1. The LOTR trilogy ... even if Peter Jackson NEVER makes a good movie again, it took a Kiwi with the balls the size of planets to make this movie ... and he never let ANYONE down. And he probably had the largest audience of ALL TIME chomping at the bit to bring him down. He made it so perfect, no hardcore fan across the world could even dream of complaining. Peter Jackson achieved what was thought of as being impossible. Bring Tolkien to LIFE. Appease the Tolkien fans worldwide and then make money out of it is what Hollywood thought, but surely they couldnt believe he'd do it. But he did.
2. To Kill a Mockingbird ... I hate old movies ... in those days they didnt even know Coca-Cola had cocaine in it. Cocaine was widespread ... ALL the actors talked REALLY fast and had nervous twitches ... ALL of them, except Gregory Peck. To Kill a Mocking bird is the ultimate movie. And let me assure you, it would NEVER have worked without Gregory Peck, because he wasnt a coke head, and in those days it was rare. But wow, the Harper Lee novel excelled on the big screen. Gregory Peck f**king owns !!
3. One Flew OVer the Cuckoos Nest ... this is a VERY special movie for me.
4. The Deer Hunter ... the most HARDCORE movie of the lot. true GOLD. This is what is so cool about the 70's ... ALL the movies made you think for the rest of your life. Look at Rocky, Star Wars etc etc ... The Deer hunter is still too hardcore to appear on mainstream tv 30 years later.
5. Scarface with Al Pacino. The second hardest movie of the lot
6. True Romance ... Christopher Walken VS Dennis Hopper = True Movie Gold
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIzHOfC0cMU (adjust the gamma ... this clip is a bit dark)
Trust me ... True Romance CRAPS all over Pulp Fiction. This is a TRUE Tarantino Classic, and a modern classic.
7. Raging Bull ... de Niro filmed the FAT scenes first, then he had to lose the weight, and the boxing scenes were filmed second. This Proves de Niro is one of the truly best method actors in history.
8. The time Machine (the original with Rod Taylor) ... This was my favourite movie as a kid. As an adult when i look back on it, its up there with the VERY BEST. What a truly wonderful story. I pity those who dont know it
9. Blue Velvet ... A david lynch classic. Unless you know David Lynch, you wouldnt even know how good this is.
10. The Omega Man ... i MUST list this movie in the top 10. What would YOU do if everyone else died around you ?? And then you found out you were the last human being alive ? Probably the best acting Chuck Heston ever did (meh Ben Hur is a sham ... pfft).
11. The Name of the Rose with Sean Connery. Umberto Eco wrote the book, but two academy award winners in Sean Connery and F. Murray Abraham brought this greatness on the big screen.
12. A clockwork orange ... A Valhalla classic. People used to think this is hardcore, nowadays it just paints a true, albeit warped picture of society. Why its still unavailable on DVD is a mystery.
13. Wild at Heart ... yes TWO David Lynch movies may be a bit much ... but by christ he's a great director.
14. Blade Runner ... Rutger Hauer TOTALLY OWNS this movie. Pfft @ Harrison Ford.
15. The Crow ... wow what a cursed movie ... Imagine Bruce Lee's son Brandon dying while making this. When you look back on the movie itself, you can really believe its Brandon who's going out there to kill those who killed his dad. Other than that, its probably the very BEST "revenge" movie ive ever seen.
(with honourable mention to When We were Kings ... the documentary made about Ali vs Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle) Yeah i know, its not a movie but sh*te its good. Thankyou Valhalla ... i miss you terribly