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My fight with Budz

Karmichael Hunt

The story:

It was Saturday night, my housewarming party in Canberra and a very drunken evening. My last shot of Absinth put me right over the edge after constant drinking from 7 (I was drunk before the first guest arrived).

The night was getting quite late and loud, much fun had by all guests and witty quips firing from my mouth every second as I recall. Budz had quite a bit to drink and with him this leads to aggression. The whole incicdent started when me and Tottenham started throwing lollies at him, a bit of harmless fun i thought. Not to Budz. His response was to throw a glass beer bottle at us, a very dangerous ploy.

In retaliation, my thoughts were to stem the aggression by denying his legal right to alcohol. I grabbed his goon bag and took it to the balcony. Not being able to use the spout to pour just some of his goon over the edge, I dropped the bag. This just enraged Budz further. Instead of going downstairs to pick up his goon bag which was still intact (i think, it was in its box), Budz grabbed our softdrink bottles and threw them over the edge. This didn't particularly worry me as we still had our alcohol. When he couldn't get outside he tried to just tip them down the sink where I was stopping him. As I have been told, he then just sat down on the couch teeming with rage.

For some reason I felt the need to vacuum the ground, as it was our new place and I would like to keep it clean. When I got near Budz I thought I'd help him out by vacuuming up his tears, and I was heard to remark 'I will vacuum up your tears, Buddhika. I will vacuum up your tears' repeatedly. According to others at the party it was one of the funniest things anyone has done in the history of the world....really.

Budz apparently warned me that he was going to throw the vacuum cleaner at me which he didn't hear, but when he got up I wrestled him to the floor. With his free hand he picked up the vacuum cleaner and threw it, narrowly missing the television but putting a f**king hole in the wall, which I didn't see till the next morning but was told about.

Budz then went into my bathroom and locked himself in, all the time me thinking now everythings square, the bottle cancelled the lollies, the soft drink cancelled the goon, the hole in the wall cancelled the vacuuming of tears. But no, Budz sprayed my shaving cream all over everything in the bathroom, my toothbrush, toothpaste, razors, toiletry bag, towels. He also squirted my shampoo on the bath mat and told people that he 'put [my] toothbrush in his a**e' which he does from time to time.

That is basically the whole story, we then went out to civiv but I didn't talk to him and vice versa. I do know that he's not allowed back to our place until he pays for the damages, I will of course deduct the price of the goon to that amount BUT will add the prices of a new toothbrush and loss of shaving cream and shampoo.

Good night huh?


Super Moderator
Staff member
:lol: :lol: @ Colonel

Whats the term "A good root wasted"

I remember saying that in my ratbag days here (It may have also lead to my banning) :lol:

Forum Idiot

:clap: :lol: :clap: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap: :clap: :clap:
funniest story EVER!
the vacuuming of the tears brought me to tears! :clap:

Karmichael Hunt

Budz does get very fiery when drunk, its his nature and its also hell funny. That whole incident made that night awesome, especially in hindsight. I'm glad people like the vacuuming the tears part, I can't believe I'm that clever when drunk.

And just to make sure you all know, the vacuum cleaner was on and was sucking at his face.

And also we had a good laugh about it today.


:lol: :lol: :lol: I personally dont think it made the night. But i thought apart from that incident it was a great night. Looking back at it, i find it pretty funny. And how are the computer labs Steve Hrust?

Karmichael Hunt

budz said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: I personally dont think it made the night. But i thought apart from that incident it was a great night. Looking back at it, i find it pretty funny. And how are the computer labs Steve Hrust?

The labs rock as always. :roll:

And it did make the night, budz. It made it memorable, especially seeing as the rest of the night is hard to remember.


pennywisealfie said:
dude seriously, quit drinking.

vacuuming tears! haha!
Dude.....i seriously wont stop drinking. Its not my fault i was constantly getting provoked. For example when they were throwing lollies at me (which was completely unprovoked) i warned them numerous amount of times to stop or i will throw something back. But they kept doing it. And i warned them after a bit more of it that ill throw a beer bottle at them. And they said 'You wouldnt do that'. And then they threw another one at me (and they werent little lobs either, it was properly throwing them). So i just threw the beer bottle in their direction. It didnt even break cause i didnt throw it hard.
And im pretty sure that the throwing of the goon bag wasnt straight after the beer bottle incident, because i remember talking to these girls in kitchen when the lollies were being thrown at me, while they werent there when the goon bag incident happened. And when he did throw my goon bag over the balcony, and when i was throwing the soft drink over, he did try and lock me outside in the balcony. Thats the reason i didnt go to get the goon bag, cause i knew he would lock me outside for a considerable amount of time.
And with the vacum cleaner, i warned him so many times to stop or ill throw it. And then i even counted him down from 5 to give him a chance to stop.
And the point of the shaving cream etc. was to prove to him you shouldnt do something just beacuse it is funny, if it is going to hurt others. And im sure that pissed him off even though i found it hilarious.
And that is all i have to say on the matter on this forum.

Forum Idiot

:lol: :lol: this thread is hilarious. im on budz's side! hey bidz do you have an indian accent because the thought of that is quite funny when im reading your posts.