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Mundine calls for league's 'slave labour' to strike


Mundine has been hit in the head a fair few times by now, to be fair.

I've always liked him, though. Doesn't take crap from anyone, always sticks up for himself, doesn't care who he offends. A very Sydney attitude, actually - and I mean that in a good way. I remember standing in a pub during the Green fight with all these redneck pricks around me coming out with racist slurs left right and centre, and shutting my mouth because I wanted Mundine to win. Then he did, and I had to suppress a grin.

OK so KKK meetings are out for you then.....Weathers a bit nasty this weekend anyways.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I'd love to earn what an NRL player earns. How is it already not enough?


He is right about the players should be getting a higher percentage in the NRL intake as why do all these suit wearers get payed a great amount of cash when its the players that are the entertainers and put bums on the seat.
The media always try and find something to put in his statements to make him sound bad like that time when he was cut off about the 9/11, they only wanted to hear a certain thing then they suddenly got cut off and couldnt get him back on when he wasnt able to finish what he was talking about.i seen that live and they deliberatly cut him off.
He does talk alot of trash but he also has good points and is never given a fair go by the media.
At least his opens up and doesnt stay with the script like 99% of people interviewed, just some people cant take someones opinion
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Jason Maher

There's always the option to retire and go become an apprentice plumber, electrician, or mechanic.

kurt faulk


the nfl is the best run sport in professional sports.

the players there earn over 50% of cake.

the nrl players are getting screwed by news ltd who have been raping rugby league since they got their claws into it. who knows how much money they have siphoned off into their coffers.



But you just want what is fair. Rugby league is a tough sport, you've only got to look at Ben Ross. He probably won't play again.''

And getting paid $400,000 to play a f**king sport and contribute nothing to society like, say, doctors, cops, ambos, etc. is not fair? FMD...

Mundine also pointed out that many former players finish the game with little financially to show for their efforts.

Whose f**king fault is that??? If you spend all your money, don't come crying back saying you have nothing left to show.

He for one does contribute to society as he fights for charity raise funding and helps out the kids in the remote towns as well, so before you start that trash talk look what the players do for the community first, we live outside of sydney as well you know!


First Grade
Mundine is a merkin.

Do the players deserve a bigger share of the NRL money? No.

The money should be used on the grassroots level. You know - where those players came from.


Staff member
Even if you agree with him that players deserve more dosh, perhaps he and his super league friends should have considered what was going to be the end result of selling their souls to rupert back in the day.

Besides doesn't Choc make $ from that boxing show on Fox8 and main event pay per view for his fights? Sure news is loving that criticism from someone on they're paying serious $ to.



the nfl is the best run sport in professional sports.

the players there earn over 50% of cake.

the nrl players are getting screwed by news ltd who have been raping rugby league since they got their claws into it. who knows how much money they have siphoned off into their coffers.


do i need to point out why you are an idiot?

American pop. = over 300 mill
Australian pop. = over 22 mill


Mundine is actually an amazing athelete, but he has squaundered his prime years as a boxer because of his inability (cowardliness?) to step up to the next level and test himself.

Shame really, he is the Owen Craigie of boxing.

And Im a Mundine fan!


But you just want what is fair. Rugby league is a tough sport, you've only got to look at Ben Ross. He probably won't play again.''

And getting paid $400,000 to play a f**king sport and contribute nothing to society like, say, doctors, cops, ambos, etc. is not fair? FMD...

Mundine also pointed out that many former players finish the game with little financially to show for their efforts.

Whose f**king fault is that??? If you spend all your money, don't come crying back saying you have nothing left to show.

These are always the dumbest posts in the threads.

They don't get payed just to "play a sport." They are the best in their field at a skill that is VERY high in demand in an extremely competitive field. There is also a very strong demand from the public to view their skill. Do you know what a free market is? So you probably think the players should all play for minimum wage? What do you suggest the NRL does with the $200m extra revenue it generates a year then? Chuck it in the Smith Family bin? :lol: NRL players can all play for free while other sports stars earn what they are worth? Do you not realise that would instantly kill the sport? Unless you want a global ban on sports stars earning decent money... Maybe Ronaldo, Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant can all be on minimum wage 50k too. Idiot.

You probably think big actors like Tom Cruise and Johnny Depp should only get 50k too. I mean all they do is "act." Sometimes they just "pretend" to play a sport to like Matt Damon. Obviously you don't understand simple microeconomic concepts like supply and demand.
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These are always the dumbest posts in the threads.

They don't get payed just to "play a sport." They are the best in their field at a skill that is VERY high in demand in an extremely competitive field. There is also a very strong demand from the public to view their skill. Do you know what a free market is? So you probably think the players should all play for minimum wage? What do you suggest the NRL does with the $200m extra revenue it generates a year then? Chuck it in the Smith Family bin? :lol: NRL players can all play for free while other sports stars earn what they are worth? Do you not realise that would instantly kill the sport? Unless you want a global ban on sports stars earning decent money... Maybe Ronaldo, Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant can all be on minimum wage 50k too. Idiot.

You probably think big actors like Tom Cruise and Johnny Depp should only get 50k too. I mean all they do is "act." Sometimes they just "pretend" to play a sport to like Matt Damon. You're a fking genius. Obviously you don't understand simple microeconomic concepts like supply and demand.

Great post.


The majority of the money league earns goes to media companies well before it ever gets to the NRL. The top level of the NRL is controlled half by a media company and half by complete incompetents. This is the reason players leave RL, its not that the game can't generate enough to offer them more. Gallop wil get paid about the same whether the next contract is a billion or half a billion, the players however won't. So striking isn't a bad option, strike a complete round of NRL fixtures when the rights are being negotiated. Make it quite clear to the NRL and media that if the next deal isn't reasonable in comparison to say the AFL deal, further strikes will eventuate. This of course necesitates the players union becoming independent and fully supported by the players and then getting someone in charge with intelligence, someone who can accurately compare what viewing figures for say the NRL and AFL and make a case for their rights being worth more. Rellying on Gallop to work in the game's best interests is pointless.


First Grade
How can people be outraged that Union and AwFuL poach marquee Rugby League players, yet not want to pay enough to keep said marquee players?

10-15 years to get setup for life. Most are going to be injury riddled and niggled for the rest of their lives, and I'd daresay the number of them with the nouse to get a good paying job after footy is low.

I like my job, and I feel a lot of loyalty to the team, if not the company, I work for. But give me an offer of a salary three times larger for an easier job? I know my company isn't going to even try to match any offer. My farewell email will be as heartfelt as it is rapidly sent.


How can people be outraged that Union and AwFuL poach marquee Rugby League players, yet not want to pay enough to keep said marquee players?

10-15 years to get setup for life. Most are going to be injury riddled and niggled for the rest of their lives, and I'd daresay the number of them with the nouse to get a good paying job after footy is low.

I like my job, and I feel a lot of loyalty to the team, if not the company, I work for. But give me an offer of a salary three times larger for an easier job? I know my company isn't going to even try to match any offer. My farewell email will be as heartfelt as it is rapidly sent.

Well, isn't that sad.

The majority of the population change jobs at some time in their lives, some more than once. They don't like their job or circumstances change so they go and retrain. Is there some good reason why NRL players cannot do the same at 35 or so?

I see Steve Price just graduated from Uni so if he can do it then so can others. Use some of the rather large salary (come on, you must be able save some money from 100k? $100 a week for 10 years maybe?) and invest it in education or a business or pay a money manager to invest it for you and not just piss it up against the wall or buy flash cars (they are not investments, they are liabilities).

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