I attended a Men's Health Forum in town last night, put on by the Cancer Council of NSW with about 75 blokes in attendance. Very very informative, and very productive. It made a lot of the blokes there aware of the prevalence of the Cancer, and the need to have it tested, before it leaves the Prostate and enters the bones..Once it gets into the bones, the chances of stopping it are very very short...
This area has the highest incidence of Prostate Cancer in NSW...I wasn't shocked to hear that..because I know most of my mates around my age have it, or at least been treated for it.
I was lucky, I found it in its early stages and had 8 weeks of radiation treatment. I have one more trip to my Urologist in January next year..hopefully he will tell me to see him again in 5 years, after attending either the Urologist or the Radiologist four times a year.
Catch Prostate Cancer early and there is no problems keeping it under control. More people die with it, than FROM it...