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Making a good football game...


Well there's been the occasional try (pun) at making Rugby league computer games, I still fondly remember ET's rugby league, and plaid ARL 96 to death despite it's GAPING flaws and stupid diagonal field.

I hope HES can deliver at least a playable, enjoyable game, that they can build on in years to come, I don't think anyone could get it right in one go...

What HES should do is pinch everything they can from EA Sports Madden series, 2003 and 2004 Madden have been awesome, it's not rugby league but it sure does satisfy my appetite for good sport gaming. Madden has been upgraded each year for about the last 8 years, and HES would do well to learn from EA's experience and try to build their football experience with great things like:

- Sliders for all facets of the game
- Owner mode
- Good physics engine, runs, tackles, and the flight of the ball look great

Anyways it remains to be seen what HES will deliver, I played the BETA demo about 8months back and wasn't too enthused, but I am sure they've made leaps and bounds since then.

Here's hoping they deliver a good starting product and go on to keep developing a succesful Rugby league game they can improve time after time.


Three words,

You're a wanker

Sidhe seem to be doing an awesome job for a first effort, how about looking up more information on the game... go to www.rlgame.com, it has heaps of info on all facets.

Ps: League is in it's own league, and making a league game based on an NFL engine would be an insult to the game.


How can you now the game is "awesome", have you played the full version yet? or is there a new demo I can download?
Like I said the demo I played a year back was pretty rough and choppy. Your a tool for coming down on me about a game you haven't even played yet.

I am not suggesting they turn the game into NFL, Rugby League IS the best code of football available and I'll be stoked if they deliver, and I'll be buying the game on day one.

But let me say I won't be stunned if the game isn't everything we all want and more, no-one ever gets game development right first go.

That's why I suggest HES and Sidhe should learn from the pros e.g. EA who is the BIGGEST and BEST maker of sports Games in the world and (A) steal their ideas e.g. physics enginge (human bodies still run and jump the same in the US) and (B) do like EA do and keep developing the game after this year

Rugby League fans deserve a decent game to play, ARL96 and ET's won't run anymore, and Rugby and AFL games are crap substitutes for the best code of football of all.


ngunity said:
How can you now the game is "awesome", have you played the full version yet? or is there a new demo I can download?
Like I said the demo I played a year back was pretty rough and choppy. Your a tool for coming down on me about a game you haven't even played yet.

I am not suggesting they turn the game into NFL, Rugby League IS the best code of football available and I'll be stoked if they deliver, and I'll be buying the game on day one.

But let me say I won't be stunned if the game isn't everything we all want and more, no-one ever gets game development right first go.

That's why I suggest HES and Sidhe should learn from the pros e.g. EA who is the BIGGEST and BEST maker of sports Games in the world and (A) steal their ideas e.g. physics enginge (human bodies still run and jump the same in the US) and (B) do like EA do and keep developing the game after this year

Rugby League fans deserve a decent game to play, ARL96 and ET's won't run anymore, and Rugby and AFL games are crap substitutes for the best code of football of all.

Yeah EA are the best just look at rugby 2001. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I agree with your points ngunity,

I am worried it is going to be less then great.

I am very disappointed there is no mangement or multiple seasons.


also I have never seen any games by these guys before, it could be a buggy piece of crap for all I know


now now... as most in this forum would know i am known for stirring things up a little and some times i dont get along with everyone in here bcause of the differences of opinion... BUT that being said i would also like 2 say to ngunity & DRRRAGONS guys shut the f**k up... r use serious... first of all f**k ea sports... they wouldnt touch rugby league because they simply didnt think it would be sell + while EA sports produce brilliant games like NFL and other amercan loved sports look at the other games for example the last couple of Rugby games, EA have lost there passion for most games besides what will sell in the american market... mario and his team have done a magnificant job and we all see that 'WITHOUT PLAYING IT" besides what are ur judgements based on... a demo released about 3 months into the games development...
so why dont the two of you just keep quiet cuz seriously use have nothing but doubts based on no actual fact... BE HAPPY THAT A COMPANY LIKE SIDHE WOULD MAKE A RUGBY LEAGUE GAME...


PONGIA said:
now now... as most in this forum would know i am known for stirring things up a little and some times i dont get along with everyone in here bcause of the differences of opinion... BUT that being said i would also like 2 say to ngunity & DRRRAGONS guys shut the f**k up... r use serious... first of all f**k ea sports... they wouldnt touch rugby league because they simply didnt think it would be sell + while EA sports produce brilliant games like NFL and other amercan loved sports look at the other games for example the last couple of Rugby games, EA have lost there passion for most games besides what will sell in the american market... mario and his team have done a magnificant job and we all see that 'WITHOUT PLAYING IT" besides what are ur judgements based on... a demo released about 3 months into the games development...
so why dont the two of you just keep quiet cuz seriously use have nothing but doubts based on no actual fact... BE HAPPY THAT A COMPANY LIKE SIDHE WOULD MAKE A RUGBY LEAGUE GAME...
Well said. :D


I think youve got it right. It may not be the best game ever. It IS the best league game ever and in my opinion its the best sports game Ive ever played. And this is in under 18 months production time. Give them another 12 months and it may well be the best game ever.


theVodkaCircle said:
I think youve got it right. It may not be the best game ever. It IS the best league game ever and in my opinion its the best sports game Ive ever played. And this is in under 18 months production time. Give them another 12 months and it may well be the best game ever.

