Posted by: A on February 20, 2004 06:31 PM
Actually, I found out that the current commerical is by an Argentinian producer, Manuk, who did the commercial as a commission. It is only 30 seconds or so. The details are on some German web sites, and they indicate that another song was selected for use in Germany, but that in "Ausland" countries, "You Give Me Love" by Manuk is used. It is an awesome techno snippet with laconic singing. Details are "Manuk - You Give me Love [2003; Metamorphosis; Mosquito, Opa, Poppen, Grab, Wurm, Tequila] " This is the body spray commercial where the guy sprays himself, is bitten by a mosquito that is eaten by a frog that is eaten by an old guy who attracts a younger women but ends up dead. No one could take this commercial seriously, it's too dumb, but the music is pretty sharp.
I'm positive it is called "You Give Me Love" by Manuk. From reading the above, I think that the song may have been done exclusively for Lynx, and may be only 30 seconds long. If I'm wrong then I can't help you.
I found that on the following website: