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Morris may join Eels exodus

JOB 3:14

McKinnon should be a priority. I dont see what the problem is with giving him another year. Who do we think we are Real Madrid? How many fullbacks in the game better than McKinnon? 3 to 4 max. Who of those is up for sale? 1
This is a big gamble letting him go. He is only going to get better.


Delboy said:
Never underestimate what BS did

Agree: 7 semi-finals and 2 minor premierships after the club spent a decade in the doldrums. The most amazing turn around to club's fortunes since... well... what Brian Smith did with St George in the early nineties.

The fact that last year's minor premiers became also rans as soon as Smithy was told he wasn't wanted is no coincidence. He was the best thing to happen to Parra for a long long time, and now that he's gone it's going to be a long long time before the Eels are back up among the better teams.

There are many sad times ahead for Parra supporters. On the other hand, Ray Hadley's reaction when Smithy wins the premiership with Newcastle next year will be something to cherish.

Stagger eel

Staff member
jayjayselmes said:
i never implied that at all.

all im saying is that getting rid of morriss, wade, and lyon as good as gone and keep the likes of vella, cayless, tsoulous, t smith.


those players are on something that everyone else calls a contract...and they are undercontract next year.

you can't just get rid of them.


yes i knoe elevation but theres noy way any of those players should have there contract re newed. I mean most of thodse players are average to poor pefformers on a consistent basis ans we need go getters who have pride in the team and dont go missing when the go gets a little tough. Be a man not a pussy most of these players are at th moment!!

Stagger eel

Staff member
jayjayselmes said:
and wade is not the be all and end all but housting a quality fullback for the sake of 1 year is stupid. To put in and unknown unproven 18 years old is highy ridiculous.

Keep him on the wing he is good there

with and without Wade, our back three have been pretty good this year and I don't think there's a problem in that area, having said that it was Wade's early season form and mistakes that virtually put the opposition back in the match, ie: Manly and Penrith.

he may have done some good things but he's also backed it up with some awful mistakes.

Stagger eel

Staff member
jayjayselmes said:
yes i knoe elevation but theres noy way any of those players should have there contract re newed. I mean most of thodse players are average to poor pefformers on a consistent basis ans we need go getters who have pride in the team and dont go missing when the go gets a little tough. Be a man not a pussy most of these players are at th moment!!

read Delboy's post...BS had total control of that and he was the one who re-signed the players no one else.


Brian's moved on but it seems the bashers keep flailing away. They must be the most self-contradictory group I've ever seen. Last year Smithy's a failure because Parra had the best team going around and should have won the comp. Now that he's gone the only reason the team is failing is because he's recruitment was so poor.

Wake up to yourselves. It's the same playing roster as last year. The only thing that's changed is that the coach who turned the club around was told he wouldn't be offered a new contract.

If the playing strength is so poor, then you're basically saying that Smithy is a genius to have won the minor premiership with them last year.


First Grade
Actually what I was saying that the squad was full of good players, a lot of depth that got us through the season, this is exactly what happened to St George not the team to win the big games. I do think he was very good for the club, but I am also sure he was here too long.
The need is now to reinvent the club and I hope that this is done.
Brian was terrific for putting all the good things in place, its just that I dont appreciate what he did over the last few months, no let me say since training started.
I would be happy to get $400k pa for 10 years, then be told in plenty of time to find a new opportunity, that is why DF for all his sins is a good CEO. He acted when he knew change was needed. Unfortunatley, we the fans , were let down , thats life and I look forward to the next couple of years and development of our younger players.


Delboy said:
Actually what I was saying that the squad was full of good players, a lot of depth that got us through the season


this is exactly what happened to St George not the team to win the big games.

A bit different. Certainly another team that on playing strength Smithy wildly over-achieved with, but he would have won the premiership twice with them if the salary cap had been in place at that stage. Brisbane were miles ahead of everyone in those years.

I do think he was very good for the club, but I am also sure he was here too long. The need is now to reinvent the club and I hope that this is done.

I think he's the best coach going around and should have been retained. The chances of the club improving under anybody else are nil imho. Things will only go backwards.

Brian was terrific for putting all the good things in place, its just that I dont appreciate what he did over the last few months, no let me say since training started. I would be happy to get $400k pa for 10 years, then be told in plenty of time to find a new opportunity.

I can't defend his attitude this year, but as a fan of Smithy's I can understand it. I would admire him even more if he had been able to put his heart and soul into the club this year despite everything. However, he just doesn't have the personality for it. I think he wanted to try to do the right thing this year. But the extreme passion he usually puts into a club was just too contradictory for him when he knew he was moving on next year. It's the one black spot in his much admireed "professionalism", but it's also a part of his character that makes him such a great coach when he has the full support of a club.

I look forward to the next couple of years and development of our younger players.

Unfortunately, it's the youngsters that will suffer the most from Brian moving on. Forget the petty arguments over whether he was a little tardy in promoting Hayne and so forth. In the long term, there is no coach in the game who brings on emerging stars like Smithy. I think that's the one aspect above all else that makes him such a great coach.


First Grade
Lets agree to disagree on how good Brian was over the time he spent at our club. I must say most of it was good.
However, just tell me which of the young players that we promoted ended up significantly better under him.
Tonga - no
Lyon - pure talent, couldnt get on with his style at the end
Cayless - maybe
Hindmarsh - terrific engine, no better now than when he came through
Greast at talent identification, not sure of how great he was from there.
Look all in all its a matter of opinion, I think he was terrific for the club, but he lost me when he was interviewed after he got the Knights job, and his attempt this year to outcoach everyone with his laid back attitude to the preseason.
I have spoken to a lot of players in Newcastle and they have a huge wrap on Hagan, so time will tell.
I wish BS good luck, but sincerely believe he hurt us big time this year.
Nice to have opinions , that is what this forum is all about.


Post Whore
Its a hard call to say whether or not ANY player achieves more because of their own talent/passion/hardwork or because of their coach


First Grade
BG said:
Wake up to yourselves. It's the same playing roster as last year. The only thing that's changed is that the coach who turned the club around was told he wouldn't be offered a new contract.

You could interpret that as an insult to Smith too, he didn't do his job properly this year because he was having a sook about not getting another contract?


Staff member


ParraDude_Jay said:
You could interpret that as an insult to Smith too, he didn't do his job properly this year because he was having a sook about not getting another contract?

As I said in my reply to Delboy, that criticism is justified. But I think reflects a character flaw that necessarily goes with a bigger quality of character -- Smithy's the kind of bloke who expects full commitment and needs it himself: then he gives his all like nobody else.


When it comes to players improving under Brian Smith, it's easy to rattle off a long list. But let me say first that I think the role of a coach in a player's performance has to be put in perspective. Elite first graders are naturally gifted. No coach in the world can turn a grafter in a champion. However, a coach CAN be the difference between a mercurial talent reaching or not reaching his potential. Good coaches can also lift the performance of average-to-good players by improving their consistency and working on flaws in their game. Though without inherent flair they will never be champions.

One of the biggest criticisms Smithy copped during his time with Parra were the good players who were lost to other clubs. In most instances these players signed for a lot more money than they had been playing for at the Eels... ie. they either emerged as youngsters/unknowns under Smithy, or improved out of site under him after being signed cheaply. How much of their improvement was due to the coach can only ever be speculation, but anyone who saw a piece Fox did with Clinton Schifcoske would know that he speaks glowingly of how much he owes to Smithy in taking his game to another level.

Some players in the current team who improved out of sight under Smithy after being cast off by other clubs include Fuifui, McKinnon, Grothe, Widders...