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Muttiah Muralitharan won't come to Australia


Murali has previously said that he wouldn't tour Aus again, but he went back on his word and ended up touring. This is what probaly confused Oswin....

It'll be interesting to see whether he keeps his word this time... I guess only time will tell.

PS... I think it is weak of any sports person not to tour because of what names they may be called... if you can't handle it, then you shouldn't be playing professionally... simple as that!!


Murili has definetly toured in 1995/96, 1998/99 and 2002/03, the only 3 tours of Australia by Sri Lanka since Murili debuted. So basically Murili has not refrained from touring Australia previously.

Oh, I'm not doubting the fact he played in all of Sri Lanka's tours here - I just recall there being criticism of one of those injuries - might have been the hernia problem. There was a suggestion the hernia recovery time was going to affect his likelihood of touring at all, and further suggestions the delayed comeback was a result of fudging the recovery-time sheet. This was pure speculation though.

tigermite said:
Murali has previously said that he wouldn't tour Aus again, but he went back on his word and ended up touring. This is what probaly confused Oswin....

Thanks Tigermite - makes me sound like a looney tune. :roll: :lol:

A relevant link about Murali not touring:


One thing that is also interesting: India and Pakistan's Test history in recent years. They haven't played a Test together since, well, way back from memory.


THE KEGG said:
Iafeta, since you have all the answers.......... :roll:

1. How many sportsman (at the top end of their game), have declined to go to a country based on no other reason than "verbal" abuse from the stadium.

How can we be absolutely sure that is the only reason? Maybe he's fed up at things being thrown at him? No I don't have all the answers, but opinions are like A holes, everyone's got one - not many though in this instance want to pull out any facts which is rather sad and deconstructive.

2a. As my previous post, should Murali forfeit going to England as he was chanted being a chucker by the barmy army in the recent test series in Sri Lanka ?

Like I say above, is that the only reason? Maybe the taunts he gets are at a far more personal level.

2b. Why didnt Murali forfeit the 2nd and 3rd tests against the poms if he was being ridiculed "Throw throw throw the ball gently down the seam, Murali Murali Murali chucks it like a dream......." so it goes.
Maybe he just couldnt hear them :lol: or maybe he could take heaps of wickets and ignore it ;-)

Hey, he's playing England - its a chance for a 10fer! :D He's got Warnie to contend with after all, any cheap wickets he can take the better.


McSharkie said:
No proof other than what my naked eyes tell me. It's so blatant, I can't believe I am still on this topic.

Then I dont see how you can defend yourself without evidence.


CyberKev said:
Oswin said:
I don't know where the hell you got that from. Sri Lanka last toured Australia in 1995/96 and Murili played the first two tests of the three test series. Sri Lanka toured in 1989/90 before that but Murili didn't make his test debut until 1992.

I don't know where the hell I got it from either. They have had two ODI tours since the 1995/6 Test & ODI tour.
One was last year with England, and the one before that was in the 1998/99 season, once again with England as the Test touring team for the summer.

Now, whether Murali refrained from coming in one of those tours, I don't know. I'm just mentioning it from the top of my head - I seem to recall this isn't the first time a player has decided to stay home - it may well be it is a player from another team..... :?:

Murali certainly toured in 1998/99.

I'm not sure about last season, although I think he came but didn't play much cricket due to injury.

I'm not sure about the stay at home player, but I seem to recall Brian Lara refusing to tour once, although I wouldn't quote myself on that.

I believe that Lara refused to tour South Africa due to salary disputes. That was when Hooper became captain? I wouldn't quote MYSELF on that though ;)


Iafeta said:
THE KEGG said:
Iafeta, since you have all the answers.......... :roll:

1. How many sportsman (at the top end of their game), have declined to go to a country based on no other reason than "verbal" abuse from the stadium.

How can we be absolutely sure that is the only reason? Maybe he's fed up at things being thrown at him? No I don't have all the answers, but opinions are like A holes, everyone's got one - not many though in this instance want to pull out any facts which is rather sad and deconstructive.

pull out facts ?? lmfao.....
so now it not the crowds verbally but maybe the physical abuse,

Poor Murali :-({|= , must be real tough playing cricket in Australia.
My bet is he will tour, after realising what a hypocrite he is becoming.


So you're saying you condone missiles being thrown at people? Thats whats funny.


Iafeta said:
So you're saying you condone missiles being thrown at people? Thats whats funny.

where did I say that ?

I was merely pointing out (obviously you didnt get it).
That Australia is one of the safest places to play cricket.
AND THAT is why its funny your comments about other reasons *crowd chucking*, lmao, are hilarious. I Find you funny :lol:

What other straws you got to clutch ? :lol:

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