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Memo Gus Gould from Parramatta - Go to hell!!!!

Misty Bee

First Grade
OK. Now it's personal.

I'm not a fan of Fitzy. I'm distrustful of the abilities of Brian Smith. I admire the Roosters and Gus Gould. This you already know.

However, you probably have already seen this mornings article in the SMH entitled "Roosters dig in for salary cap". For those of you that haven't, I have pasted it below. I draw your attetion to the portion in bold:

Roosters dig in for salary cap fight
By Danny Weidler
December 28, 2003
The Sun-Herald

Roosters lawyer and vice-chairman Michael Conn says his club's resolve to pursue a salary cap increase is stronger than ever and designed to help save rugby league, not to kill off clubs, as has been portrayed.

Conn has also revealed the Roosters are after only a 10-15 per cent increase in the cap and has been highly critical of the way the NRL has handled the matter, demanding an inquiry into the league's board.

Conn says the Roosters firmly believe that unless a cap increase is granted and followed by other rises, rivals sports, most notably a buoyant rugby union, soccer and AFL, will start to be more attractive sports for kids to pursue.

And Roosters coaching director Phil Gould has savaged Parramatta boss Denis Fitzgerald and others who blasted the Roosters last week over their push for a salary cap increase.

"Denis Fitzgerald is kidding himself," Gould said.

Gould has also questioned the role of News Limited executives having a place on the board of the NRL partnership committee.

Conn says the Roosters would like to avoid legal action over the salary cap but feel strongly enough to take the matter to court.

"This in not an idle threat," he said. "We won't be deterred by all of the criticism. In fact, it has made us more determined and strengthened our resolve. We will go through with this.

"I am not in the habit of pulling the trigger unless there is a bullet in the chamber."

Conn said his club had been misrepresented in the media since news of the challenge to the cap emerged.

"League as a code faces a huge threat from other sports if players are not going to be suitably paid," he said.

"I know at the Roosters our coach, Ricky Stuart, doesn't want his players to be working jobs so they can be full-time footballers, but then some of these guys have to live off salaries that are less than what the staff earn.

"It is not right and we need to make sure that this is changed.

"As for ruining the game, that's just rubbish. No-one is making every club spend every cent of their salary cap. That is not in the rules.

"We want an increase so that our players are fairly rewarded and we want to be able to be able to retain our players.

"We are not doing this so we can buy every player that comes on to the market," said Conn, who was also critical of the way the NRL has handled the matter.

"Obviously there is a problem if we can't submit a document without it being leaked to the media," he said.

"It was very mischievous and we are demanding an inquiry into what went on."

Gould has lashed out at Fitzgerald for suggesting that Politis has a conflict of interests by holding his club position and being an NRL partnership board member.

"Some of these blokes have bloody short memories, if you ask me," Gould said. "Jumping on the bandwagon to criticise Nick Politis shows how shallow these people really are.

"Nick Politis saved a lot of these people and their clubs during the Super League war when he remained loyal to them despite so much pressure to jump to the other side.

"If he had jumped, they were history. In fact, this is the very reason that they are bashing him in the press.

"Denis Fitzgerald conveniently forgets how we pulled him out of the sh*t when we bought him a heap of players during the Super League war.

"His club was down and out and we saved him. We even told him which coach to buy.

"Claims that he should be off the NRL partnership board because of a conflict of interests make me laugh.

"There are three News Limited executives on that board and we all know that News still holds a significant financial interest in three former Super League clubs.

"They have opened a can of worms if they want to start talking about conflict of interest."

Who the friggin hell does this dipshit Panther junior think he is?

Firstly, Easts didn't "save the world from Traitor League" as they (and Manly also) claim. It was the concerted efforts of clubs like Balmain, Norths, Newcastle, South Queensland, The Gold Coast, The Steelers and the rest that stood shoulder to shoulder with the ARL. In fact, the balance that tipped the scale was not the actions of manly and Easts. It was the day Denis Fitzgerald announced to the world in late 1996 that "The Parramatta board have voted and decided that the Paarramatta Eels will play ion the 1997 ARL competition". That night, St George also followed suit. The die was cast.

Secondly, is Gus insinuating that Easts GAVE us the Canterbury 4, plus Ritson, Freeman, Raper et al? Big call. Because if the Roosters had that nmuch power, then Canberra's fear was right, and therefore the Super league war was just. Remember the Raiders living in fear of being decimated by the Roosters, which drove them to Murdoch? Big call, Gus.

And finally, is he insinuating that they told Parra to sign Brian Smith? How big a statement is that! If so, why would they do that?

