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Luke O'Donnell signs with unnamed English club


His manager said that the offer that had been tabled was HUGE and no NRL team had a chance of matching it. It was all about what Luke wanted to do and in the end he's made the decision to take the money while it's there.

Not so much to do with the salary cap when he's been paid massive overs to go there and clubs wouldn't of matched it even if they had the money cause he wasn't worth it.


First Grade
I wish Luke all the best in England but i think most Cows fans will be happy that the cleanout is in full swing up in Townsville, things just arent working with the players we have so a cleanout is well overdue. From what i've read there are still plenty to go and we're eyeing off several new signings.


it's a salary cap issue... ergo it is purely an income issue as the cap is as high as it can be at any given time.

ah, this old story. Back again like a braying refrain of "four legs good, two legs bad", lacking any sort of analytical rigour, but yet ever present in the salary cap discussions.

If it's an income issue, then why do most clubs with such varying incomes have no problem paying the salary cap amount? The salary cap is the issue, not the total income, despite what the league administrators will tell you. It's mainly a question of the proportion of income diverted to player salaries. The cap is not as "high as it can be at any given time" - only the clubs themselves truly know what this amout is, and it will be different for each club and constantly changing.

That's why we need to get rid of the cap and let the clubs decide what their own salary expenditure should be. At the very least it needs to be increased to a level that doesn't restrict player salaries to this extent. If clubs cannot afford to pay any more in wages, then they won't do so.

Perth Red

Post Whore
i believe it will just spread the talent thinner... with us maybe being able to hold onto an extra 3-5 top class players per club, so add 2 teams that's maybe 6-10 quality players max that stay in australia at any given moment in time. roughly the same amount after that will just continue to bleed to other competitions until we can pay all of them what they are worth on the global market.

the fact is we produce far more quality than we are financially capable of holding on to. that is just a fact that no-one seems to be able to cope with. welcome to reality.

The salary cap doesn't need to go up alot for the NRL clubs to be offering more than SL clubs can. Their salary cap is only 1.6mill pound and though they tend to offer Australians more pounds than english players it isn't much more than they could be getting in NRL in most cases. Add in the closing of the off shore payment tax loophole, the poor exchange rate and the increased federation trained requirements for SL clubs and we will see a change in player movements. Throw in two new clubs able to offer the likes of O'Donnell a higher pay than the Cowboys could and he would be heading West instead of North.

Perth Red

Post Whore
by paying the rest of their squad piss all. far less high quality players over there in general.

he will be their marquee player, replacing Brett Hodgson who is leaving but they still have to pay 23 other FT players and have three or four that would be in high demand from other SL clubs.

Perth Red

Post Whore
by paying the rest of their squad piss all. far less high quality players over there in general.

he will be their marquee player, replacing Brett Hodgson who is leaving but they still have to pay 23 other FT players and have three or four that would be in high demand from other SL clubs.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Woah, wait a minute.................since when was the Super League NOT in the game? Last I checked they still played Rugby League.


First Grade
I'd like to know how SL clubs with a smaller salary cap afford to offer more money?
I remember reading a while back it was more to do with tax breaks the non-UK players get, so it ends up being more money in the bank for the player in question even if the amounts, after currency conversion, are comparable.


Super Moderator
Staff member
whats with these comments about LOD being quality and before his use by date etc?

he's been a thorn in the side of the cowboys for the last 3 years. a very over rated player now who is waaaaay overpriced.


glad to see him go

only playing 40% of his contract
would almost make him the highest paid player in the game (games/$)


Staff member
Seems to me that the decreased quota in SL is starting to take effect. It will be down to 4 in a few years so NRL clubs should be prepared to lose quality not quantity. Exception being one team has a higher quota.

Wigan are looking to replace Paleasena, Phelps, Riddell & Phil Bailey with Hoffman, Finch & maybe Quinn. That's an example of the way it's going to be in coming years IMO. Still alot better than any if them going to Union and all these people saying we're "losing them to the game" need to open their mind a bit.


I reckon he will be back in the NRL in 1 to 2 years.

His judiciary record is so poor, that if he stays out of the NRL for a year or two his slate will get wiped clean and he will be worth more to clubs.

At the moment he just wasnt' worth the risk, he would only have to drop a loud fart near an NRL official to get 5 weeks.

Hudds lad

I reckon he will be back in the NRL in 1 to 2 years.