Good call Dude, and I am sure I could Whip your Butt! :lol:


PONGIA said:
EA have lost there passion for most games besides what will sell in the american market... mario and his team have done a magnificant job and we all see that 'WITHOUT PLAYING IT" besides what are ur judgements based on... a demo released about 3 months into the games development...BE HAPPY THAT A COMPANY LIKE SIDHE WOULD MAKE A RUGBY LEAGUE GAME...

OK firstly I am not a "glass is half-full" kind of guy, I like to think of myself as a realist, while everyone else thinks of me as fairly pessimistic.

1) I didn't tell EA to make the game, I suggested the actual developers look at the brilliant work EA has done on sporting games and not re-invent too much of the wheel. Obviously you can't pinch a game engine from FIFA or MAdden for league, but it's things that EA do right that make their sport games great, e.g. if you've been playing sport games the last 15 years or so you'd notice most developers don't make the fast guys outrun the slow guys, despite the fact one is rated 99 and the other 73... anyways EA has finally got this right in the last few years, it's things like that which make a sport game good to play and I'd hate to think Sidhe/HES might not learn from the experience readily available in the market.

I AM happy that someone else is having a crack at making a rugby league game but I am not the guy to do cartwheels over box art, screenshots, videos, or anything but the actual gameplay as I or plenty of other people reviewing it experience it. My judegement IS reserved for the actual product and I will be buying it hot of the presses. I hope if the game is good that we can all churn up a million or so posts on these forums discussing it. But if it's not that great I won't feel betrayed by Sidhe/ HES, making a game must be hard work and I am not expecting them to nail it first go.... all you starry eyed optimists out there, good for you! Why should reality ever invade upon your dreams.

Lastly even though I've already kind of said it, you ABSOLUTELY cannot know the quality of the game " magnificent "!!!!!! until you play it. Anyone who's played the game I'd love to hear what they have to say, but otherwise it's just people living on hopes, hype, and the features we're told we'll be there but the ACTUAL implementation of the features we'll be the acid test and we'll all get to find out soon enough. A month from now we'll all either be Happy to have a Rugby League game we can play or let down, I am taking an open mind on which one but I don't rule out the possibility of the latter


ngunity said:
Anyone who's played the game I'd love to hear what they have to say,

Just did :D :D

Honestly, Its damn fine and I cant wait for next year (I reckon theyll sell enough for there to be one)


What do you mean "you can't wait for next year?" if the game is good then why wait for next year, Australian Release date is mid-october right? I am sweating on that date.......

Obviously they'll improve the game and redo it if the first sells well so I guess that might be why you're keen for next year, but if this one rocks so much why need an improvement already ?!?!

Alan Shore

First Grade
ngunity said:
What do you mean "you can't wait for next year?" if the game is good then why wait for next year, Australian Release date is mid-october right? I am sweating on that date.......

Obviously they'll improve the game and redo it if the first sells well so I guess that might be why you're keen for next year, but if this one rocks so much why need an improvement already ?!?!

Nothing's perfect, that's why!


I meant the second version. Theres this years, due for release next month. And then theres next years. And the reason I said it, is that the fellas at Sidhe have done amazing stuff in limited time, but I know first hand that the guys there have their own little fantasies about what would be awesome in a rugby league game and believe me, they rock and I would love to see them include these things in the next version. In the time they had allowed, you can only include so much and not lose quality and tight code. The game as is is sensational. But as has been mentioned, you cant be perfect and I think these guys aim to make the perfect league game and I would reckon they dont think theyre there yet. Also, technolofy advances rapidly and who knows, by next year you could have a USB set of gloves that would control your passing or something. If the game sells, the sky is the limit. Sorry if my last post wasnt clear.


theVodkaCircle said:
Sorry if my last post wasnt clear.

It still isn't, if you know 'first hand' that must mean you've been playing the game, and presumably the full version not a BETA or demo. How is that possible?

Any chance we can all leap on your "I've played the game" bandwagon a few weeks early? ;-)

Anyways there's no point people talking the game up or down before it comes out as it won't stop most league fans like me buying it anyway, immediately. It's NEXT years version that will have to sell based on the quality of this one, as they'll either have dedicated fans or jaded people $100 out of pocket


ngunity said:
theVodkaCircle said:
Sorry if my last post wasnt clear.

It still isn't, if you know 'first hand' that must mean you've been playing the game, and presumably the full version not a BETA or demo. How is that possible?

Any chance we can all leap on your "I've played the game" bandwagon a few weeks early? ;-)

Anyways there's no point people talking the game up or down before it comes out as it won't stop most league fans like me buying it anyway, immediately. It's NEXT years version that will have to sell based on the quality of this one, as they'll either have dedicated fans or jaded people $100 out of pocket

Vodka is a Beta tester for Sidhe... he's gonna know better than most people.

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