Lets ponder upon that for a second. Gus is Smithy's mate. Was it a 'jobs for the boys' deal? Hardly likely, considering that Politis and Fitzy were already at war over a spot on the ARL board (Politis deposing Fitzy). That opens another question: did Easts knowingly saddle Parra with an overrated coach, knowing that even with a heap of talent, Parra woldn't challenge them for a premiership (spectacularly rebuffed with teh Baby Eels of 2001.

And if Easts DID have that power, who gave it to them? The ARL was manly controlled (Manly being the strong club of the time, and Arko was boss). John Quayle (who was also ex-Eel, and did his job in a totally professional and unbiased manner)? Nope. Packer? Maybe - he was in bed with Murdoch during the whole scenario. But Packer was also at war with Murdoch over Union. IF Packer had control of the ARL (quite likely), how would he have surrendered Union so meekly, and let Rupert have the cream of Leagues profitability? Kerry isn't so stupid. More likely that the real control lay with the ARL, with Packers blessing (so long as they would spend thir money defending his contract). I doubt that Packer would have spent his money making waves for Easts. Besides, he's a Manly supporter, and Manly have died in the arse since then).

I reckon Gus and the Chooks are just out of control. With this admission, they have become the new Brisbane - a self serving, arrogant bunch of opportunists, who are wiling to bite the hand that feeds if it doesn't feed enough.

I am apalled that the Roosters are willing to drag Parramatta's good name in the mud. f**k me if Parramatta is not the most loyal, honest and proud club in the whole comp - the whole history of Rugby League. They have never sold their sould like the Traitors did. They have never rortred like Canberra, Melboring or Canterbury ever did. They have never wasted wonderful junior talent like Penrith, Souths and Wests did. Their premierships are covered in glory. No salary cap cheating. No bought referees like Manly . No illegal shoulderpad like the scum dogs. No biting or thuggery like Saints. No submitting to suicidal mergers like Norths. Not 'march to the death on the CEO's blind arrogance" like Souths, No pathetic handouts like North Queensland, Melboring, Cronulla, Brisbane or NZ.

Parramatta is the once constant in the NRL. Since 1947, they have stood as a colossus of good, even (often) to their own detriment. They willingly gave up the juniors of Campbelltown and Liverpool to aid Wests' life saving relocation. They give the country the Eels on Wheels, they are always in Bronco territory doing the promotionand legwork that the fat arsed Broncos fail to do. In fact, they are rugby League's oldest surviving team, carrying their colours and name with pride further than all others? Can't fathom that last quote? Which of the other clubs in the 1947 comp haven't changed their name, colours, or failed to participate in every comp ever since!



Build a Bridge & get over it.

Before ripping into other teams, get your own team into line, instead of ripping in the Roosters & my team.


Misty Bee said:
I am apalled that the Roosters are willing to drag Parramatta's good name in the mud. f**k me if Parramatta is not the most loyal, honest and proud club in the whole comp - the whole history of Rugby League. They have never sold their sould like the Traitors did. They have never rortred like Canberra, Melboring or Canterbury ever did. They have never wasted wonderful junior talent like Penrith, Souths and Wests did. Their premierships are covered in glory. No salary cap cheating. No bought referees like Manly . No illegal shoulderpad like the scum dogs. No biting or thuggery like Saints. No submitting to suicidal mergers like Norths. Not 'march to the death on the CEO's blind arrogance" like Souths, No pathetic handouts like North Queensland, Melboring, Cronulla, Brisbane or NZ.

That could be why they never win a premiership. :lol: :lol:

What handouts do the Broncos ask for. Nothing.

Only 2 teams made a profit before the NRL grants where handed out.

Those teams are NZ Warriors & Brisbane Broncos.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Rubbish. Broncos are on the News Ltd payroll. They got salary cap concessions from 1988 to the SL war, in the form of not having to account for junior teams under the cap (ie reggies and u21's)

And the only 2 profitable teams before NRL handouts in 1999 were Parramatta and South Sydney. Brisbane are on the News Ltd payroll - take that contribution out, and survive on your leagues club like Parra do.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Kaz said:
Before ripping into other teams, get your own team into line, instead of ripping in the Roosters & my team.


I'm only defending my team in the first place, fromsome moron ripping into mine in the first place!!!

Nothing personal re your team, but things had to be put into historical perspective, and the Broncos do have a shitload of blood on their hands. Anyway, this beef is with Easts. If I wan't to rip into the Broncos, I'll choose the appropriate site!!!


dear roosters,

thanks for giving us all these great players over the years and thanks for recommending our coach. thanks for developing our juniors and thanks for building parramatta stadium. thanks for making rugby league famous and thanks for inventing the tv to let us watch footy at home. thanks for giving us life

but most importantly, thanks for taking crouch off our hands


Misty Bee

First Grade
And the replies are deafening. Typical. No support. No brains. No hope and no friggin idea.

