I definitely think the Salary cap needs a big rethink. We cling so tightly to the idea that every club should have the same cap each year, yet bitch constantly about how often players jump between clubs. Either we're all to stupid to see the connection or we just dont want to talk about it...
The 2 things id like to see looked at are:
- big increase in match payments for rep games so THAT is where players make their millions (at club level, the focus is on getting noticed by rep selectors. not chasing cash between clubs)
- variations to long-service allowance. The current system of "all clubs get the same" makes the allowance meaningless, might as well just put that money into the cap. If they changed it so clubs could have % of salaries excluded based on years of service (eg, been at the club 8 years = only 50% of salary counted in cap) we would see clubs getting a much greater advantage in retaining players and we would discourage established players from jumping between clubs as the best pay-day goes to the loyal people.
My broader point is that the Salary cap is a mechanism that can achieve lots of things. We are only using it for general equality right now, but there is huge potential to bring back loyalty (or at leas the illusion of it) by genuinely rewarding long service or taking the huge pay-days away from clubland all together...