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New AMNRL team in CT



One of the only people who has posted 'diatribe' is myself, and that is when people post absolute hypocritical bullshit and attempt to defend the indefensible. I haven't seen any 'accusations' from anyone involved with the USARL that haven't been completely accurate, they are being discriminated against, they have a right to speak up. In any other sport or any other walk of life the issues would have been sorted long ago by a central body, the fact that the international governing body in RL is so spineless is a damn shame.

It's one thing speaking up and defending yourself, it's a complete other thing to lower your self to certain standards and continue to post negative upon negative comments in almost every topic that gets started on anything.

Every topic, regardless of what it's about, is dragged into the gutter with the he said, she said, they did, you did bull shit. No one is getting anywhere with the crap that constantly keeps getting dragged up and thrown around. I understand the discrimination is wrong I also understand that bringing it up this forum, constantly, really won't accomplish anything nor will it get heard by anyone with an ounce of power to deal with it

The constant bitching and back biting from both sides is pathetic and to be honest my kids deal with shit better than these 'grown men'. Maybe it would be better to take the road that the likes of Peter Illfield have taken and chose to say nothing in public unless it's constructive?

One of my points was to use this forum for the good of the game. Instead of talking about the great things people are doing followed by a dig at the other side in most posts, with the constructive part of the post, take it, start a new topic and spread the wealth of your ideas.


Quit the low-level psychological bullshit. The OP is clearly aware of the AYRLA and the youth development blogs. It was a backhanded compliment and you know it.

It was far from an under handed compliment. It was a compliment with an added comment born from the stupidity of the way this whole thing has played out from start to what ever point we want to call this that USA rugby league is at.

It's born from the under handed way the AMNRL like to run things coupled with the way certain things where put to people without disclosing the long term intention of what became the USARL.

Not one party is innocent in this whole farce and I feel this is evident in the way people continue to knock down instead of rebuild.


Its Called AYRLA - Write a check and donate to us.

And Obviously your someone who knows me and probably hates me for my blatant honesty and unwillingness to tolerate BS from anyone.

Show your Name? Could you be Percy from New Haven who dropped the club who brought him to the USA for the False Promises of the CT crocks? Curtis Cunz form CT wildcats who took over as president in exchange for a tomahawks spot? Could you be Josh Price fomer player who stole 2K from the RIR. I have no problem being transparent because we have nothing to Hide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (welcome to RI)

And one last point. Take as many shots as you want against my club and my operations, but at the end of the Day your talking about my club and guess what, im 26 years old and have been involved administratively wise in RL in the USA for a total of 14 months. Never Captained a side, never sat on a board. I felt it was a waste of time and Politics as Usual.
Thats why i Love the USARL - No politics allowed. No holds barred truth and honesty. Thats why we have set up youth programs in RI and Philly while a guy who worked at a School couldnt get anything going for the past 12 years. what a joke

First off, your first sentence makes you sound like you have no intention of building a youth system for anything other than your own personal gain. That may or may not be true but it definitely seems that way with asking for cash out of the starting pen.

Second, no, I'm not familiar with the AYRLA'S system, only there name.

As for your second sentence, you just come across as a paranoid schytsophrenic. I did not attack you I just simply pointed out that, even though from your pedestal, soap box or any other plateau from up high, your organisation is not without teething problems and carcasses along the way.

I'm certainly none of the people mentioned above. Heck I'm not even close to any of the localities you mentioned. I'm also not aligned with any one organization, as you would see in my comments in other threads.

I chose not to show my name (although there are a couple of people on here that possibly know and can out me if they feel fit), not that you would know me any way as I'm pretty sure we have never crossed paths, for the simple reason of the politics you mention. I sit firmly on the fence. I have friends and I'm sure enemies in both the AMNRL and USARL. I prefer to come on here with no accused bias and to make my points both for and against both 'organizations'.

I quote "No politics allowed. No holds barred, truth and honesty". Sir your naivety will be your down fall. There is no such world, organization or group that exists the way you are quoted.

