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NFT - Australian Idol


hey, i was just curious to know if anyone watches Australian Idol?
i thought what happened this monday was terrible, Cosima should have left ages ago if she knew she was sick, but all she wants is the attention! Lol Iam so angry about what happened it was definately not fair to the other contestants especially Shannon who then got in to the final by default! :x
Who do you think should win...Guy or Shannon? i really hope Shannon does!


First Grade
I have been hooked on this show since the top 10!

I thought last week's events were ordinary. My gut feeling is that Cosima thought she would not win the competition and decided to exit the way she did, for publicity reasons.

I think Guy deserves to win, but Shannon has been improving every week. And I seem to have a soft spot for the boy from the country.

Just on Millsy for a sec - how much of a media tart is he being!!!


sexybum said:
Who do you think should win...Guy or Shannon? i really hope Shannon does!

Channel 10 & Telstra will win.

They have made over 10 million from people ringing up.

I have only seen about 10 mins of it while waiting for the next show after Idol is over.

I wish they gave the results the other night & that they said Shannon was leaving.

That would mean, seeing as Cosima withdrew from the comp, Guy would be the winner. As he wouldn't have any competitor to sing against.

But that's why channel 10 & Idol didn't say who won or who lost, just in case Cosima got through the the Final.


The whole show is IMO crap. watched it once with the kids, What stood out was the pompous judges, they were more interested in pumping their own egos than judging the contestants, Mark Holden????? what a tosser! the fat guy with the long hair 50 year old wanna-be teenager, Marcia Hines, never forgiven her for not showing at a concert I'd paid to see years ago (showing my age here) The show just comes across as being full of false people. Still that's me, probably to old for that stuff, my kids love it. :cry:


First Grade
i will never forgive marica for her version of eagle rock on the footy show how bad was that


northey said:
i will never forgive marica for her version of eagle rock on the footy show how bad was that
Marcia in her boom years was a very talented performer. Her attitude to the public? well that was something else.


yeh millsy is definately a media tart....i cant believe one of the Hilton chicks would get with a wannabe popstar!!! whats the go?!! :D

even though the show has flaws i must admit that iam addicted!!! I really think that stunt pulled on monday was unfair to Shannon! i hope he wins...he has been my favourite since the start...

on the judges...Mark Holden is the biggest idiot ever, He cant even string together a normal sentence!!! i dont like Marcia i think she is very bias, Dicko is probably in my opion the best judge out of all of them...but seriously most of the time their comments are never constructive or have any importance to the subject at hand...now seriosly "hubba hubba" is that constructive?!


sexybum said:
yeh millsy is definately a media tart....i cant believe one of the Hilton chicks would get with a wannabe popstar!!! whats the go?!! :D

even though the show has flaws i must admit that iam addicted!!! I really think that stunt pulled on monday was unfair to Shannon! i hope he wins...he has been my favourite since the start...

on the judges...Mark Holden is the biggest idiot ever, He cant even string together a normal sentence!!! i dont like Marcia i think she is very bias, Dicko is probably in my opion the best judge out of all of them...but seriously most of the time their comments are never constructive or have any importance to the subject at hand...now seriosly "hubba hubba" is that constructive?!
You said it all sexybum! the performers are talented, the rest of it is B/S

princess plj

i look it in 2 ways: one i feel really bad for cosima because she has to give up her dream for a while. but two they way it was done really sucks. she should have pulled out at the start, or they should have just said "its time to go"....cosima and no one would have been the wiser. i feel for shannon, coz if i were him it would constantly play on my mind that the reason u there is because someone dropped out. i just think the way it was handled was wrong! its my opinion only!


Guy all the Way!!!!!
He is by far the best singer among them and has definately the whole package.
Just on Cosima, I was really disappointed with the whole thing she never gave amy impression on sunday night that she was going to quit despite her coming out and saying she had decided before hand that she was going to quit.
I have heard that one of them has a record deal and since everyone would look like an idiot if the truth was revealed they went about it another way.
It was all going to her head anyway


guy definitely has the talent to make it

he can sing, compose and rearrange music

shannon is getting better every week but still hits those off-notes that make me cringe

even though cosima withdrew, she knows she's going to get a contract anyway so its no big deal

mark holden is the biggest dickwipe on television
sleazy, married men of children should not be allowed to sit in front of people and say 'hubba hubba'. if i were cosima i would've found that degrading and eeeww because its holden

marcia tries to be all nice but gets annoying with the 'hey girlfriend im cool' business

dicko's the only one who has any balls to say what he thinks


oh and millsy - can he BE more of a media hog??
i never thought the guy could sing in the first place, let alone get to the top 12
same deal with daniel who withdrew because the knob tried to get in despite having an existing contract

they both got in on looks and thats b/s

The Colonel

sexybum said:
yeh millsy is definately a media tart....i cant believe one of the Hilton chicks would get with a wannabe popstar!!! whats the go?!!

I can't believe even Millsy was stupid enough to go with one of the Hilton sisters? If brains were gunpowder that union wouldn't blow a nose!


First Grade
I have been and will continue to vote for Guy Sebastion.

