It is 75% at full. Members will get in that is all I care about. In reality it seems they are doing localised lockdowns. So should be right
That’s very selfish Franklin.
This whole Covid situation is such a mess.
Do our Government, bureaucrats actually have any exit strategy out of this mess given even when we achieve 80% vaccination in the far distant future this virus will still be in existence.
All the vaccination achieves is reducing the risk or death or serious illness, doesn’t prevent or stop the virus.
I don’t get it, I really don’t. if we are shutting down our borders again on the back of a couple of dozen cases now, we’ll the reality is our borders will never reopen.
Covid 19 or its future mutations is now with us forever basically and the way our politicians and there advisors are dealing with it is farcical.
There is no exit strategy, we will continue with this knee jerk reaction for goodness knows how many years to come.