Keep toeing the party line you grubby 2 bob mobile phone salesman. You're a grub and a piece of sh*t who toes the party line because it's probably your only claim to fame in life. It's not like your out there f**king good sorts every week or larging out, your an interweb turd that is not only a mouthpiece of a club that peddles misinformation and fluff pieces, you're an unpaid mouthpiece because you're too stupid to even make a quid out of it ... unless of course you got given your XXXXXXXL jersey gratis in lieu ?
What is the difference between being brain dead and MND ... if one was brain dead would they not be in exactly the same position ? And i know who is the bigger spastic out of morris and gibbs and it ain't gibbs ... yet another example of you toeing the party line. Keep peddling the misinformation and enjoy moderating a group of 12 year olds and mong threads about face paint and lucky undies. It's about all you'll ever have you grubby underpaid whore of a turd