His judiciary record is so poor, that if he stays out of the NRL for a year or two his slate will get wiped clean and he will be worth more to clubs.

At the moment he just wasnt' worth the risk, he would only have to drop a loud fart near an NRL official to get 5 weeks.

The judicary panel in Super League is so poor at the moment if you commit the worst foul in the game you will only get a maximum of around 3 games ban and a £300 pound fine which will probably suit O'Donnell down to the ground.


ah, this old story. Back again like a braying refrain of "four legs good, two legs bad", lacking any sort of analytical rigour, but yet ever present in the salary cap discussions.

If it's an income issue, then why do most clubs with such varying incomes have no problem paying the salary cap amount? The salary cap is the issue, not the total income, despite what the league administrators will tell you. It's mainly a question of the proportion of income diverted to player salaries. The cap is not as "high as it can be at any given time" - only the clubs themselves truly know what this amout is, and it will be different for each club and constantly changing.

That's why we need to get rid of the cap and let the clubs decide what their own salary expenditure should be. At the very least it needs to be increased to a level that doesn't restrict player salaries to this extent. If clubs cannot afford to pay any more in wages, then they won't do so.
ahh yes, blame the cap. the fact is that the NRL pays an absolutely massive chunk of a teams salary (all but something like $500k). all a club in the NRL pays for is it's running costs, stadium fees and what have you. the players are more or less solely paid for by handouts from the NRL and leagues clubs grants, which are becoming more scarce by the day. this is why most clubs can afford to pay their players up to the cap... and i do say most clubs. there are still clubs playing well under the cap. ideally the NRL would be paying the entire salary cap for each team, and when that occurs - genuine, larger increases to the cap will be feasible. having no salary cap is a sh*t idea that will kill more than a couple of clubs mid to long term. clubs will either over spend and send themselves broke, or slowly succumb to decreased support due to not being able to compete with cashed up clubs.

sorry, i couldn't disagree with you anymore than i do. you are completely wrong.
The salary cap doesn't need to go up alot for the NRL clubs to be offering more than SL clubs can. Their salary cap is only 1.6mill pound and though they tend to offer Australians more pounds than english players it isn't much more than they could be getting in NRL in most cases. Add in the closing of the off shore payment tax loophole, the poor exchange rate and the increased federation trained requirements for SL clubs and we will see a change in player movements. Throw in two new clubs able to offer the likes of O'Donnell a higher pay than the Cowboys could and he would be heading West instead of North.
wrong again, and here is why: we have far more quality players than they do... and more players worth paying more money. we are currently spending pretty much near the maximum of what some clubs can afford at the moment. once again, introducing more teams will increase our maximum capacity to retain quality players only by whatever a current clubs capacity is to retain quality players multiplied by however many clubs you add to the competition. the rest will just continue to bleed. we produce so many quality players each and every year... we will not be able to hold them all unless we can pay every single one of them their global market value, it's as simple as that.

to put it in even simpler terms.. say a quality player has a career of 12 years... and each club can accomodate 5-7 of these top paid players at any one time. do you think that 2 extra teams is going to help us keep every single quality paid player for the career span of the ones already occupying salary cap space? no, it will make absolutely bugger all difference unless we can pay ALL our players the money that ESL, Rugby, AFL, whoever are willing to throw at them. we need more money across the board... not just to the players getting paid the top dollars. even if we do increase our capacity substantially, the ESL will just savage the next tier of players down with big money that we can't pay. they have illustrated time and time again they are willing to pay massive overs for players. adding 2 new teams is like a band aid for a broken leg. i'm sorry Perth Red... i respect your passion for wanting a team in your area, but every single one of your posts is so obviously driven by this want and is most often a very thinly veiled excuse to push the expansion agenda.

i mean we're not even venturing into the reasons other than pure cash that players go overseas to play for, the challenge of taking on a different competition, a wish to go out and see the world... i mean saying that adding 2 new teams and giving the salary cap a slight bump will fix the bleed to the ESL is just absurd... it won't help that much at all. what will help is if we can pay all of our players more money, not jsut the marquees.
he will be their marquee player, replacing Brett Hodgson who is leaving but they still have to pay 23 other FT players and have three or four that would be in high demand from other SL clubs.

honestly, i suggest we all wait until the new tv deal. that is when things will get very interesting and we should see some significant increases in the cap and real talk (not fluff alk) of expansion.
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