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NFT- Bashed


Went out in town on Friday night and got mugged.

Was at Frostbites 'til about 1 and decided to go home to get up for the early surf.

Was walking up one of those steep streets off King street (opposite Big Al's) with my friend to go to my car, and I came across 3 blokes sitting on the back of my car. :evil:

As I approached my car, I was careful not to unlock it too soon as to avoid having it stolen (precautionary measure). When I got closer I told them to get off my car and that I didn't appreciate them sitting on it.

In reply they decided to get a bit smart and began to fire up.

Realising that something was about to happen, I told my friend to run and get help, as I didn't want anyhting to happen to her.

To cut a long story short, I had to physically remove one of the guys from the back of my car and I knew it would result in violence, but I had no other choice. After pulling him down, one of his mates kicked me from behind and I fell to the ground. They started kicking me and punching me in the face, so I struggled to my feet and tried to protect my head.

I'd like to say that I got a few punches in, but I didn't. I could barely stand up as a result from the initial blow to my head.

Luckily there were some other people walking up the street to their car soon after and the bastards ran off.

I've come away pretty shaken and battered, but with my head held high.

The truth is, I was scared on Friday night. Scared for what might have happened to me if my beating wasn't interrupted.

These cowards weren't showing any signs of letting up, and I genuinely feared for my life. They quite possibly, in maybe only a minute or two more, could have beaten me to death, or even worse, caused irrepairable brain damage, if I hadn't been able to get back up to my feet. Just to let you know, I fear being in a vegetable state, more than death.

I have a few cuts on my face, and many bruises over various parts of my body, and a possible broken rib.

I'm not posting this to gain sympathy from anyone on here, but simply to warn you to be careful when out in town late at night.

There are people who are out there, just to look for fights and cause trouble . I won't speculate on their race or colour, because I'm not certain that they were all of the same cultural background. I hope these guys find what they're looking for too. I hope they find 5 or 6 blokes who just happen to be sitting on their car, looking for the same thing and I hope they get what they've given.


Thats some scary stuff I hope you are ok.. To tell you the truth I have never fully recovered from ending up in a hospital bed about the same time last year.... Me and a few mates were walking back from Maccas after a night out and these pack of Animals ( I wont call them kids, kids dont hunt in packs) took to my face and my rib cage.....considering there was 8 of them at the time there wasnt really much anyone could do....but to cut a long story short i dont go out in town anymore for fear that it could happen again

Yes you might say as all my friends do "If you dont get back on the horse they win.....but id rather be at home safe in my house than have to come home and see the horrified look on my sisters face when all i can taste is the blood from my broken nose..... id give anyone a hundred bucks to track down the punks that did it to me, but the reality is, we dont have enough police on the street to deal with it so they get away with it.... My friend was screaming into the phone going "My friend could be dying right now can you please f**king help us" and the response was "youll have to come into the station before we can come out and help you sorry".... Later on their argument was that they had 7 calls of assault between the hours of 2:05 and 2:18am and we were the seventh so they didnt have enough police to deal with it.....not really a nice comfort when your laying in a hospital bed with a neck brace hoping that youll be able to walk again

I guess i dont really have a point, just highlighting that if you think it couldnt happen to you guys your wrong because here are 2 cases in point of people you know that its happened to... Please be careful when your out in town


First Grade
gggeeeeeeee thatt was not a good night out!

man i really hope you are ok....

i never go out at night when i am staying in the city...

i can remember one night this year when i was doing a 2 day course at NIDA. i was staying at this hotel.

it was the best hotel it was close to NIDA and close to Aussie stadium....
and there were knights jeresys hanging up in the reception!!!!! hahahaha no wonder i liked the hotel!!!!

but yeah it was about midnight and i was not used to the sticky hot weather that the city has... and i couldn't sleep. so i went out to the little plat form outsie the room and felt much cooler but there was a gang of young boys by the looks of it and this other gang of older blokes... well they just went at it. stupid me just sat there and watched.. but then i saw a couple of the older ones back off and one of the other ones fired a shot into the air.... well i did what i thought was best i ran inside locked the screen door and jumped into my bed, pulled the sheets over my head.....

it was very scary. like yeah i am used to hearing gun shots around here, heck i am used to firing the gun shots.....but they are usally aimed at kangaroos or rabbits....


