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Newcastle denies explosive salary cap allegations


And hahaha to this bloke turning out to be that nutjob CC/TLP. "run out of Newcastle" indeed. Wonder if he'll recycle the same old story in 2011


Baron Vo Mandor said:
Thats a tad harsh haha, but BB has always been very negative towards me so hardly suprising.

Oh come on bud, you're a Knights supporter, automatically I like you more than most people! I'm just playing around :p.


Knew Hagan was up to something...

... Didnt this guy say it in 2003, no one took notice. Mentioned something last year about it too?


Knights007 said:
Knew Hagan was up to something...

... Didnt this guy say it in 2003, no one took notice. Mentioned something last year about it too?

Try mentioned it in every f**king post he's ever made on any forum anywhere in the internet since being sacked. It's not that we didn't take notice, it's just there's only so many times you can say to a bloke 'Ok, we get it, you don't like Conway/Knights management, please stop writing 6000 posts with 40 different aliases about it every day' before the big old banning stick comes out.

(plus he thought he was smarter than Dilly, noone's smarter than Dilly!)


I work night shift at a servo 2 nights a week and last night when the paper came in I saw the back page and through the paper across the store, why can't people just leave us alone? What the hell have the Knights done to deserve all this crap?


bluesbreaker said:
And hahaha to this bloke turning out to be that nutjob CC/TLP. "run out of Newcastle" indeed. Wonder if he'll recycle the same old story in 2011
Has anybody actually thought his 18 pages of allegations were all true? And maybe the way the Knights is run is the nut job.

Wouldnt it be awful if this guy was the real deal? How bad would we all feel then. Cause if what he claimed is true - no wonder he wont let it all go and wants the truth known?


KniGhTs BaTTLeR said:
I work night shift at a servo 2 nights a week and last night when the paper came in I saw the back page and through the paper across the store, why can't people just leave us alone? What the hell have the Knights done to deserve all this crap?

Ummmm what have they done? According to this guy - 18 pages of roting, falsely signed memorabilia you name - if its dodgy then theyve done it (according to him).

Now lets just think. Most of us Knights are one eyed supporters right. Its a small town? Everyone loves the Knights. IF these things are all tue and nobody acts on it - I think it would send anyone nutty and I'd fight tooth and nail to see justice is at least served
News Limited must be gutted they couldn't find a link to Brian Smith in that article! Newton is a disgrunteld ex-employee! Where have I heard that before.


KniGhTs BaTTLeR said:
I work night shift at a servo 2 nights a week and last night when the paper came in I saw the back page and through the paper across the store, why can't people just leave us alone? What the hell have the Knights done to deserve all this crap?

What have the Knights done? Read the 18 pages of dodgy stuff they have done and you will find out ... As if somneone is going to make it all up? When are people going to realise the Knights admin is crook as rookwood and as dodgy as all f&%$

We still love the team - The team is stronger than any Board or CEO so lets give the place a real serious broom through the admin like they did our players. Sack the Board and their new CEO who is already sweeping stuff under the carpets


Clearly the NRL are supporting Newcastle regardless off the back of the 2003 audit they conducted on this guys advisory. NRL = closed book.

They have the centenary to worry about and i dont think they want any scandals to ruin it. Where there is smoke there is fire however, and either the guy making accusations is a lunatic or he has a serious beef, i doubt he is a lunatic. Either way, the knights would do well to either call this guys bluff and invoke a non-disclosure agreement and haul this fella in front of the magistrate to proove his allegations or if in fact there is a problem here to pay him to stfu. Clearly he isnt going to let it go, after 4 years he is still carrying a torch for this and it is burning brighter the more people say IT DIDNT HAPPEN.

No doubt the former financial controller would have signed a non-disclosure agreement with knights, so im thinking if the knights arent attempting to invoke that then they dont want to make issue of this thing in front of the judge. The could no doubt really hammer this bloke legaly, the fact that they arent is a sure sign they dont want to open their books again.

One thing for sure is, the days of the NRL crucifying us for things seems to be over. No matter what crops up these days they seem to want to assist us with any sweeping that needs to take place with the rug.

They need to deal with this guy imo. He will keep coming back.


Hanscholo said:
Clearly the NRL are supporting Newcastle regardless off the back of the 2003 audit they conducted on this guys advisory. NRL = closed book.

They have the centenary to worry about and i dont think they want any scandals to ruin it. Where there is smoke there is fire however, and either the guy making accusations is a lunatic or he has a serious beef, i doubt he is a lunatic. Either way, the knights would do well to either call this guys bluff and invoke a non-disclosure agreement and haul this fella in front of the magistrate to proove his allegations or if in fact there is a problem here to pay him to stfu. Clearly he isnt going to let it go, after 4 years he is still carrying a torch for this and it is burning brighter the more people say IT DIDNT HAPPEN.

No doubt the former financial controller would have signed a non-disclosure agreement with knights, so im thinking if the knights arent attempting to invoke that then they dont want to make issue of this thing in front of the judge. The could no doubt really hammer this bloke legaly, the fact that they arent is a sure sign they dont want to open their books again.

One thing for sure is, the days of the NRL crucifying us for things seems to be over. No matter what crops up these days they seem to want to assist us with any sweeping that needs to take place with the rug.

They need to deal with this guy imo. He will keep coming back.

Hanscholo - you are a very astute character.

This guy did burn a torch for the last 4 & 1/2 years. The NRL were keen to cover up in 2003 because they themselves helped the Knights rort the cap in December 2001 (Bogus Grand Final Bonus) - so then when they treated the Dogs more harshly they couldnt get tough on the Knights in 2003 or they would be accused of double standards. So this now disgruntled ex FC resigned in the hope it would bring attention to how badly the Knights Chairman and CEO were running the place into the ground. BUT...... he wasnt smart enough to figure that the NRL - the governing body of the sport werent taking the cap seriously or would let the knights off the hook. Hence the crooked CEO and Chairman got away with murder effectively. .......

New CEO - new 4 out of 9 board members. same old cover ups. My torch is burnt out mate. I give up. Some things arent worth figthing for. At least I know i didnt compromise my integrity even though many ill informed forum readers may not want to believe all 18 pages of my accusations were true.

I suspect Coby Delaney will now remove this post - as he kicked me off the forum 4 years ago and doesnt like the truth to get in the way of a good story!

Just PM me if you want a copy of the the FIVE PAGE EXPLOSIVE SALARY CAP ALLEGATIONS Email to the 15 x CEO's with the 18 page attachment of salary cap rorts among other things. If you PM your email addi I will send the lot to you


Brad Newton


borat said:
Wasn't a poster on here from a year or two back who was forever going on about conspiracy theories and was a fromer employee?

Have any of you clowns on here thought. Hmmmm gee this guy seems persistent.. Maybe he's the honest one and Gallop, Conway & Burraston etc are the co conspiritors that are all lying to protect the game and its reputation at the expense of just one honest man.