Wheel of Time starts in a few weeks.
As a very long time reader I'm really hoping they nail it. Obviously going to have to compress some storylines but as long as they adapt well it will be amazing. Early previews look promising.
I was a big fan of the first few books then it got way too complicated with too many characters before Sanderson somewhat redeemed it at the end. Always seemed to me a story too hard to adapt.
As many reviewers have said, desperately wants to be next Game of Thrones (I believe Bezos ranting "I wnat my GOT" lead to this starting) but way ahead in that Game of Thrones took years to turn to crap where as this just went there from the start.
Casting looked very much like they were trying to balance diversity quotas. Trollocs and Myrdahhl were good. I know it is subjective but Morraine was the only one that was close to how I'd imagined. Lan absolutely nothing like it (I'd always pictured him like on the Eye of the World cover in a full suit of armour) and Rand is giving me Hayden Christenson's Anakin vibes.
Can't see anyone who hasn't read the books being drawn in like Game of Thrones did, largely due to the characterisations and more fantastical storylines and thus will be very surprised if it runs to the end.
Want to improve soon or I doubt I'll make the end of the season.