You're right: It says a lot about police numbers when they get that many muggings each night.

I'm sorry to hear about your mugging Providence. I can't empathise with you, but can only say that you probably handled it as well as someone could - telling your friend to leave was the right thing to do by the sounds of it. It is a worry that there are people out there who are just looking for trouble.

Did you give the police descriptions? Is there much hope of catching these crims?

I personally find it disgraceful that these people are allowed to walk the streets and dictate who is allowed to use the streets also - what time of the evening was it? Early morning?

Rotten stuff Providence - hope you're feeling better and that these morons are caught. :x


That's just aweful guys.

We have the same problem here in NZ, not enough police and too much crime.

Hope you make a speedy recovery soon Providence.

I had someone break into my house while living alone and when the police finally came to investigate they told me I obviously hadn't locked up before going to bed and the wind had blown the door open while I was sleeping.

Problem was, I'd checked all the locks and windows before going to bed and it was a calm still night in the middle of summer. I'd been living in the place for over a year and the door had never blown open even during the rough weather in the middle of winter :shock:

It's taken me a fair while to feel safe on my own.
f**k, im lucky then.. I have walked off many times in a drunken state by myself to look for a cab. Done it in brisbane too, never been approached before. But i'd be f**ked, the thing i would be worried about is if one had of pulled a knife, im shit scared of being stabbed, being bashed you can sort of protect urself, but a knife will go through you.


Sorry to hear that Providence. Hope you have a quick recovery. It sounds like it was a wise move to get your friend out of there. I hope that these b-astards get caught.

As Parki was saying, the police just don't care. I know this from experience.

A few days before Xmas two years ago, I had a few friends over on a Friday night for drinks and present swapping. At one stage in the night, I got a strange feeling that I should go check my bedroom (we were all sitting on the verandah downstairs, bar one girl who was alseep in my room).

Upon walking upstairs, I saw a strange man in my room, with a huge green garbage bag in one hand, and my CD collection in the other. Being drunk as hell and not thinking straight, I yelled out, "What the hell?!?" and this startled him and made him drop all my CDs.

He ran for my door, which led out onto a small balcony, and I ran after him, as he still had the green garbage bag full of stuff in his hands. I grabbed onto him as he was on the edge of the balcony, but he pushed me away and jumped off. I chased after him, but by this time my friends from downstairs had heard the noise and had come to check it out, and my boyfriend at the time pulled me away so that I stopped chasing the guy. He looked nasty and they feared he had a knife or worse.

Anyway, he ended up getting away with a tonne of our still wrapped Xmas presents, and my friends' wallets and mobile phones. We rang one of the mobile phones an hour later, and the thief's girlfriend stupidly answered and told us her life story. She then rang us back a bit later, from the mobile phone!

I went to the police station the next morning and reported the incident. The cop there told me that since only $400 worth of stuff was taken, they "basically didn't care". Never mind that it was important to us. I told the cop all about the mobile phone incident, and that he could trace the call and catch the guy. His reply? "For the sake of $400, we won't be requesting phone records".

I said that it was quite possible this guy could strike again, so why not catch him now as a measure of prevention, if for nothing else? "We deal with things that happen, we don't prevent them," he said. To shut me up, he allowed me to create an IdentiKit sketch for them to keep on file.

