels
Western Wombats .v. Forbes Magpies
The Sharkies .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Tregear Foxes .v. Kincumber Colts
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Mudgee Dragons
Manly Sonics .v. Erina Eagles
Penrith Panthers .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Crusaders .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Western Wombats .v. St. Clair Comets
The Rebels .v. The Sharkies
Forbes Magpies .v. Tregear Foxes
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Kincumber Colts .v. Manly Sonics
Mudgee Dragons .v. Penrith Panthers
Erina Eagles .v. The Crusaders
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
St. Clair Comets .v. The Sharkies
Tregear Foxes .v. Western Wombats
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. The Rebels
Manly Sonics .v. Forbes Magpies
Penrith Panthers .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
The Crusaders .v. Kincumber Colts
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Mudgee Dragons
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Erina Eagles
Tregear Foxes .v. St. Clair Comets
The Sharkies .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Western Wombats .v. Manly Sonics
The Rebels .v. Penrith Panthers
Forbes Magpies .v. The Crusaders
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Kincumber Colts .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Mudgee Dragons .v. Erina Eagles
St. Clair Comets .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Manly Sonics .v. Tregear Foxes
Penrith Panthers .v. The Sharkies
The Crusaders .v. Western Wombats
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. The Rebels
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Forbes Magpies
Erina Eagles .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Mudgee Dragons .v. Kincumber Colts
Manly Sonics .v. St. Clair Comets
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Penrith Panthers
Tregear Foxes .v. The Crusaders
The Sharkies .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Western Wombats .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Rebels .v. Erina Eagles
Forbes Magpies .v. Mudgee Dragons
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Kincumber Colts
St. Clair Comets .v. Penrith Panthers
The Crusaders .v. Manly Sonics
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Tregear Foxes
Erina Eagles .v. The Sharkies
Mudgee Dragons .v. Western Wombats
Kincumber Colts .v. The Rebels
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Forbes Magpies
The Crusaders .v. St. Clair Comets
Penrith Panthers .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Manly Sonics .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Erina Eagles
Tregear Foxes .v. Mudgee Dragons
The Sharkies .v. Kincumber Colts
Western Wombats .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
The Rebels .v. Forbes Magpies
St. Clair Comets .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. The Crusaders
Erina Eagles .v. Penrith Panthers
Mudgee Dragons .v. Manly Sonics
Kincumber Colts .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Tregear Foxes
Forbes Magpies .v. The Sharkies
The Rebels .v. Western Wombats
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. St. Clair Comets
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Erina Eagles
The Crusaders .v. Mudgee Dragons
Penrith Panthers .v. Kincumber Colts
Manly Sonics .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Forbes Magpies
Tregear Foxes .v. The Rebels
The Sharkies .v. Western Wombats
St. Clair Comets .v. Erina Eagles
Mudgee Dragons .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Kincumber Colts .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. The Crusaders
Forbes Magpies .v. Penrith Panthers
The Rebels .v. Manly Sonics
Western Wombats .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
The Sharkies .v. Tregear Foxes
Mudgee Dragons .v. St. Clair Comets
Erina Eagles .v. Kincumber Colts
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Forbes Magpies
The Crusaders .v. The Rebels
Penrith Panthers .v. Western Wombats
Manly Sonics .v. The Sharkies
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Tregear Foxes
St. Clair Comets .v. Kincumber Colts
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Mudgee Dragons
Forbes Magpies .v. Erina Eagles
The Rebels .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Western Wombats .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
The Sharkies .v. The Crusaders
Tregear Foxes .v. Penrith Panthers
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Manly Sonics
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. St. Clair Comets
Kincumber Colts .v. Forbes Magpies
Mudgee Dragons .v. The Rebels
Erina Eagles .v. Western Wombats
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. The Sharkies
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. Tregear Foxes
The Crusaders .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Penrith Panthers .v. Manly Sonics
St. Clair Comets .v. Forbes Magpies
The Rebels .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Western Wombats .v. Kincumber Colts
The Sharkies .v. Mudgee Dragons
Tregear Foxes .v. Erina Eagles
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
Manly Sonics .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Penrith Panthers .v. The Crusaders
The Rebels .v. St. Clair Comets
Forbes Magpies .v. Western Wombats
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. The Sharkies
Kincumber Colts .v. Tregear Foxes
Mudgee Dragons .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Erina Eagles .v. Manly Sonics
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Penrith Panthers
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. The Crusaders
St. Clair Comets .v. Western Wombats
The Sharkies .v. The Rebels
Tregear Foxes .v. Forbes Magpies
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Manly Sonics .v. Kincumber Colts
Penrith Panthers .v. Mudgee Dragons
The Crusaders .v. Erina Eagles
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Sharkies .v. St. Clair Comets
Western Wombats .v. Tregear Foxes
The Rebels .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
Forbes Magpies .v. Manly Sonics
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Penrith Panthers
Kincumber Colts .v. The Crusaders
Mudgee Dragons .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Erina Eagles .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
St. Clair Comets .v. Tregear Foxes
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. The Sharkies
Manly Sonics .v. Western Wombats
Penrith Panthers .v. The Rebels
The Crusaders .v. Forbes Magpies
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Kincumber Colts
Erina Eagles .v. Mudgee Dragons
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. St. Clair Comets
Tregear Foxes .v. Manly Sonics
The Sharkies .v. Penrith Panthers
Western Wombats .v. The Crusaders
The Rebels .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Forbes Magpies .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Catbox Bulldogs .v. Erina Eagles
Kincumber Colts .v. Mudgee Dragons
St. Clair Comets .v. Manly Sonics
Penrith Panthers .v. Wyangle Wheelbarrows
The Crusaders .v. Tregear Foxes
Central Coast DANZA SLAPS .v. The Sharkies
NAMBLA Boylovers .v. Western Wombats
Erina Eagles .v. The Rebels
Mudgee Dragons .v. Forbes Magpies
Kincumber Colts .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Penrith Panthers .v. St. Clair Comets
Manly Sonics .v. The Crusaders
Wyangle Wheelbarrows .v. Central Coast DANZA SLAPS
Tregear Foxes .v. NAMBLA Boylovers
The Sharkies .v. Erina Eagles
Western Wombats.v. Mudgee Dragons
The Rebels .v. Kincumber Colts
Forbes Magpies .v. The Catbox Bulldogs
Finals Series:
Week 1, Qualifying Finals.
1st vs 8th.
2nd vs 7th.
3rd vs 6th.
4th vs 5th.
Week 2, Semi-Finals, (Elimination).
A - Winner 4 vs Loser 2.
B - Winner 3 vs Loser 1.
Week 3, Preliminary Finals, (Elimination).
C - Winner 1 vs Winner A.
D - Winner 2 vs Winner B.
Week 4, Grand Final
Winner C v Winner D.
More Info Soon