Like I said. I'm not looking for a pissing match, I'm simply looking for a world with rugby league.

I don't believe I ever took any shots at you or 'your' RIR. I simply think because maybe your integrity as an organization was ever so slightly questioned you quickly jumped on the defencive. Don't read between the lines of what I type cause there is simply a white background with my honesty and what I know to be fact printed on said white surface.

Yet again another thread that has been dragged through the gutter that didn't really belong there.

Instead of people simply asking ' how can this locale produce three teams, when for years it struggled to house two teams, possibly fill a third roster '? Or ' wow thats great news, how do we all think they will fair in the league ' ? And a civilized discussion incue, it again turned into an over paranoid pissing match.

It truly saddens me that for some reason rugby league has once again attracted idiots to run it in another country because if where all honest it's run by idiots worldwide.
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some one says something sensible and he gets shouted down. Lawrence re read what the guy said he was giving you a compliment and suggested it was a model the game could share. If you love the game do it, thats the way to achieve change and honour your beliefs.

How dare you interject with an honest, well balanced, non blinkered opinion?

That's sarcasm for those that may miss it


well Homer isnt that just typical of and to be expected from you. You see your self as some voice of reason whose opinion is both reasoned and relevant but whenever some disagrees with you they are wrong and must be wrong as you deal in only cold hard facts. In another thread you bagged my view and said the AMNRL made an admission in a story , well they didnt , Dawn made a comment but there was none from the AMNRL , and now you are arrogantly telling someone what they know!! ...I guess you were born dec. 25 because you say that you can make informed statements on matters you have no personal knowledge on because of the E world we live in , are sure you arent my ex girl she could argue the ludicrous with self righteous rage much like you. This is a fact , unless you are there any opinion is a refection of hearsay ...stop spinning BS and and claimimg it to be fact ....so next time when you leave the job you hate in dreary Leeds and sit down with a curry at your PC try to add something of value to a debate instead of ramming your irrelevant opinion down others throats masquered as facts

deluded pom?

so next time when you leave the job you hate in dreary Leeds and sit down with a curry at your PC try to add something of value to a debate instead of ramming your irrelevant opinion down others throats masquered as facts

So when Homer makes sweeping generalisations it's bad but it's OK when you do it too.

Evil Homer

Staff member
well Homer isnt that just typical of and to be expected from you. You see your self as some voice of reason whose opinion is both reasoned and relevant but whenever some disagrees with you they are wrong and must be wrong as you deal in only cold hard facts. In another thread you bagged my view and said the AMNRL made an admission in a story , well they didnt , Dawn made a comment but there was none from the AMNRL , and now you are arrogantly telling someone what they know!! ...I guess you were born dec. 25 because you say that you can make informed statements on matters you have no personal knowledge on because of the E world we live in , are sure you arent my ex girl she could argue the ludicrous with self righteous rage much like you. This is a fact , unless you are there any opinion is a refection of hearsay ...stop spinning BS and and claimimg it to be fact ....so next time when you leave the job you hate in dreary Leeds and sit down with a curry at your PC try to add something of value to a debate instead of ramming your irrelevant opinion down others throats masquered as facts
That was too easy :lol:

Evil Homer

Staff member
It's one thing speaking up and defending yourself, it's a complete other thing to lower your self to certain standards and continue to post negative upon negative comments in almost every topic that gets started on anything.

Every topic, regardless of what it's about, is dragged into the gutter with the he said, she said, they did, you did bull shit. No one is getting anywhere with the crap that constantly keeps getting dragged up and thrown around. I understand the discrimination is wrong I also understand that bringing it up this forum, constantly, really won't accomplish anything nor will it get heard by anyone with an ounce of power to deal with it

The constant bitching and back biting from both sides is pathetic and to be honest my kids deal with shit better than these 'grown men'. Maybe it would be better to take the road that the likes of Peter Illfield have taken and chose to say nothing in public unless it's constructive?