Two weeks later, guess what was on the front page of the local newspaper? My Identikit of the guy, accompanied by an article saying he was wanted for rape and attempted abduction. Gotta love the police ................... and no, this guy was never caught. The police still didn't care about the phone records, even when I rang them after seeing the front-page article. It's a sad world we live in when even the police don't want to help.
I've never had a problem out on town and to think I walk home from the city to New Lambton/Broadmeadow whenever I feel like it. Probably half a dozen times a year. Never once have I had a problem. Mate of mine put two people in the lock-up after he caught them breaking into a heap of cars at Lake Maquarie a few weeks back. He took on four guys and only ended up with the one scar above his eye.

It was awesome.


I'm no Lennox Lewis when it comes to the old blue, but I'm not one to shrink off either. Let me tell you, although foolishly, that I've done my fair share of fighting in my life. I found myself in violent situations many a time growing up as a kid, and more recently as a young man, have been in a few biffs for the wrong or right reasons.

The difference about Friday night was the fact that I was outnumbered 3 to 1, easily outsized (I'm only 5'11 and 76kg) but more importantly, I was on the defensive, trying at all costs to avoid the altercation.

There may have been a slightly different result if I had been the aggressor, maybe one less guy to deal with if I hit him first, but not much difference. If you've ever been in a real fight, you'd understand why. This is why physical contact is ALWAYS my last resort.

I'm like most red blooded aussie males. I love watching a good fight, but there's nothing good or entertaining in a 3 on 1 gang bashing. These men were cowards and I hope that somehow justice is served.

Just for the record, I don't have a problem with the police attitude or numbers in Newcastle. We are actually one of the best-off regions for police numbers in the state. Newcastle is the most popular posting choice of graduating police officers, but 99% are forced to go elsewhere.

The police were very helpful when I spoke to them and they were very sympathetic towards me and showed a lot of profesional care.

So don't go blaming the police for this sort of stuff. I know a lot of cops and they do the best they can. They are a limited resource however, and we have to understand that they can't be everywhere at once, no matter how many officers we have.


First Grade
Providence, I hope you're feeling better.

The stories that have been posted in this thread talk of things that I don't think about too much. Whether it be in Sydney or in Newcastle, I am often out and about on my own. For instance, when one of my friends says he'll walk me to my car after dinner my reaction is always to say no, I'll be right.

I guess I am thinking that if something like what happened to Providence can happen to a tall strong bloke, then what chance would a 5'3" girl have in the same situation? I have always thought that quick thinking can make up for relatively less strength, but perhaps I need to rethink that.


I have always thought that quick thinking can make up for relatively less strength, but perhaps I need to rethink that.
Thats true in a sense, the idea is think quick and then run like hell.


Johns-All-Day said:
A few days before Xmas two years ago, I had a few friends over on a Friday night for drinks and present swapping. At one stage in the night, I got a strange feeling that I should go check my bedroom (we were all sitting on the verandah downstairs, bar one girl who was alseep in my room).

Upon walking upstairs, I saw a strange man in my room, with a huge green garbage bag in one hand, and my CD collection in the other. Being drunk as hell and not thinking straight, I yelled out, "What the hell?!?" and this startled him and made him drop all my CDs.

He ran for my door, which led out onto a small balcony, and I ran after him, as he still had the green garbage bag full of stuff in his hands. I grabbed onto him as he was on the edge of the balcony, but he pushed me away and jumped off. I chased after him, but by this time my friends from downstairs had heard the noise and had come to check it out, and my boyfriend at the time pulled me away so that I stopped chasing the guy. He looked nasty and they feared he had a knife or worse.

Anyway, he ended up getting away with a tonne of our still wrapped Xmas presents, and my friends' wallets and mobile phones. We rang one of the mobile phones an hour later, and the thief's girlfriend stupidly answered and told us her life story. She then rang us back a bit later, from the mobile phone!

I went to the police station the next morning and reported the incident. The cop there told me that since only $400 worth of stuff was taken, they "basically didn't care". Never mind that it was important to us. I told the cop all about the mobile phone incident, and that he could trace the call and catch the guy. His reply? "For the sake of $400, we won't be requesting phone records".

