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Most over rated wrestlers of all time


read this on rajah.com -http://rajah.com/base/node/21785
They ranked and basically shat on HHH for only having 4 moves and destroying younger wrestlers with his style. Cant understand why Sabu is on there with the crazy stufff he did through the 90s around the world. dont think ive ever seen a matched where i idnt think hed broken his neck at least twice. JJ was great (slapnuts), dean malenko was just about the best straight face wrestler in the world, nobodys played the english snob better than regal (i miss the blue bloods), Scott Hall has been a great number 2 man and a founder of the NWO, Owen 'the nugget' Hart was great and how can anyone rag on Christian? Im tempted to put Lex Luger as number 1 but the time he racked the giant throws that out the window.. Not sure how greg the hammer valentine won an intercontinental championship:eek:

25. Diesel
24. Arn Anderson
23. Alberto Del Rio
22. Jerry Lynn
21. Shelton Benjamin
20. Verne Gagne
19. Jeff Jarrett
18. Sabu
17. Finlay
16. Christopher Daniels
15. Mr. Anderson
14. William Regal
13. Indy Geeks (Mike Quackenbush pictured)
12. Randy Orton
11. Gorgeous George
10. Scott Hall
9. Dean Malenko
8. Owen Hart
7. Christian
6. Curt Hennig
5. Miss Elizabeth
4. Jerry "The King" Lawler
3. Giant Baba
2. Hulk Hogan
1. Triple H

Big Pete

They justified each one, although there was a lot of contradictions making it come across a bit like a list for the sake of being controversial.

A lot of those names (Anderson, Finlay and Malenko) should be filed under underated.
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Hall, Christian, Regal, Hennig and Owen are mad underrated!

Hell yeah, especially Hall, Christian and Owen Hart who are overshadowed by their far more popular partner or brother and William Regal was a pretty good wrestler who had pretty silly gimmicks.

I agree with the top 6 - except for Giant Baba because I've never heard of him - but most of the rest after that are wrong imo.

lol how is Scott Hall going to be #10 and Diesel is #25 when it is Kevin Nash who gets all the props?


Ah yes… the old “triple h destroys careers” myth again.

This all centres around 2003 where the IWC wanted Scott Steiner, RVD, Kane and Booker T to go over HHH. None of them are worthy of tying Hunter’s boots. Booker was the best of the lot and got his run as has Kane. RCD shouldn’t go over anyone and don’t get me started on Scott Steiner.

IMO Hunter continuously produces good matches. I can see how some people were sick of him being champ and he has hardly been champ in the last couple of years.

The following should also not be on the list.

· Arn Anderson
· Del Rio
· Finlay
· Regal
· Orton
· Hall
· Malenko (outrageous that he is on this list)
· Owen (another outrageous selection)
· Christian (Yet another outrageous selection)
· Hennig (The most ridiculous selection on the list)

Whoever wrote the list needs to fire themself. What about guys like Shane Douglas, DDP and Lex Luger to name a few? If we are talking about pure wrestling you won’t find someone more overrated than Goldberg.

Big Pete

How does John Cena not make that list?

Because it seems to be based on the IWC's perception and if anything they never give him enough credit.

The amount of good matches I've seen him pull out of mediocre opponents is astounding.
Because it seems to be based on the IWC's perception and if anything they never give him enough credit.

The amount of good matches I've seen him pull out of mediocre opponents is astounding.

Agreed, Cena is 100x better than most of the internet chumps give him credit for. He's not a greatest of all time contender, but he's still very good.
what pisses me off with shelton is that he is a legitimate amateur wrestler who also has high flying ability and a willingness to hurt himself like not many others would do, but they had to put him in a stereotypical over the top I'm a cocky black guy gimmick because thats how vince views black people or something.
Shelton had plenty of pushes in his 7-8 years with the WWE, but he himself never seemed to lift when he got one, which made me question his attitude. Also, for a veteran in the WWE, he still could not cut a half decent promo to save his life, the guy made John Morrison look like CM Punk on the mic. With a poor attitude and awful mic skills he was destined to be a long term mid-carder. There are constant mid-carders who have been better than Shelton.

Big Pete

Shelton is a brilliant athlete, but an ordinary worker.

He could be apart of awesome matches with the right opponent but for the most part he was fairly forgettable.


Jerry Lynn should be within a million miles of that list. What gronk came up with that?

My top 5:

Psycho ffs sid