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Next year Mogg will be the big loss

Just something I've been thinking about.

We all know how inspirational Schif is, and how he hardly ever has a bad game. He's solid as the rock in defence, and there's not many better in broken play. We'll obviously miss him. But I'm confident that with his replacements, either Chalky, Bronx or Zilly, one will become a top quality fullback for years to come. Defensively there will be no one like Schif, but attack-wise, we might be a better side, potentially.

But Moggy is the big loss. I can't believe how much he's improved this year. He makes meterage with ease and hardly ever gets driven back, he's deceptively quick, has a great little flick pass now, and he's just playing with so much confidence after Origin.

This year we have a legit attacking threat on BOTH sides of the field with Graham and Mogg playing to their potential, something which a Raiders team has really lacked over the last decade or so, IMO.

Next year we're really going to miss him IMO, as besides Graham, we don't have much strike in the backs left. Unless Frawley surprises everyone and has a good season. :|

You can't really blame management on this situation because if a player asks for a release, you almost have to grant it, otherwise they'd be forced to play for a team against their will. It's just a shame that Catalans had to sign Moggy before Origin or it might have been a different equation...

We'll miss you Egg Mogg!


Its definately been a surprise how far Egg Mogg has come since origin (and this year). It has been an amazing transformation...he is a completely different player than the '05 version...

He will definately be missed.

It does set up an exciting battle for our 2nd centre spot though. Purtell, Irwin, Kelly, Sau, Jade Williams, Bronx, Cross and Frawley could all possibly end up there come round 1. Hopefully the competition brings out the best in them...


First Grade
Just shows what Origin experience can do to a player. Certainly brought out the best in Eggy who has always had the speed, he fend, the ability to get out of dummy half quickly - but now he knows he's up there with the best.

Agree with IBG's sentiments, Schif is an inspiration but we have some damn good replacements coming through. Not so sure about replacing Mogg.


Lime_Green said:
I wouldn't mind seeing TLL playing at centre next year.

He's slowed down and bulked up too much to play in the centres. Plus i think he would be wasted out there. Playing as wide running second rower is where he should spend most of 2007 IMO.


I'm not sure I agree. Certainly he'd be no Phil Graham, but he could do well as a SBW style centre.

It was interesting when Hannay was on the market that Neil Henry came out and said he believed we had enough depth in the centres for 2007.

Do we?


Lime_Green said:
I'm not sure I agree. Certainly he'd be no Phil Graham, but he could do well as a SBW style centre.

It was interesting when Hannay was on the market that Neil Henry came out and said he believed we had enough depth in the centres for 2007.

Do we?

SBW is completely wasted at centre. Sure he does an ok job but has nowhere near the impact on the game that he does when in the backrow...


I think SBW is great at centre, I dont think it really matters where he plays. But thats a different thread. This is about Eggy.

I think its a fair point you raise, I still lean more towards Schif's sheer enthusiasm and passion as being the biggest loss but there can be no doubting that Mogg has become one of the best centres in the NRL over the past 3 months. His performance including and since origin has been second to none and without him we would definately have been a much less dangerous side and we would have lost a few more games Im thinking.


Yes Mogg will be a loss and he is playing the best footy of his career without question. I tend to think next year will be a lean year for the Raiders as we are just losing far too much experience. It's been the experienced guys this year that have steadied the ship during the close games. Schif, Mogg, woolford, croker, smith are big losses and will not recover over night, it will take time.


First Grade
Agree that Mogg will be a missed next season ... his transformation since Origin is nothing short of amazing ... more confidence in his abilities at FG level after reaching the heights of SOO ... something not a lot of Raiders have been given the chance to experience.

I also wouldnt mind seeing TLL in the centres ... we're blessed with a lot of talent in the engine room but need a couple out wide who are capable of breaking the line and setting it up with an offload to a flying winger ... I reckon TLL and Graham on one side would be of nightmarish proportions for their counterparts.


I think Sau has alot of potential and could start alongside Graham in the centres next season.


brenno said:
Yes Mogg will be a loss and he is playing the best footy of his career without question. I tend to think next year will be a lean year for the Raiders as we are just losing far too much experience.

Im so freaking sick of hearing people say that, usually its not a Raiders fan though.

There is no benefit in having people just for the sake of them having played 100 games. I can handle people saying we are losing too much talent, but people that say we will struggle because of lack of experience dont understand the game of rugby league in my opinion.


BSB Raiderman said:
Purtell,Croc, Frawley, Sau, Howell, Kelly will all be in the mix for centre but there all no Mogg

I agree with that comment, but to be fair, at the start of 2006 Mogg was no Mogg, either.


How long is Mogg under contract over in France, I reckon we'll see him back here in the NRL as soon as it runs out!


Paullyboy said:
Im so freaking sick of hearing people say that, usually its not a Raiders fan though.

There is no benefit in having people just for the sake of them having played 100 games. I can handle people saying we are losing too much talent, but people that say we will struggle because of lack of experience dont understand the game of rugby league in my opinion.

I totally agree. The Tigers had a very young side last year when they won the premiership after all.

And it's not like we'll have a completely inexperienced side. We'll still have Withers, Tongue, Thompson, Best, Logan, Dunemann, Graham, Frawley, Turner, Lomu, and (hopefully) Costigan. These are all players with a decent number of caps.

And players like Carney, Weyman, TLL, Howell and Chalk are all well and truly past the 'blooding' stage of NRL.

It's one thing to be a complete newbie, it's another to have a season or two under your belt.

I actually think our inexperience will show most in the fullback role. Experience there means a lot - look what Peachey has done for the Rabbits.


The Egg has been the Raiders player of the year IMHO. WHat a transformation. Like TR said, he is a totally new player and his confidence has done wonders for the rest of the team.

We will miss him terribly. All the best Egg Mogg, you are welcome back in the Green any day!

Off the point, I am not so convinced about the #1. Shif is awesome at the back and a great leader. His departure is greater than we realise.
Chalk is no Shif in any aspect. He belongs on the wing or as a forward. Havent seen Bronx so I cant comment. Zilly will be bombed so much he will think hes gone back to WW2 and is living in London.