Do you know anything about research, checking facts, face to face interviewing, not relying on hearsay, discussing your story with an editor, having it approved by a legal department.
Maybe you think like the other Einsteins here they are in it to win a "Pulster prize". Whatever thatt is...
Or the journalists made it up because 1) they hate league 2) they hate the dogs 3) they are women. If you believe that then you believe the X Files are documentaries.
Have you ever consider for a minute canterbury, by stonewalling and defaming the victim, they are as bad as the alleged rapists themselves. Except here its truth thats being worked over by a mongrel pack.
And while you start knocking the Herlad think of this. Consentual or not, that poolside scene would have resembled Bosnia. Rough sex, including Anal sex, until an ambo had to be called.
Though it was pleasing to note Sullyfan elsewhere had no problems with a bit of rough.
Please stop blaming the big bad media, because you come across as unsophisticated hillbilly peckerheads who just learnt how to turn on a TV.
And if you think there is a conspiracy, its a wide one. Every radio station, TV station, Newspaper and Columnist has condemned the Dogs through their lkack of contrition and defiance.
Un til management fesses up and backs down, and apologises to all league fans for putting their interests ahead of the games' then we should all be singing
Lets Chuck The Dogs out Woof Woof Woof.