Why not just punt 'em now?
Misty, I have just gotten on line, so have been unable to respond until now.

Yes, it is personal, but for me and I dare say I speak for many of the Rooster fans it's been personal since the NRL leaked the story.

Mate we are f**ked no matter what we say or do. If we reply were f**ked, if we ignore comments were f**ked.

I can't speak for others but if I can make an analogy, I love my Club, I love my boys and just as if someone wanted to take my kids or my family from me I'd fight them all the way.

I hear the pride you have for your club in your thread, I hear it because I feel the same way about mine.

Dennis Fitzgerald, made the initial comment regarding Nick Politis and Gus Gould has replied, as he has the right to. In fact, everyone has been baying for a response from Phil and typically, the moment he opens his gob everyone jumps down his throat.

As far as his comments go regarding DF and Superleague, from my point of view it would seem that all the ARL Clubs helped one another and Gould [in my opinion] is now publically reminding him of this.

Who do you want punted Misty, the Club, the Rooster Fans, this f**king forum?

And to tell you the truth, I'm sick to death of expressing my opinion only to have it denigrated. I'm sick of having 30 odd threads about the subject, I'm sick of reading unrelated bullf**kingshit, ie Roosters have no fans blahdef**kenblah, Roosters didn't win the GF so therefore we've achieved nothing.

PLEASE, don't wonder why you may not get an overwealming response Misty, because quite frankly, no matter what we say, we'll get tarred.
Most of these clubs, including Parramatta, have just shat because they've realised what we've always known -- that they're talkers and not doers.

The Roosters, on the other hand, go out and get things DONE.

That's the bottom line.


half-man said:
dear roosters,

thanks for giving us all these great players over the years and thanks for recommending our coach. thanks for developing our juniors and thanks for building parramatta stadium. thanks for making rugby league famous and thanks for inventing the tv to let us watch footy at home. thanks for giving us life

but most importantly, thanks for taking crouch off our hands


Without meaning to get into nor generate any sort of argument in any way - I've just got to say that's one of the funniest f*****' things I've seen on the boards for a long time. I'd give it a dozen stupid f*****' smiley faces except I hate stupid f*****' smiley faces.

And to think I accused you once of only being good for a cliche.

Mind you, I'm on holidays and I had some loki weed for the first time in ages today so just about everything's f*****' funny.

The Backpacker

Penelope Pittstop said:
Misty, I have just gotten on line, so have been unable to respond until now.

Yes, it is personal, but for me and I dare say I speak for many of the Rooster fans it's been personal since the NRL leaked the story.

Mate we are f***ed no matter what we say or do. If we reply were f***ed, if we ignore comments were f***ed.

I can't speak for others but if I can make an analogy, I love my Club, I love my boys and just as if someone wanted to take my kids or my family from me I'd fight them all the way.

I hear the pride you have for your club in your thread, I hear it because I feel the same way about mine.

Dennis Fitzgerald, made the initial comment regarding Nick Politis and Gus Gould has replied, as he has the right to. In fact, everyone has been baying for a response from Phil and typically, the moment he opens his gob everyone jumps down his throat.

As far as his comments go regarding DF and Superleague, from my point of view it would seem that all the ARL Clubs helped one another and Gould [in my opinion] is now publically reminding him of this.

Who do you want punted Misty, the Club, the Rooster Fans, this f***ing forum?

And to tell you the truth, I'm sick to death of expressing my opinion only to have it denigrated. I'm sick of having 30 odd threads about the subject, I'm sick of reading unrelated bullf**kingshit, ie Roosters have no fans blahdef**kenblah, Roosters didn't win the GF so therefore we've achieved nothing.

PLEASE, don't wonder why you may not get an overwealming response Misty, because quite frankly, no matter what we say, we'll get tarred.

Now that was what I was looking to say. :D Nicely done Penelope. ;-) Cheers Misty. Hope you got the reaction you've been so desperately trolling for. :roll:

The Backpacker

LOL No. I was contemplating the BP approach but you did it so much better than I would have. :lol: :lol: :lol: Now, wheres that report this post thingee? ;-)

Watch the


yes penelope! i'm sure you love the roosters just like you loved the knights only a few seasons ago

and thanks so much zef. i've tried for years to impress you


half-man said:
yes penelope! i'm sure you love the roosters just like you loved the knights only a few seasons ago

Trust me she loves the Roosters more. :D

What a surprise this was raised yet again.

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