The offer though would need to match fox + nrls production costs + loss of news ltd support across their media platforms + nrl taking the risk with a new partner .
That would be a very big chunk of change. Not impossible but unlikely.
As long as there’s enough genuine interest from others to get fox to dig deep then that’s fine. Fox dont do a badjob with the game really, as much as I hate scummy news ltd and would love to see them gone from the game forever.
ch9 however, more than happy to see ch10 or even 7 take over our fta.
Pay tv networks have to make money from their content which covers broadcast costs
Foxtel has always been profitable
Has it ever paid nrl what it’s worth v afl ? Nope
Given its a subscription based model there is no planet where the afl tv rights are worth the 430 million pa they claim Foxsports are paying for them
Given 75 to 80 percent of the most watched programs on Foxtel are nrl then Foxsports should be paying the nrl 600 million pa which they obviously won’t
That’s why Fox are vulnerable now to stan
That 3 billion Dazn paid for Foxtel could all go up in smoke if they lose the nrl tv deal
News Ltd paper / digital coverage is poor. They couldn’t do a worse job if they hated the sport