I said that it was quite possible this guy could strike again, so why not catch him now as a measure of prevention, if for nothing else? "We deal with things that happen, we don't prevent them," he said. To shut me up, he allowed me to create an IdentiKit sketch for them to keep on file.

Two weeks later, guess what was on the front page of the local newspaper? My Identikit of the guy, accompanied by an article saying he was wanted for rape and attempted abduction. Gotta love the police ................... and no, this guy was never caught. The police still didn't care about the phone records, even when I rang them after seeing the front-page article. It's a sad world we live in when even the police don't want to help.

Amy that is awful, I didn even know that happened... You chased after him? Haha you are a fiesty one aren't you :D *remembers back to the fight you had with those idiot premier league roosters that were in our hotel room* lol

Sorry to hear about your bad experiences guys, hope your all ok. I've been very lucky, nothing bad happened to me. TOUCH WOOD.


legallyblonde said:
Amy that is awful, I didn even know that happened... You chased after him? Haha you are a fiesty one aren't you :D *remembers back to the fight you had with those idiot premier league roosters that were in our hotel room* lol

Haha how funny! I'd forgotten about that. I reckon you, Lisa and I could have taken them on and won easily LOL. ;-)


Johns-All-Day said:
legallyblonde said:
Amy that is awful, I didn even know that happened... You chased after him? Haha you are a fiesty one aren't you :D *remembers back to the fight you had with those idiot premier league roosters that were in our hotel room* lol

Haha how funny! I'd forgotten about that. I reckon you, Lisa and I could have taken them on and won easily LOL. ;-)

LMAO for sure amez, what it comes down to is they are only pussy roosters...no competition to us knights gals hehe.


The police aren't always that bad. A few years ago a mate and me were robbed. We delivered pizzas and were talking after the shop had closed out the front when 3 guys decided they wanted my mates money (they mustn't have seen mine). So as he was getting into his car, one bloke ran over and knocked him down from behind, so instinctively I started to go over to help, then I got hit from nowhere and it was all on. I came out the worst cos I put up a fight, whereas my mate got off with pretty much just the loss of money. Anyhow, by the next day, all 3 had been caught by the police and they were all charged... the cops were very helpful and honestly seemed like they wanted to catch them.... and as I said, did so very quickly.


Sadly this is the norm for the times we live in. Most of you know I'm a bit older than you guys, I can tell you I blame most of the attitude of todays youth straight on the table of our law makers, and the do gooders of society. When we have governments that are happy to let people inject illegal substances in their bodies in a place provided by the very people who supposedley uphold and maintain the laws of this country then I'm sorry but we are in big trouble. We have courts that are happy to put the Pauline Hansons of the world in jail, but get some young drugged up punk, who has just beaten the crap out of someone to feed his habit that he uses the state provided injection room for to satisfy his needs, in front of a court and we have a multitude of people coming up with excuses to let him off so he can go out and do it again, what sort of message is that? If by some miracle Providence or Parki had dished it out to their assailants, whats the betting Providence, and Mark would have been in deeper shit than the low lifes that were waiting in hiding for them. The wrong messages are being sent out to these thugs, they should be put in jail and made to realise that society wont tolerate that behaviour.


The police aren't always that bad.

Really depends on the area. The Logan police are so totally crap. They don't care about anything at all unless it's major. And then they wonder why Logan has such a high crime rate, especially with "minor" offences. They commit the offences because they know the police won't give a shit. But all it'll take is for a victim to fight back or not coperate and it can turn into a major offence.


First Grade

The police aren't always that bad.

Really depends on the area. The Logan police are so totally crap. They don't care about anything at all unless it's major. And then they wonder why Logan has such a high crime rate, especially with "minor" offences.

we have a police station here, with one police man, but when you ring the police you get putonto the police station here and they redirect you to katoomba police station. hen around 1 and half to 2 hours later you have a police man

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