One of my points was to use this forum for the good of the game. Instead of talking about the great things people are doing followed by a dig at the other side in most posts, with the constructive part of the post, take it, start a new topic and spread the wealth of your ideas.
I agree in essence, but when the AMNRL do things that appear to be suspect or can be construed as points scoring, then they are naturally going to receive criticism, just like any other organization. The fact that the AMNRL do it a lot means they attract a lot of criticism, but it's not on every thread regardless of the merits as you seem to make out. I praised them for the success of the Donnybrook Cup. You can't blame people for being angry at the AMNRL though - they are the ones who at the moment are damaging the game for their own benefit, you have admitted as much, and so nothing they do can really be taken as positive until this is remedied because it will continue to be a cloud hanging over them. I don't expect to change anything by posting on this forum other than to make people aware of the issues, but I really can't stand corrupt people holding back the sport in favour of personal gains. If the AMNRL changed their stance and went back to trying to develop the game without actively seeking to damage anyone else who is trying to do the same, then there wouldn't be an issue.
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Wow, this thread has gone a bit chaotic.
I can't believe people are having a dig at lawrence and RIR after his post of pure honesty. He is actually telling you details which have never been mentioned before. Details which i find very intriguing. And I can't believe someone found it necessary to make a one page response to his post, listing the flaws in it, and reading too much into it. Saying it sounds like he is after personal gain? f**k me dead, what a piss poor response to his hard work.

If anything Lawrence has just stated some truths that us on this forum from the other side of the world need to hear.

The thing that really tops it off for me, re the AMNRL, is that the national coach (when elliot isnt there) David Niu, is trying to show how professional the AMNRL is with the press releases, the appointment of new admin, the creation of new positions etc, but at the end of the day this same national team coach organises domestic games to be played in local fields with no spectators and then he referees the match, while probably picking his national team squad. It is so ammateur! Why would you try to fool anyone otherwise? It absolutely reeks of poor management, conflicts of interest, a 'friends of Niu' club, and a comp of misinformation!

And now, you want to bring another CT team in, just so the players like Damien O'Malveney and Ben Kelly can play domestic comp footy, after you guaranteed their spot in the tomahawks team? How can anyone defend this shit! All this poor manangement is happening, and people in this forum still complain when international footy isnt mentioned in aus media, or that the NRL won't invest in international footy! Why would you want to?!!!! You are dealing with incompetent human beings! You're setting yourself up for disaster!

Go and invest in Europe, where nations like Ukraine, Norway etc.. have govt support, junior players, media coverage etc...


Wow, this thread has gone a bit chaotic.
I can't believe people are having a dig at lawrence and RIR after his post of pure honesty. He is actually telling you details which have never been mentioned before. Details which i find very intriguing. And I can't believe someone found it necessary to make a one page response to his post, listing the flaws in it, and reading too much into it. Saying it sounds like he is after personal gain? f**k me dead, what a piss poor response to his hard work.

If anything Lawrence has just stated some truths that us on this forum from the other side of the world need to hear.

The thing that really tops it off for me, re the AMNRL, is that the national coach (when elliot isnt there) David Niu, is trying to show how professional the AMNRL is with the press releases, the appointment of new admin, the creation of new positions etc, but at the end of the day this same national team coach organises domestic games to be played in local fields with no spectators and then he referees the match, while probably picking his national team squad. It is so ammateur! Why would you try to fool anyone otherwise? It absolutely reeks of poor management, conflicts of interest, a 'friends of Niu' club, and a comp of misinformation!

And now, you want to bring another CT team in, just so the players like Damien O'Malveney and Ben Kelly can play domestic comp footy, after you guaranteed their spot in the tomahawks team? How can anyone defend this shit! All this poor manangement is happening, and people in this forum still complain when international footy isnt mentioned in aus media, or that the NRL won't invest in international footy! Why would you want to?!!!! You are dealing with incompetent human beings! You're setting yourself up for disaster!

Go and invest in Europe, where nations like Ukraine, Norway etc.. have govt support, junior players, media coverage etc...
This black hat, white hat - some people are good, some people are evil view of the world is pathetic and childish.