He is by far the most talented singer from the whole bunch of performers.

He deserves to win. I want the Australian Idol to be a great singer and performer, not some country boy who is getting better.

In my opinion, Shannon is miles behind Guy in musical and performance tallent.


First Grade
There is no doubt that Guy is more musically gifted and a better performer than Shannon.

However it has been apparent in recent weeks that this is not the only measure that people use when voting. Rob Mills lasted for his charisma and the way he performs. I'm told Lauren had a massive fan base
(I'm guessing school age kids voted for her). Shannon could get a lot of votes on the basis of who he is, or who the country perceives him to be - a hard working country boy who can sing and wants to make a living for his kids. Also as I have mentioned, IMO Shannon has been improving every week for the last few weeks, so who knows how much more improvement is left in him and how successful he could be?

So in terms of which person is more deserving, I can't split the two. I'll be happy to see either of them win it.


I thought Shannon should have been out long ago, definitely before Paulini and even Bek. He is improving immensely, that's true, but he's still barely at the level of the avergae pub singer. Astrogirl is right though, this competition isn't based on talent and I can see him winning.

OTOH, Guy Sebastion is a sublime talent. The entire package vocally, musically and artistically. He's plenty cute, too. I can see him having a long and varied career -- an original voice in the industry, with much to offer.

Think about the "World Idol" comp when they hold it -- Shannon would have zero chance in that, because the whole "country boy" sentimentality won't be supporting him then. But Guy would be a realistic chance of winning the whole thing. Wouldn't that be great? An Aussie as the "World Idol" !

One other point to make -- everyone has pretty much already decided which way they will vote, BUT all the people who voted for Cosima and Paulini, you imagine would now vote for Guy, because they were both there solely on their talent. Although, the Millsy voters would probably be backing Shannon now, for the other reasons. The competition turned out to be a lot more interesting that I thought it would (I only started watching a few weeks ago, when I saw my wife watching it and noticed how great Cosima, Paulini and Guy were!).


Paulini can sing and somehow she's not in the top 2 :? Go Guy!! but i dun really care who wins.


What is the bet that Cosima withdrew from Australian Idol because she was offered an album deal by a record label. :)


Kaz said:
What is the bet that Cosima withdrew from Australian Idol because she was offered an album deal by a record label. :)

I bet thats not far off the mark. Cosima has certainly woken up and smelt the coffee, Guy Sebastian will win. I like Shannon, good bloke but how are you supposed to market a 27 year old bloke with a wife and kids and lets be honest here Shannon isn't even as good of an entertainer as Guy so in my opinion he is a deadset certainty. Cosima I think as much as she liked to have been "the idol" accepted the reality she wasn't going to win but also saw that more than likely she will be offered a contract by another label, if she hasn't already.

As for Millsy, well I've never liked anyone that was full of themselves. I like humble people, which is why i'm delighted to see Shannon & Guy as the last 2. Thank god Rob didn't go all the way. And as for his fling with Paris Hilton well I wouldn't consider it to much of an accomplishment. Hell the girl may be worth 300 million of whatever, but has she ever had a serious job? Did she ever get a degree from Uni that daddy didn't pay for. It's funny I picked up and NW while waiting to get my nails done and she invited NW to her house for a tour. She has a diamond necklace with a "D" for her 'boyfriend' Deryck of Sum 41. What a joke Paris Hilton is the biggest tart out. Paris if you or one of your sheep reads this: GET A F*CKEN PROPER JOB YOU LAZY HO.

What else idol...Oh yes the Judges. You all some it up perfectly. Antonius is right. All they do is try and pump there own ego's. And Blue and Red Socks your comment on Marcia Hines is so true. It really pisses me off, they act as though they are critically acclaimed multi-grammy winning artists. All 3 of them are a joke. Mark Holden. What a dipshit. Seriously he is a complete num nut. If I was eliminated from the contest by this guy, I couldn't give a shit. He's so up his own arse he must surely be seeing light. And Marcia. Dear Marcia.

Oh let me share a story with you first. I was having some lunch with a few friends on a sparkling sydney spring day in the park outside Star City. We were waiting to see Singing int he Rain @ the lyric theatre. Anyway as I was looking around I saw Deni Hines coming closer. I quickly alerted a few friends around me and our drama teacher heard and he thought it would be a good photo to stick in our year book. I don't really like Hines Jnr (or Senior for that matter) but mainly because she rides fame on her last name. So my friend yells out Deni can we take a picture and she says "I'm in a hurry guys gotta go" this infuriated me. Who does she think she is? So i took out my Camera and yelled out 'how many number one hits have u had' and she turned around and gave us this blank look. I took a photo of that. Its a classic and it's in my Schools 2001 year book.

Anyway Marcia is an idiot she has never said a bad thing about anyone even when people need to be told that there performace is lacking.

And dicko. Well well. If you ever wanted to know a person who blows his own trumpet look no further. I mean he gives himself a wrap but how hard is it to play the outspoken judge. His comments towards Paulini no matter how true were appauling. He should be taken out the back. Someone should tell him 50 year old men with long grey hair isn't a great look either.

Anyways thats my really long long long comment on idol.

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