Evil Homer

Staff member
This black hat, white hat - some people are good, some people are evil view of the world is pathetic and childish.
Nobody is 'evil', some people are in the wrong and by constantly trying to deny this you are embarrassing yourself even further than you already have done with your posts on this issue.


Its Called AYRLA - Write a check and donate to us.

And Obviously your someone who knows me and probably hates me for my blatant honesty and unwillingness to tolerate BS from anyone.

Show your Name? Could you be Percy from New Haven who dropped the club who brought him to the USA for the False Promises of the CT crocks? Curtis Cunz form CT wildcats who took over as president in exchange for a tomahawks spot? Could you be Josh Price fomer player who stole 2K from the RIR. I have no problem being transparent because we have nothing to Hide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (welcome to RI)

And one last point. Take as many shots as you want against my club and my operations, but at the end of the Day your talking about my club and guess what, im 26 years old and have been involved administratively wise in RL in the USA for a total of 14 months. Never Captained a side, never sat on a board. I felt it was a waste of time and Politics as Usual.
Thats why i Love the USARL - No politics allowed. No holds barred truth and honesty. Thats why we have set up youth programs in RI and Philly while a guy who worked at a School couldnt get anything going for the past 12 years. what a joke

I am very surprised by this post. I think you are doing a great job. RIR are my pick as pretty much the next big thing. I see you you guys achieving similar success as the Fight and the Axemen. The youth program also looks like it is going great, and should be a practice that every club follows. I for one want to see your club succeed and look forward to watching you advance the game in CT.

When you are representing a club as successful as yours people may view emotional posts like this in a negative light. Heck, maybe the fire you showed in that post is the reason you guys are successful. Like I said, your club is definitely going in the right direction, and I hope you are willing to provide some insight into how to grow a successful club to who ever cares enough to ask.

BTW, this "Take as many shots as you want against my club and my operations, but at the end of the Day your talking about my club" Makes you sound like you might be gunning to run a national team some day. lol Just bustin stones.


Nobody is 'evil', some people are in the wrong and by constantly trying to deny this you are embarrassing yourself even further than you already have done with your posts on this issue.
You are the person who is completely irrational on this and nearly every other subject.

You constantly reduce situations to a 'good v evil', childishly simplistic view of the world and have bad mouthed every official in the game on these forums.
You have the comprehension of a 13 year old.

Steve Davy

A few years ago rugby league died in Boston. Now is is alive and well with a Boston team and another Cambridge team across the river. When I look at that, and when I see things happening in Providence I am very optimistic for rugby league in America.

The partisanship on this board is dire, but fortunately it is just internet bickering. Why it should center around here I have no idea.


Seems like some people have forgotten (or perhaps didn't get a chance to see) the leaked email from Niu to all his AMNRL lackies about his hopes that USARL crashes in it's first season, labelling it a "complete failure".

Because I sure remember that email.


I openly admit I have zero idea about what's going on in American Rugby League, but as a person who loves the sport and quite enjoys the USA, I figured I'd have a look.

What do I find? Yet another rugby league pissing contest. What is it with our sport and creating people who just get over-run by their own ego's that they cannot remember why they got involved in the first place?!?

(I should clarify, this isn't directed at any one in particular because I don't know who is who in this zoo, or any organisation - merely my disappointed observations of petty bickering threatening to halt the progress of the greatest game of all).


Have to agree with Paullyboy. The threads start out ok and then someone wants to write one sentence to many or get personal. Many have to re-read their posts and see what relevance it has to the subject matter i.e New AMNRL Team in CT. If you get off topic start a new post. I have been a distant observer for about 2 years and I am delighted to see some of the hugh steps forward this great sport has taken in the US. New teams, youth development great info on websites etc. I'm big follower on whats happening in RI and whatever camp your following I think this is the best example in the US at the moment on how to promote and show off the game. Great to see the passion in the posts but I think it needs to be directed more positively.

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